Tag Archives: Child abuse

Don’t EVER call the Child Abuse Hotline!

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Throughout history, humans have severely abused children. We are evolving, ever so slowly, but there are still countries with cultures that have no empathy for their children. Here in the U.S., there are government officials and wealthy people who continue to prey upon our children in the worst ways. Royal families are still playing their annual games of hunting children in their basements, torturing them and killing them for fun. With all of our education regarding the psyche of children and our own personal experience being a child, you would think that we, as humans, would rise above such barbaric behavior. I expect that our Creator is truly upset with us and plans to eradicate us. From the looks of what has been unfolding and the plans the elite have for us, I believe our eradication is coming soon. Read this at your own risk, it is truly horrific.

Anuual Fatherless Day Rally June 16th

If you are anywhere near the California State Capitol City of Sacramento, show your support and help raise awareness to the most neglected social issues facing the human race – see below:


Our Family Torn and Terrorized by CPS (Part 6)

I finally completed Part 6 of our story including getting arrested for a possession of stolen property that was not stolen and more falsified hair follicle tests.

Part 7 should be much more exciting as I will explain what happened in Arizona and show how we “stole” our son back from CPS who never has legal custody of our children because they never had any SIGNED COURT ORDERS!


If I Said I Was Sorry Would I Be Forgiven?

If I dedicated my life to Christ and converted to an acceptable religion, would anyone’s views and opinions of me change? Would I then be “accepted”? I doubt it. You know why? Because I don’t need to do those things to be a good or better person. I am a good decent person who made some poor decisions because I MADE THOSE DECISIONS WITH MY HEART. I am trying to change that but it is hard. To become cold and heartless is not in my nature. To look out for only myself is very difficult. But if I promise to try, will I be given a reprieve? Can I pass go and collect the love from people who now despise me based on lies they were told about me? 951-295-6854 If anyone has anything to say to me please call, ask me anything you want. I am an open book. Oops, that is not a good way to “cover my butt” is it? I am thinking with my heart again.

Oh My FREAKING GOD!!!!! Evil SOCIAL WORKERS!!! This is total B.S.


Please Help Save Kendall

When you are finished watching this video, please visit: www.savekendall.com

Harassment by Cops and CPS Simply for Speaking Out and Posting Abuse of Power

Q & A: Can CPS take my kids if I give one dirty drug test?



According to this NO! But almost all county social service “child protection” agencies across the country and abroad DO REMOVE CHILDREN BASED ON ONE TEST ALONE. Is it LEGAL? The answer is NO IT IS NOT “LEGAL”. Nowhere in the California Welfare & Institutions Codes does it state that they have authority to take possession of a child based on ONE drug test. Often, CPS will remove your child simply for declining to cooperate, if it comes back “diluted” which only means that there was not enough creatiine in your urine so the test was aborted. So, if a person drinks the recommended 8-10  eight ounce glasses of water a day and goes to test before they have eaten and/or digested any portion of food then most likely the test will be considered a “dilute”. That will prompt CPS to suggest and ultimately state as a fact, that you used and purposely drank an exessive amount of water to “fool” the test. What a bunch of bullcrap that is, especially when you do not know these things before hand! I know, I experienced it.



Often social workers will use mouth swab preliminary drug test kits and they are told to use them as evidence to remove children. They KNOW that they can and will get away with it because they KNOW the parent’s lawyers will NOT object to their use nor will they challenge ANY DRUG TEST WHATSOEVER. 

In our second case, I declined to participate in their drug testing as they faked the results more often than not. Twice they tried to “prove” to me that they do not fake tests and came up with two negative hair follicle tests but it is so obvious how they cut-and-pasted the real test document onto their THIRD PARTY COHORT (CDT iNC.) LETTERHEAD like they do for the fake ones. Near the end of our first CPS case, I did not even show up at the collection site to give a hair sample and they still came up with a positive hair follicle test! You can tell how fake this test is by the fact that it does not claim to be positive for amphetamines. It is IMPOSSIBLE for hair to be positive for only methamphetamines because when you consume methamphetamines, it quickly converts to amphetamine metabolites as that is the main ingredient of methamphetamines. Can’t make meth without  ephedrine which is what? An amphetamine! Many clinical and case studies have been conducted on this issue and the research documentation available online. If the “lawyers” were actually on your side, they would contest, object and motion to dismiss based on the falsification of documents that CPS social workers commonly submit to the COURT. That, in and of itself, is a FELONY in California!

Both offering and preparing false evidence are obstruction of justice crimes in California. Penal Code 132 PC makes it a felony to knowingly present false written evidence in pretty much any kind of legal proceeding.1 Similarly, Penal Code 134 PC makes it a crime to prepare any false evidence with the intent to use it in a legal proceeding (even if, for whatever reason, the false evidence never actually gets presented in court).2


Offering or preparing false evidence under Penal Code 132 PC or Penal Code 134 PC is a California felony.4 This means that it is possible to be sentenced to as much as three (3) years in California state prison if you are convicted.5

California Penal Code Section 115 PC: Filing A False Document

1. Definition and Elements of the Crime

Filing a False Document under California Penal Code Section 115 PC makes it a felony to file any forged or false document with a public office.

The statute requires a prosecutor to prove the following elements:

  1. A defendant provided a document for filing, recording or registration with any public office in California
  2. The defendant knew that the document was false or a forgery when he or she filed it AND
  3. The document was one that, if genuine, could be legally filed.

The term “document” has been interpreted broadly by courts and prosecutors. The statute is most frequently used to prosecute the filing of false property deeds in connection with real estate fraud schemes. However, Filing a False Document charges can involve almost any document that can be legally filed in a public office, including bail bonds, probation work referrals, and even fishing records.

2. Examples

Looking to make some quick money, a man forges a copy of a property transfer deed indicating that he purchased a home from his mother and he is now the lawful owner. The man files this forged property deed with the county recorder’s office and then takes out substantial loans against the property. Not only is the man guilty of mortgage fraud, he would also be criminally liable for Filing a False or Forged Document and could be prosecuted for both offenses.

3. Related Offenses

Filing a False Document under Penal Code Section 115 PC is usually associated with other Theft Crimes andWhite Collar Crimes such as Real Estate Fraud and Mortgage Fraud. In fact, prosecutors may prefer to file charges under Penal Code 115 PC because it is a felony level offense that is easier to prove than some of the more complex fraud charges.

Related charges also include:

  1. Forgery – California Penal Code Section 470 PC
  2. Perjury – California Penal Code Section 118 PC
  3. Grand Theft – California Penal Code Section 487 PC

[Courtesy of http://www.losangelescriminallawyer.pro/california-penal-code-section-115-pc-filing-a-false-document.html]




I really wish I could help every single person that is experiencing the traumatic and horrific injustices of Child Protective Services. If I was physically capable of helping each and every one of you on a personal level I would, in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, I cannot do that. When I do attempt to help someone, their story practically immobilizes me as I know it brings out very real and very emotional memories of my experiences and loss. Please bear with me and keep calling or email me at: selfhelp_donnellyjustice@live.com.

My husband and I read every single heartbreaking story and feel your pain as if it were us. Every detailed story makes me cry, and more so mad at the monsters that go around acting like they are saving children. What a rouse the system is! I have very very strong negative opinions of those people for the following reasons:

  1. I despise social workers and their supervisors for all the extremely vulgar lies that come out of their mouths and/or write in their reports about good, decent parents;

  2.  I despise social workers and their supervisors for every cover-up of their deception;

  3. I despise social workers and their supervisors for every broken promise that they make;

  4. I despise social workers and their supervisors for separating children who are obviously bonded to their parents and siblings;

  5. I despise social workers and their supervisors for placing children with strangers who TRULY ABUSE AND NEGLECT THEM;

  6. I despise social workers and their supervisors for separating siblings;

  7. I despise social workers and their supervisors for not caring about the children or hearing their voices when they speak about NOT being abused and that they are happy and well cared for at home;

  8. I despise social workers and their supervisors for claiming that a child said things about their parent that they did not say;

  9. I despise social workers and their supervisors for threatening or coercing children into claiming that they had been abused;

  10. I despise social workers and their supervisors for performing invasive and very uncomfortable sexual assault examinations on children that they KNOW have not been subjected to any sexual abuse (until they themselves do that with the examination);

  11. I despise social workers and their supervisors for failing to assess family members for placement and/or for claiming to family members that they are not approved despite the assessment department sending them a letter stating that they had been approved;

  12. I despise social workers and their supervisors for administering psychotropic medication to children as young as 12 months old without consulting the parent;

  13. I despise social workers and their supervisors for denying parents knowledge of the administration of drugs and the right to make that medical decision;

  14. I despise social workers and their supervisors for denying the rights of the parents to make any medical decisions, denying their right to know their child’s medical condition


  16. I despise social workers and their supervisors for taking custody of children whose parents chose not to subject their child to extremely harmful chemotherapy and radiation for the treatment of cancer and chose a homeopathic approach;

  17. I despise social workers and their supervisors for taking illegal custody of children as a retaliation to good parents for speaking out and warning other parents of this gross injustice;

  18. I despise social workers and their supervisors for not reporting injuries of children in foster care;

  19. I despise social workers and their supervisors for not reporting deaths of children in foster care;

  20. I despise social workers and their supervisors for failing to investigate obvious abuse perpetrated upon children in foster care:

  21. I despise social workers and their supervisors for falsifying evidence and submitting such evidence to the court;

  22. I despise the court for always siding with CPS;

  23. I despise the court for never dismissing a petition due to lack of evidence;

  24.  I despise the court for sustaining every objection of county counsel and overruling any and all objections made by the parents or their counsel;

  25. I despise the court for failing to find CPS in contempt when they do not follow court “orders” but use any and all major or minor deviations of the Welfare & Institutions code by the parents against them;

  26. I despise the court for being so positively bias towards the County and so negatively against the parents;

  27. I despise the court for failing to question anything that the social workers report says or the evidence attached to it;

  28. I despise the court for adopting each recommendation of the Department as it makes its “Findings and Orders”, as they say, “I adopt the recommendations contained on page (blah blah blah) of the (blah blah blah) Report dated (blah blah blah)” rather than make his/her findings based on credible evidence and testimony;

  29. I despise the court for conducting “hearings” in an adversarial manner;

  30. I despise the “Defense Panel” attorneys for failing their clients in every way possible;

  31. I despise the court for failing to clearly state on the record the reasons for finding that the child(ren) come within Welfare & Institutions Code Section 300;

  32. I despise the court and the Defense Panel for failing to question the legitimacy of documents, the validity of the social worker’s testimony, and for failing to allow the parents or other family members to speak in court;

  33. I despise County Counsel for sleeping with the “Judge”;

  34. I despise the Director of Social Services for pushing the Supervisors to remove without offering the family any real services and for claiming that demanding a parent to drug test is considered a “service” and is allowed to be used as a Reasonable Effort to allow the children to remain at home;

  35. I despise the way that the county submits Minute Orders to the State of California for qualifying for AFSA and CAPTA despite the fact that the Minute Orders do not accurately reflect the conduct of the hearing;

  36. I despise the “Collaborative Partners” for either 1) Being completely ignorant to what the County is doing to children and families; or 2) Knowing what is going on and contributing to the destruction of the families;

  37. I despise the “headhunters” who are usually nurses or wannabe doctors who will see a situation that they can manipulate and turn into something bad against the parents and completely wrong and untrue, this bothers me so much I have hyperventilated from the stress of hearing the injustice;

  38. I despise the police officers that go to people’s homes and watch their rights be violated and watch children be removed from people that they can clearly see care properly for their children;

  39. I despise anyone who is aware of the injustices and does nothing.

And these are the reasons I can think of off the top of my head! There are many more reasons and they all have to do with specific cases.  I will be listening to someone’s story and they will tell me something that the social worker did or said and I will get all red in the face and just say, “Oh my god, I swear, I despise those people!”

Like I said, I wish I could help every person who visits our site and cries out for help. Reading the comments on ‘Families Destroyed, Tell Your Story” and on other posts literally debilitates me sometimes because I want to write objections for everyone, I want to write and  call social workers, supervisors and the Director himself/herself for each and every one of you but it is physically impossible for me to do so. My husband and I keep talking about funding. We are exploring our options and applying for whatever we can. I want to create an alternative to CPS. I want to have a legal staff, I want to provide seminars and workshops for parents currently in the system. I want to convince everyone who is unaware of what is happening to us that this shit needs to change. Its like when we learned (or maybe just led to believe, I’m not sure) in school about what happened in Germany to the Jews and even non-Jews and thought, “Oh my God, how could that have happened? Why did the people of Germany just sit by and let their government do that?” Well, why are WE, CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, letting this happen to our own families?????

This post, as all posts, is dedicated to our son, Donnelly Keaton Burns, our little baby boy who was stolen by CPS and their court cohorts (with the help of Leslie Ann Logan Burns Hoyle) for adoption incentive funding


When my husband and I rescued our son from the dangers of foster care bail was set at a half a million dollars and this lady kills a baby and gets only a hundred thousand dollar bail?

I changed the heading of this post. Originally I posted something I had to remove as I was very upset at the time I posted it. Then I posted a redaction. Now I am focusing this post on the news story below which is why I was upset to begin with. But the story below just goes to show why my husband and I rescued our son on May 23, 2011 after visiting him at the CPS office in Moreno Valley, CA and seeing a bruise on his face which he said that his “brother”, meaning the foster brother, hit him in the face. That rescue is the reason that the adoptive parents of him filed and were granted a restraining order against my husband and I. It is just not right to use protective actions against us as if they were criminal in nature. There is no reason to fear us unless they are abusing our son and I do not believe they are. Why would we rescue a child who is not being abused? Why would we upset the only life and family he knows because I am sure that he does not remember us at all. That upsets me very much that they do not remind him that he has a family that loves him more than anything. The loss of our son not only affects my husband and I, but his sisters’ lives, his brothers’ lives, his grandfather’s life, his aunts’ and uncles’ lives and his cousins’ lives. WE ALL miss him so much.

Here is the original post from the redaction heading:

I am upset and heartbroken but I am also very fearful of our corrupt government. In fact, I believe that the government is the best thing ever. The President is the most wonderful President that ever lived. Our local officials and police are just doing their job and are personally very nice people. They care about humanity and just try to keep law and order in our communities. The government takes such good care of us all and we should all be very thankful that we have such a wonderful government full of wonderful people who look out for us and especially our children. They take such good care of our children that they save parents from the indictments and prosecutions of killing their children by taking them away from us and putting them with strangers who eventually throw babies to the ground and kill them. So the foster parents are doing that nasty deed for the parents, isn’t that so kind of them?

I am being extremely sarcastic. Check out this story:








Riverside County is VERY GOOD at hiding the fact that they literally steal children from innocent parents. They make it LOOK LIKE they are doing the “right thing” but in reality, they are not playing by their own rules. The Welfare & Institutions Codes are violated in every case but they will hold the parents to codes that shouldn’t even apply to them. It is teamwork, not only is the County railroading parents and abusing children but the whole Court system is involved. County Counsel, the Defense Panel, the Clerk, and yes, THE “JUDGE” are all fully aware of the scheme against parents and the taking of their children all for FEDERAL FUNDING and their paychecks. It IS a conspiracy and I can give you more people involved as well, such as every contractor for services such as the psychologists and psychiatrists that perform the “psychological evaluations” that end up saying whatever CPS wants it to say, the drug counselors who fake, falsify and CHANGE DRUG TEST RESULTS! The regular doctors at hospitals such as Rady Children’s Hospital who literally “shop” for kids for CPS to take as well as Kaiser Hospital who allow CPS to enter into the maternity ward and just steal babies! I am not exaggerating, no I am not. They will use absolutely nothing against a parent and make it into something. Actually, anything can be construed to declare that a child comes withing W&I Code Section 300. A “preponderance” is merely an utterance from anyone regardless of how far removed the utterance was. Hearsay is only applied to parents when they have paid for their own drug tests that prove they are not using drugs but a hair sample can go to a reputable lab but come back from a third party on a piece of paper which is not from that lab nor has any indication that the results are actually the donor’s. Look here!



Read more about McMillan’s lawsuit here:


DonnellyJustice Research asks you to please take this survey if it applies to you or someone you know.

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Sample Letter To Social Services

If your children have been removed from your care and it has been several months since then, and you are experiencing delays on the part of the social worker(s) in providing you with services and or having the children returned to you even though you are diligently completing your case plan, I suggest you write a letter to the worker with a cc: to the supervisor AND the Director or Assistant Director.  Here is a good example if CPS has recently changed workers and causing a delay in what they are supposed to do. You can copy this letter and change it to fit your situation.  I have witnessed the effectiveness of these types of letters.  Always be sure to send a copy to your attorney as well as file it with the Court, especially using it as an attachment to a Declaration in the event you file a Contempt of Court against CPS.

Dear Suzy Social Worker:

I understand the Department’s goal is to protect my children while providing me and my family with the tools and services we need to overcome our difficulties. [Name of husband, wife, partner] and I have been dedicated to strengthening our family by engaging in all of the services that the Department is providing us. We are working diligently in completing the case plan because we firmly believe that it is in the best interests of our children and family.  We are dedicated to complying with whatever the Department deems necessary for the safe and timely return of our child(ren) to our home. As we can sympathize with the Department’s caseloads, this is no excuse for failing to diligently perform your duties and responsibilities. The Standards of Practice as well as the State’s Policy Manual clearly regulates the Department regarding the children’s permanency. {name of husband, wife, partner] and I are meeting our responsibilities without delay and we expect nothing less from the Department.  This letter is to notify you that the Department is failing our family with excessive delays in their service functions which is not meeting regulatory policies in regards to providing our children with permanency.

Over a month ago, I was told that we would be provided with overnight visits. I had spoken with our previous worker, [name], four times prior to the change in workers however, I was repeatedly told that our case was being transferred to you and that as soon as you reviewed the file that the Department would be providing the court ordered overnight visits.  I spoke with you a week after you received the file and you told me that you had not reviewed it yet.  I called again three times last week and was unable to speak with you personally so I left several messages.  To date, I have not received a return call. I find this unacceptable and unprofessional not to mention not in the best interests of our children, who ask me everyday I speak with them while in foster care, when they can stay the night.  Our children cry and exhibit signs of severe emotional distress.  This can be verified by the foster family.

This letter serves as an official request and demand that the Department adhere to the Court’s Order and provide my children the benefit of familial association before the emotional damages become worse, immediately. If the Department fails to respond to this request and demand within 48 hours of receipt of this letter, we shall have no other remedy than to proceed with a Contempt filing.


[Your Name]

cc:  [List of names of other recipients, i.e., worker’s supervisor, the Director and/or Assistant Director of DPSS (or ACS/ACFS/DCFS, etc.), your attorney, other parent’s attorney, minor’s counsel






What Happens If You Do Not Answer The Door For CPS?

What Happens If You Do Not Answer The Door For CPS?.

via What Happens If You Do Not Answer The Door For CPS?.

Why Doesn’t The FBI DO Anything?

As many of our regular viewers may know, I often check out the search terms in which people have used to stumble upon our blog. Some questions really upset me because it shows that CPS abuse is in full force and effect. Corruption is ramped. False allegations are on the riste. “Judges” continue to side with CPS regardless of available witnesses and evidence presented by the parents. A lot of people are asking about getting the FBI involved. Well, here is my experience about that.

I cannot give a difinitive answer to why the FBI does not investigate Child Protective Services. However, several years ago, now deceased I believe, former Special Agent in Charge of the Los Angeles Field Office, Ted Gunnerson did investigate. Most of the report contained his own testimony as to what he personally witnessed. There are many videos from Mr. Gunnerson on YouTube. You can learn about many operations and investigations involving not only children but many major events and their respective cover-ups. Here is a link to a series of 8 videos


There must be at least a few FBI agents who have surely seen Gunnerson’s videos and read his reports. However, Gunnerson is officially labeled “emotionally disturbed”. This gives you an idea that the FBI completely ignores the kidnapping of our children by CPS. They refuse to get involved in the outrageous injustices bestowed upon families being railroaded by Child Protective Services. They use the excuse that “a Court of competent jurisdiction provided parents due process but subsequently made findings of parental unfitness therefore, CPS and the courts followed the law.”. 

We tried to get the FBI involved in our case as well as one other case of a woman we know. In each case, the agents listened and seemed to be concerned. However, there was no follow-up despite several calls back to them.  

Here is what happened in our case:

After four years of dealing with CPS, my husband and I had enough. Enough of their manipulative, lying asses. It was blatantly obvious that their plan was to keep and adopt out our precious son. The Court thought they directed physical custody of the children to stay with my father and they did for a few days. After that, he let us take them home every night and for the weekends. We suggested that if anything were to happen that he could blame us so he would feel more comfortable about not getting into any trouble. After what happened to us during our first case, my father was well aware of the manipulative and shady practices of social workers yet this time, my Mom was not around to help him manage the chaos and frustration that having these people in our lives creates. At our first hearing of our second case, the Hearing Officer returned the children to my husband. At the second hearing they were “removed” again. My husband was asked about where the children were and he said that they were with their grandfather. That was true, my kids and I were with my Dad while my husband was at the hearing but we weren’t living there. The Hearing Officer simply stated that the kids were placed with my father but you know what? NO ONE EVER CALLED TO TELL MY FATHER THAT THE COURT “ORDERED” THE CHILDREN PLACED WITH HIM.  NO ONE CHECKED TO MAKE SURE THAT THE CHILDREN WERE SAFE. NOT EVEN A PHONE CALL FOR ALMOST TWO MONTHS! One social worker came by a few days before the third hearing but other than that, there was no way for him to even know he had placement of the children if we had not told him!

After several months of the same run-round of lies and manipulation we went through the first time, and after receiving threatening and blackmail-like voicemails from my husband’s ex-wife, we up and moved to Arizona. We already had the children with express permission from my father although we all did have a falling out right about then too. But we took off anyway, and were warmly welcomed by our friends. One whose grandchildren had been needlessly removed from her house a long time ago. The other turned out not to be our “friend” after all. Also, there was a lady they were letting live there for free because they felt sorry for her. Well, she ended up getting annoyed that we were all taking up so much room and Donnelly was making noise or something, so she ended up calling CPS to let them know we were there. She also claimed that the granddaughter had “inappropriate photos” on her phone.

When CPS came to the door, our “friend” was only interested in saving his own ass and traded us for it.  As soon as we were aware that CPS was at the door, we had grabbed the kids and went out the back door.  Luckily our “friend”s” car was parked in the backyard so we grabbed the keys and took off down the alley. We left without a carseat, shoes, money, our vehicle,  and my husband’s trade tools (for earning money to support us) so he went back to retrieve some of those things. He took too long so I began to worry and I went back into the neighborhood. I had no idea that the cops were lurking about waiting for us to come back. When I was spotted and realized it, I took off and tried to play like I was a neighborhood resident, pulling into an empty driveway and turning off the engine. I didn’t realize that there was a helicopter hovering above. Needless to say, the cops turned the corner and knew exactly where we were.. One cop ran up to the car and went to the passenger side where my 17 year old daughter was. He was asking who she was and if she was ok. He was also asking about my son. I toyed with the idea of turning on the car, shoving it into reverse and running from them. Then I started the engine and began to put the car in reverse. Before I knew it another officer had my door open and I was told to put the car in park with a gun pointed to my head. I obeyed his command and then I was dragged out of the car, the gun still to my head, his hands nearly choking me, my arms and hands were restrained and I was in the back of a cop car within seconds. They even removed my earrings, necklace and rings and had them bagged up. 



While I was in the back of the cop car, an officer put a phone to my ear and I was told that my husband was on the other end and that I needed to talk him into turning himself in or else he might get seriously hurt. He was inside our friend’s house and the phone he was using was our friend’s phone. He was apparently collaborating and cooperating with the police. I talked to my husband and while he was distracted talking to me on the phone, the cops rushed into that house and tackled him. They brought him down the street to where I was sitting in the cop car and my children sitting on the curb. Then the Arizona social worker, Monique Vazquez arrived. She saw us both in custody and LAUGHED! But an officer began talking to me while I was in the cop car and I tried explaining the situation to her. That is when she asked me if I was the biological mother of the children and I said, “Yes, of course I am, who did you think we were?” She excused herself and went and spoke to the officer in charge. I could hear the anger in his voice when he approached Vazquez and asked her if we were the biological parents. She admitted that we were. Then he demanded to see a court order and she couldn’t provide one. The lead officer then spoke with two other officers who quickly released my husband and I from the back of the cop car, apologizing, I don’t know how many times. We were told that we still had rights to our children but they didn’t say anything else. I wish we would have attempted to pick up our son and refuse to allow him to be taken. I wish I could go back in time and see what would happen if we did that. Instead, we felt intimidated. Extremely intimidated due to what we had just been put through. My daughter however, was refusing to go with them. She even asked the police if she had to go, she said, “What are you going to do? Pick me up and force me into that car? I don’t think so, you can’t t TOUCH me!” The police did not say anything. But Donnelly was already in the CPS car by then and we asked her to go so Donnelly wouldn’t be alone. The whole way to the CPS office, she was texting me, telling me every corner they turned, every street they drove. I think that may be the reason why they separated her from Donnelly. They stuck Kayla in a group home and Donnelly went to a foster home. I replied to her text which told me so and asked her to make sure that she be given a contact phone number for Donnelly. 

After the night with the cops and the taking of our children, my husband was on the phone, calling everyone who could possibly do anything to assist us. The FBI was the second call, the first was to CPS in California. My husband called the local Arizona field office, then Los Angeles. Both agents whom my husband spoke with seemed genuinely concerned but we didn’t receive any further response. My husband called back several times with no return phone call. He also went down the to local police station and complained about how we were treated the night before and demanded that they do something. They pretty much had to kick him out of the station because he refused to leave until they gave him some answers.

By the second day, Kayla had the phone number and had spoken with Donnelly. Within 2 hours I had 4 addresses of Donnelly’s possible location. I sent my husband and friend to go find him. Meanwhile, Kaya was begging for me to pick her up because the group home was full of rough and rowdy girls who threatened to “initiate” her by replacing her shampoo with Nair. That is a very traumatic threat for a teenage girl. I told Kayla to figure out a way to get out of the house, which was like escaping from a prison for her, and to wait at the CVS that was a few blocks away. I sent someone to pick her up. Kayla was with us the rest of the time, CPS wasn’t even looking for her. They never even called us to let us know that she was “missing” from the group home! 

Kayla told us that she was told that Calfiornia CPS was scheduled to pick her up in a few hours. I had to call off my husband from looking for Donnelly as Kayla believed that California already had him.  

 A few weeks later, after having visited Donnelly three weeks in a row, driving back to California every week, we couldn’t bear the pain that was evident on our son’s face and in his voice begging to leave with us. We made several more phone calls the the FBI, with no return call, after observing a bruise on Donnelly’s face. Donnelly explained to us that his “brother” (foster) hit him. We made a resolution to rescue Donnelly ourselves if authorities were not going to help us. 

We then planned and executed a rescue mission which was quite successful. However, our actions landed us on a Most Wanted list, the subjects of an Amber Alert and made several local and national news reports, TV, radio and print. Eventually we were apprehended in Flagstaff, Arizona after a family trip to the Grand Canyon. Charged with kidnapping and child stealing, we were extradited to California. My husband’s bail was set at $500,000, mine at $80,000. 






Our Rescue Mission
In the RV in Arizona just after crossing the border safely.

We wholeheartedly believed we were in the right to rescue our son. According to Welfare & Institutions Code Section 248.5, the Court must sign all Orders. In our case, and many other cases I know of, the Juvenile Dependency Court in Riverside, California, Southwest Courthouse, DID NOT SIGN ANY ORDERS GRANTING THE COUNTY CUSTODY OF THE CHILDREN.  Anyone who has ever been to Family Court and custody orders were granted denying one parent physical custody and restricting them to supervised visitation only, will be able to relate the situation as follows:

You go to court for custody. The other parent has acted inappropriately with your child and the Judge issues an Order restricting or removing physical custody of the child from that parent, giving them supervised visitation only. (SAME THING JUVENILE DEPENDENCY COURT WANTS YOU TO BELIEVE THEY ARE DOING). But one day, the other parent picks the child up from school and simply takes the child to their house. You go to pick your child up from school and learn that the other parent already picked up the child. You call the parent and they tell you they are at home with the child. You ask for the child back, they say no. So you call the police and they meet you at the home. Before they do anything, they want to see a SIGNED AND VALID COURT ORDER. But you do not have it with you. They say, well, go to the Court and get a copy. You say, “Okay.” and proceed to the courthouse. You wait in line, you pay the copy fee and take the copy to the police station. They take a look at it and say, “Well, let’s go get your child.” You arrive at the other parent’s home and the police assist you with the safe return of your child. The other parent does not even get arrested in most cases, unless the child has been hurt or if the police were threatened in any way during the confrontation. 

First of all, WE DID NOTHING TO OUR CHILD. HE WAS PROPERLY LOVED AND CARED FOR. HE WAS OUR LOVE CHILD, WE CHERISHED DONNELLY. WE STILL CHERISH DONNELLY AND WOULD NEVER EVER HURT OR NEGLECT HIM NO MATTER WHAT. Well, if no custody orders are ever signed by a Judge in a Juvenile Dependency issue, why the hell does the police assist them in removing children from parents? We could have and would have beat our criminal charges after rescuing Donnelly however, it would have taken some time, a year or more. Meanwhile, the Juvenile Dependency case would have proceeded with or without us. With us in custody, we had no chance and with the amount of the bail, we were stuck in jail. So, we had to make a choice and that was to take a plea bargain in order to be released prior to our parental rights being terminated. We plead guilty to “child stealing” and were sentenced to a year in county jail. We were given credit for time served and calculating good time credits, we were given a release date that would keep us in custody until November 22, 2011 which was before the next Dependency hearing was set. 

But good old CPS, always thinking of the child, placed Donnelly in a pre-adoptive home and a glowing report was prepared to make it appear that it was a far better home than my husband and I could possibly provide. They used Kayla’s “AWOL” event and continued absence from contacting CPS, our criminal record, along with many other exaggerated circumstances and plain old lies against us. We got into some more trouble right before the hearing and that completely ruined all of our chances to get Donnelly back. 


Confidential Report About Fatalities In LA County

Click on the picture to read the report. NOTE** ON THE FIRST PAGE, SECOND PARAGRAPH OF THIS DOCUMENT IT STATES, “This fact-based analysis presents a unique opportunity to examine the need and possibly for wholesale changes in the way DCFS and the County of Los Angeles carry out the charge of providing services for families and children in crisis. Accordingly, in addition to identifying the RSI (Reoccurring Systemic Issues), this report suggests opportunities for improvement that, if capitalized upon effectively, can lead to positive changes and outcomes for the children and families DCFS serves.” ITS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY! 



Support US!

We are trying to raise money to help families. A few of my goals are:

1.  Print and distribute information to parents caught in the judicial system as well as valuable information about Child Protective Services.

2.  Coordinate and conduct workshops for parents to learn everything about the California Juvenile Dependency Court.

3.  Outline a protocol of the workshop for others in other States to conduct workshops in their area.

4.  Record the workshops on video and make them available on YouTube.

5.  Complete writing a Bill, and submit it to our legislators, that would change the requirements for proof of neglect, evidence of hearings that are conducted according to Law, the hiring and administration of Hearing Officers and attorneys so they are not paid for by the County, to provide for “secret shoppers” who are allowed in any courtroom at any time to audit the hearings and that would provide for the auditing of every single case file terminating parental rights that includes interviewing the parents and every audit’s findings can be submitted to the Appellate Courts for review and determination of whether or not the parent’s rights be restored.

I have created an account with Ebay where I am selling random stuff. Every penny profit will go towards achieving these goals. Please support our cause simply by purchasing everyday items. I am working on another blog (it is updated daily) which highlight some of these items for sale. Once you are directed to my Ebay site, at the bottom you will see boxes which showcase all the items I have for sale. (I purchase these items from the clearance racks and re-sell them for a lot less than retail price.) Here is the link to my blog: http://radomestuff4sale.wordpress.com/

Your Tax Dollars Paying To Protect DPSS Workers

$700,000 per year. This is what Riverside County has been granted for UN-ARMED guards to “protect” the people who CARE SO MUCH ABOUT CHILDREN! WHY ON EARTH WOULD THEY NEED PROTECTION? THESE OFFICES DO NOT HAVE ANY CASH OR VALUABLES ON HAND, WHY WOULD PEOPLE THREATEN TO HARM AND CAUSE “ALTERCATIONS” IF CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICE WORKERS ARE NICE, CARING HUMAN BEINGS WHO JUST HELP PEOPLE IN NEED? Maybe CPS social workers, supervisors and the Director, are not really very nice or care one bit about the children!

Check out the Submittal to the Board of Supervisors who approved the funding:


Ha ha ha ha Temecula doesn’t get any guards!!!!!  

Legal Advice (That I Don’t Need A Law Degree to Give You)

I hope to keep this list ongoing. If anyone would like to contribute to this list, please comment.

Here are some things I learned about the way Child Protective Service Social Workers and the agency as a whole, operates:

1.  Be aware that if any social worker calls you to tell you that they are closing their investigation and you need to bring the child(ren) down to their office to sign some papers THIS IS A TRICK! THEY INTEND TO KIDNAP YOUR CHILD. They do not need a “signature” to close out anything!

2.  Often, social workers will try to bluff you claiming that your drug test results were positive just to get you to fess up on yourself. Do not fall for this trick.

3.  Social workers are “collaborative partners” with ALL OF THEIR CONTRACTED SERVICE PROVIDERS. Never trust any employee or doctor that CPS has paid to provide you “services”. Those “confidentiality” laws mean nothing when it comes to providing CPS with any and all information about you. They only use these laws against you. You have a right to all the information in your file regardless of where it is.

4.  NEVER ADMIT TO THINGS YOU DIDN’T DO. This is where I messed up. I was constantly pressured to “take responsibility for my actions” during our first case. I was threatened to have my children removed if I didn’t say  that I had a drug problem. I wish I would have stood my ground and hired an expert witness to testify as to the legitimacy of those drug test documents. 

5.  Never give the Hearing Officer a dirty look. 

6.  Never ever believe a social worker. If they say that they are recommending that the case be closed, maybe the paperwork says that but that doesn’t mean that is what they are really telling the Hearing Officer to do. This is just so you don’t give them a hard time when dealing with you for another six months. 

7.  Always ask the Hearing Officer in court for a copy of the Minute Orders. That way you don’t have to pay for it at the clerk’s office or go through the hassle trying to get one. They can print it out right there in the courtroom and hand it to you. When you get home, make a copy and send it to your lawyer because they are never seem to have a copy of it. 

8.  If the Hearing Officer orders CPS to do something for you and they do not do it, warn the social worker and their supervisor that you know you can file a document for them to be found in contempt. Give them a deadline of not more than 5 business days to comply with the Minute Order and follow up with a confirmation letter. Send this letter to the social worker, adding a “cc” to their supervisor and the agency Director.

9.  Child protection workers are like cops. You have the right to remain silent because if you share your strengths and weaknesses with them they will use it against you to kidnap your children. – Pure Mad Angel

10.  After you are threatened with the possibility of never having your children returned and coerced into cooperating with CPS’s “services”, act like you are “benefitting” from them. Pour the sugar on thick and tell them how much you are learning and how grateful you are. Patronize them but don’t make it seem too fake. Be polite and nice to the worker and never argue or yell at them.

11.  Prior to every hearing you will receive a copy of the social worker’s report which is submitted to the court. Be firm when it comes to their lies and manipulations. Make sure you write a rebuttal and file it with the court. Make sure that you use the words “I object to..” and “the social worker’s statement is false”.  There are different rules in every state as well as the county regarding the deadline to file a response. If you fail to meet this deadline, your statement will not be a part of the official record. Check with the clerk and ask what the deadline for filing this rebuttal (written in the form of a Declaration) with the court and serving it upon all other parties. Do not count on your attorney to serve the other attorneys, have someone 18 years old or older mail it to CPS’s attorney, (County Counsel), the other parent’s attorney and the child(ren)’s attorney (Minors Counsel). You should find these names and addresses in the first few pages of the report that you are rebutting. In essence, failing to object to the lies makes them sort of true as far as the record goes therefore, any appeal based on perjury will be denied.  

The following was inspired by a document available on another site,  http://nfpcar.org/References/DOnDont.htm

12. Never invite a social worker or law enforcement into your home. This is if you do not have a current open CPS case. Unfortunately, if you refuse to let social workers in when they do their home visit it will have a very negative effect on your case and could result in the removal of your children. However, if the children are not currently placed in your home, they have no reason to be there unless it is to assess your home for the return of your children. 

International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

Convened as a lawfully recognized Tribunal of Conscience in Brussels in the fall of 2012, and issuing its final verdict on February 25, 2013, the Common Law Court named and indicted thirty defendants for perpetrating or concealing Genocide in Canada against indigenous people. These defendants included then-Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, former Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Elizabeth Windsor “Queen of England”, and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

After an exhaustive presentation of the evidence of crimes by church and state in Canada, and a refusal by the defendants to respond or refute the evidence, all of the defendants were found guilty of criminal conspiracy and Genocide, and were sentenced in absentia to 25 years in prison and the forfeit of all the wealth and property of their estates and institutions. Citizen arrest warrants were issued, and on August 4, 2013, the Vatican and Crown of England were declared to be transnational criminal bodies under international law, and were lawfully disestablished.

Please watch this video and visit: http://www.itccs.org for more information.

This is the true Child Protective Services.

Testimony CPS will not want you to see. CPS doesn’t have your childs best interest. Only you do.

List of Children who have been abused to death in Child Protection Services Care

Here’s a short list of just 291 children that have lost their lives while in CPS “hands”.  

Make Their Deaths Mean Something!


Tiffany Lewandowski Waubay, SD Jan 17, 2005 house fire
Travis Lewandowski Waubay, SD Jan. 17, 2005 house fire
Joslyn Bullbear Waubay, SD Jan. 17, 2005 house fire
Daniel Flynn Waubay, SD Jan. 17, 2005 house fire
Joshua Sharp, 15 months old Las Vegas, NV Aug 17, 2006 unknown
Isaac Lethbridge, 2 years old Detroit, MI Aug 17, 2006 struck by blunt object
Marcus Fiesel, 4 years old Aug 2006 Lewis Township, OH left for 2 days to die locked in closet then incinerated by foster parent
Genesis Acosta-Garcia, Las Vegas Nevada, three months old, November 19, 2005, septic shock
Travis C Adams, Salem Oregon, August 8 2000, December 16 2002, wandered into creek
Kayla Y Allen, Richlands North Carolina, November 10 1995 – August 24 2003, poison
Martin Lee Anderson, Panama City Florida, fourteen years old, January 6 2006, beating/suffocation
Richard L (Ricky) Aragon, Albuquerque New Mexico, January 24 1991 – April 12 1993, battered
Shirley Arciszewski, Charlotte North Carolina, April 19 1992 – September 11 2004, restraint
Miguel Humberto Arias-Baca, Westminster Colorado, two years old, February 2 1999, battered
Angellika Arndt, Minneapolis Minnesota, seven years old, May 26 2006, restraint
Ian August, Sevier Desert Utah, June 21 1988 – July 13, 2002, exhaustion
Denzel Bailey, Los Angeles California, eleven months old, April 2001, malnutrition
Jeffrey Baldwin, Toronto Ontario, December 20 1996 – November 30 2002, malnutrition/pneumonia
Casey Paul Barrow, West Valley Utah, eighteen months old, October 22 2003, battered
Anthony Bars, Indiana, four years old, January 20 2004, starvation, battered
Nadine Catherine Beaulieu, Dauphin Manitoba, twenty three months old, February 1996, battered
Teddy Bellingham, Smiths Falls Ontario, sixteen years old, August 1992, beaten
Jerome Bennett, Oshawa Ontario, fifteen years old, February 3 2006, homicide
Maria Bennett, Lancaster Ohio, two years old, October 23, 2002, battered
Modesto Blanco, Lubbock Texas, twenty two months old, March 2 2002, battered
Christian Blewitt, ne Osik, Halesowen England, three years old, December 2002, poison/battered
Deondre Bondieumaitre, Florida, sixteen months old, April 16 2003, battered
Timothy Boss, Remsen Iowa, ten years old, February 23 2000, battered
Alex Boucher, New Port Richey Florida, January 25 1997 – September 25 2000, asphyxiation
Ashley Boyd, LaFayette Georgia, twelve years old, December 13 2005, hit by car / suicide
Kerry Brooks, Los Angeles California, nine years old, February 10 2001, suicide
Talitha Brooks, Colorado, one year old, July 1998, heatstroke
Amira Brown, Reading Pennsylvania, twelve years old, September 4 2005, battered / restraint
Diminiqua Bryant, Dothan Alabama, two years old, May 1999, battered
Scott Buckle, Swansea Wales, twelve years old, February 6 2005, hanging
Latasha Bush, Manvel Texas, January 2 1987 – February 28 2002, restraint
Michael Buxton, Miami Oklahoma, five years old, July 5 1998, battered
Eduardo Calzada, Bakersfield California, three months old, March 2004, battered
Chris Campbell, Toledo Iowa, thirteen years old, November 2, 1997, restraint
Gladys Campbell, Philadelphia/New Jersey, two years old, ca 1988
Edith Campos, Tucson Arizona, fifteen years old, February 4 1998, restraint
Brianna Canales, Harrisburg Pennsylvania, four years old, April 24 2006, dozen Zoloft pills
Latasha Cannon, Boston Massachusetts, seventeen years old, April 2001, slashed throat
Mario Cano, Chula Vista California, sixteen years old, April 27 1984, untreated blood clot
Joshua K Causey, Detroit Michigan, March 21 1998 – March 18 2003, battered
Jaime Ceballos, Salinas California, two years old, November 27 2005, infection and bleeding
baby boy Charles, Las Vegas Nevada, seven months old, August 4 2006, head injury
Sherry Charlie, British Columbia, nineteen months old, September 4 2002, battered
Sarah Angelina Chavez, Alhambra California, two years old, October 11 2005, battered
Felix Chen, Bloomington Indiana, August 27 1997 – April 1 2004, treatment withheld
Sky Colon Cherevez, Paterson New Jersey, three months old, August 6 1998, battered
Tiffany H Clair, Fort Worth Texas, September 6 1985 – May 4 2001, heroin
Brian Clark, New Jersey, three years old, January 2002, untreated pneumonia
Angelic Clary, Bakersfield California, three months old, September 14 2003
Roshelle Clayborn, San Antonio Texas, sixteen years old, August 18 1997, restraint
Casey Collier, Westminster Colorado, seventeen years old, December 21 1993, restraint
Desiree Collins, Los Angeles California, fourteen years old, February 10 2002, gunshot
Nicholas Contreras, Queen Creek Arizona, January 15 1982 – March 2 1998, untreated infection
Adrianna Cram, Veracruz Mexico (US supervision), August 25 2000 – June 13 2005
Christopher Henry Cryderman, Springfield Missouri, July 27 2004 – November 22 2004, untreated infection
Dirk D Dalton, Clarkston Washington, June 7 1989 – May 1 1994, battered
Arieale Daniels, Naples Florida, fifteen years old, 1999, car crash
Tajuana Davidson, Phoenix Arizona, three years old, November 3 1993, battered
China Marie Davis, Phoenix Arizona, March 23 1991 – October 31 1993, battered
Sabrina Elizabeth Day, Charlotte North Carolina, July 4 1984 – February 10 2000, restraint
Tyler Joseph DeLeon, Stevens County Washington, January 13 1998 – January 13 2005, dehydration
Kameron Justin Demery, Long Beach California, two years old, October 14 1996, battered
Connre Dixon, Ridgefield Township Onio eleven years old, October 18 2004, stabbing
Mark Draheim, Orefield Pennsylvania, October 10 1984 – December 11 1998, restraint
Charmaria Drake, Cleveland Ohio, twenty months old, March 13 2003, battered
Stephanie Duffield, Manvel Texas, July 14 1984 – February 11 2001, restraint
Willie Lawrence Durden III, Citrus County Florida, seventeen years old, October 2005, unknown/died in cell
Brian Edgar, Overland Park Kansas, nine years old, December 30 2002, asphyxiation
William Edgar, Peterborough Ontario, thirteen years old, March 1999, restraint
Tiffany Eilders, Rancho Cucamonga California, fourteen weeks old, December 7 2005, battered
Kayla Erlandson, King County Washington, two years old, April 1991, battered
Luke Evans, Lowell Indiana, sixteen months old, November 30 2001, malnutrition/battered
Roberta (Berta) Evers, Bayfield Colorado, six years old, June 13 1998, restraint
Sara Eyerman, California, twenty months old, ca 1986, untreated pneumonia
Sean Isaac Faith, Eagle Idaho, three years old, May 13 2006, drowning
Miranda Finn, Lake Butler Florida, nine years old, January 25 2006, traffic accident
Laura Fleming, Palmdale California, October 11 2004 – November 21 2004, cause unknown
Sarah Jane Forrester, Woodlawn Maryland, October 30 1985 – found May 13 1999, battered and stabbed
Rita Foster, Pasadena California, four years old, June 29 2006, run over by bus
Kameryn Fountain, Bibb County Georgia, two months old, November 20 2005, unknown cause
Henry Gallop, Boston Massachusetts, two years old, 1987, poison
Alexander Ganadonegro, Albuquerque New Mexico, March 10 1998 – February 4 1999, battered
Christening (Mikie) Garcia, Ingram Texas, twelve years old, December 4 2005, restraint
Camron P Gardner, Waupun Wisconsin, three years old, May 5 2006, battered
Dylan James George, Fremont California, April 16 2002 – October 4 2004, battered
Corese Goldman, Chicago Illinois, two years old, 1995, drowning
Mollie Gonzales, Jefferson County Colorado, ten years old, November 18 2002, drug overdose
Julio Gonzalez, Glendale California, May 10 1995 – December 29 1996, battered
Elizabeth (Lizzy) Goodwin, Coeur d’Alene Idaho, March 22 1996 – October 22 2002, drowning
Anthony Green, Brownwood Texas, fifteen years old, May 12 1991, restraint
Sabrina Green, New York City, nine years old, November 8 1997, burned and battered
Lamar D Greene, Jacksonville Florida, sixteen years old, 2001, car crash
Corey Greer, Treasure Island Florida, four months old, ca 1985, dehydration
Gage Guillen, Boston Massachusetts, three years old, 1995, strangulation
Darvell Gulley, Lincoln Nebraska, thirteen years old, April 27 2002, restraint
Savannah Brianna Marie Hall, Prince George British Columbia, September 9 1997 – January 21 2001, malnutrition/restraint
Latiana Hamilton, Jacksonville Florida, seventeen months old, July 18 2001, drowning
Mykeeda Hampton, District of Columbia, two years old, August 1997, battered
Kelly M Hancock, Malden Massachusetts, November 6 1985 – July 18 2000, stabbed
Laura Hanson, West Palm Beach Florida, May 17 1981 – November 19 1998, restraint
Jerrell Hardiman, La Porte Indiana, four years old, October ca 1993, exposure
Alex Harris, Minden Louisiana, twelve years old, September 2005, forced running
Diane Harris, Seguin Texas, seventeen years old, April 11 1990, restraint
Jessica Albina Hagmann, Prince William County Virginia, two years old, August 11 2003, smothered
Letia Harrison, Akron Ohio, October 23 1999 – September 19 2002, baked in attic
Jordan Heikamp, Toronto Ontario, May 19 1997 – June 23 1997, starvation
Eric Hernandez, Cedar Hill Texas, January 6 1999 – March 7 1999, suffocation
Zachary Higier, né Nikita Khoryakov Braintree Massachusetts, May 24 2000 – August 15 2002, battered
Dwight Hill, Tucson Arizona, four months old, November 16 2005, battered
Nina Victoria Hilt née Vika Bazhenova, Manassas Virginia, thirty three months old, July 2 2005, battered
Steven A Hoffa, Des Moines Iowa, February 4 1993 – May18 1996, battered
Richard (Ricky) Holland, Williamston Michigan, September 8 1997 – July 2005, battered
Michael Anthony Hughes, Choctaw Oklahoma, March 21 1988 – September 12 1994, kidnap/missing
Jarod (Jerry) Hulsey, Mesa Arizona, ten years old, April 3 2006, battered
Joseph (Joey) Huot, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, two years old, January 27 1988, battered
Dion Jack, Sproat Lake British Columbia, six years old, March 1 2006, untreated seizure
Walter Jackson, Chicago Illinois, ten months old, August 9 2005, battered
Dominic James, Springfield Missouri, June 4 2000 – August 21 2002, battered
Billie-Jo Jenkins, Hastings East Sussex England, thirteen years old, February 1997, battered
Demetrius Jeffries, Crockett Texas, seventeen years old, August 26 1997, strangulation
Dontel Jeffers, Boston Massachusetts, four years old, March 6 2005, battered
Ciara S Jobes, Baltimore Maryland, August 17 1987 – December 11 2002, starvation/beating
Stephanie Jobin, Brampton Ontario, thirteen years old, June 21 1998, restraint
Aaron Johnson, Boston Massachusetts, fifteen months old, 1987, poison
Anthony Johnson, Marshall Texas, four years old, July 11 2005, drowning
Elijah James Johnson, Los Angeles California, three years old, May 10 1999, scalded
Lorenzo Johnson, Queen Creek Arizona, 17 years old – June 27, 1994, drowned during escape
Quartrina K (Snappy) Johnson, Pikesville Maryland, December 25 1988 – July 20 2004, beaten and choked
Xolani Nkosi Johnson, Capetown South Africa, twelve years old, June 2 2001, AIDS
Christal Jones, New York City (Vermont ward), May 24 1984 – January 3 2001, suffocation
David L Jones, Chicago Illinois, April 15 1992 – March 7 1998, battered
Xavier Jones, East Orange New Jersey, twenty one months old, June 7 2006, methadone poisoning
Dennis Jurgens né Jerry Sherwood, White Bear Lake Minnesota, three years old, April 11 1965, battered
Marissa (Shorty) Karp, Pompano Beach Florida, December 6 1985 – August 19 2002, gunshot
David Ryan Keeley, New Haven Connecticut, six years old, August 12 1998, battered
Ashley Keen, Lake Butler Florida, thirteen years old, January 25 2006, traffic accident
Cassandra Killpack, Springville Utah, November 29 1997 – June 9 2002, water therapy
Ahmad King né Rawls, Alma Georgia, three years old, January 24 2006, homicide
Heather Michell Kish, Berlin Township Michigan, September 15 1987 -found October 6 2002, murdered
Noah Knapp, Marysville Washington, six years old, May 30 2005, automobile collision
Alissa Kneen, Newport Minnesota, five years old, September 7 2001, house fire
Cordell Kneen, Newport Minnesota, twenty months old, September 7 2001, house fire
Zaire Knott, Newark New Jersey, September 16 2005 – October 20 2005, cause unknown
Anatoli Kolenda, Westfield Massachusetts, May 20 1991 – October 20 2002, stabbing
Yana Kolenda, Westfield Massachusetts, December 31 1990 – October 20 2002, stabbing
Anthony Lamb, Lake Butler Florida, twenty months old, January 25 2006, traffic accident
Keisha Shardae Lane, Hagerstown Maryland, fifteen years old, August 17 2005, gunshot
Shawn Lawrence né Andy Mohler, Shelton Washington, ten years old, October 9 1999, drowning
Brittany Legler, Millcreek Pennsylvania, fifteen years old, May 9 2004, battered
Trenton Jared Lewis, Canyon County Idaho, three years old, July 8 2006, drowning
Jacob Lindorff, Franklin Township New Jersey, five years old, December 14 2001, battered
Christian Liz, New York City, three weeks old, November 29 2004, suffocation
James Lonnee, Guelph/Hamilton Ontario, sixteen years old, September 7 1996, beaten by cellmate
Gregory Love, Florida, twenty three months old, April 2005, head injury
Nikki Lutke, Cheyenne Wyoming, five years old, August 28 2003, drowning
Zachary James Lyons, Winston-Salem North Carolina, January 24 1992 – October 8 1996, battered
Shaquella Mance, Belton South Carolina, seven months old, March 27 2005, battered
Elizabeth Mann, Lake Butler Florida, fifteen years old, January 25 2006, traffic accident
Heaven Mann, Lake Butler Florida, three years old, January 25 2006, traffic accident
Johnny Mann, Lake Butler Florida, thirteen years old, January 25 2006, traffic accident
Cynthia Nicole (Nicki) Mann, Lake Butler Florida, fifteen years old, January 25 2006, traffic accident
Logan Marr, Chelsea Maine, October 14 1995 – January 31 2001, asphyxiation
Fernando Ibarra Martinez, Bakersfield California, nine months old, March 26 2006, battered
Stephanie Martinez, Pueblo Colorado, five years old, December 31 2001, untreated burns
Tiffany Laverne Mason, Folsom California, June 11 1986 – August 9 2001, battered
Viktor Alexander Matthey né V Sergeyevich Tulimov, Hunterdon County New Jersey, six years old, October 31 2000, hypothermia
Dominic Matz, Osawatomie Kansas, July 6 2002 – February 15 2004, treatment withheld
Jamie Mayne, Atascadero California, March 24 1995 – February 10 2000, battered
Kristal Mayon-Ceniceros, Chula Vista California, sixteen years old, February 5 1999, restraint
Emily Ann Mays, Tucson Arizona, sixteen months old, August 24 2005, battered
Andrew McClain, Bridgeport Connecticut, December 6 1986 – March 22 1998, restraint
Cory Bradley McLaughlin, North Carolina, four years old, July 4 1997, battered
Jerry McLaurin, Brownwood Texas, fourteen years old, November 2 1999, restraint
Maria Mendoza, Katy Texas, fourteen years old, October 12 2002, restraint
Caleb Jerome Merchant, Edmonton Alberta, thirteen months old, November 26, 2005, battered
Denis Merryman né Uritsky, Harford County Maryland, eight years old, January 2005, starvation
Devin Miller, Spokane Washington, twenty months old, August 6 2006, battered
Euryale Miller, Kansas City Missouri, one year old, April 1 2001, battered
Jacob Miller, Georgia, twenty two months old, November 20 1997, battered
Clayton Miracle, Georgia, three years old, August 11 1993, battered
Hanna Denise Montessori, Santa Ana California, March 16 1988 – January 19 2004, homicide/head-injury
Alfredo Montez, Auburndale Florida, two years old, July 1 2002, battered
Zachary Moran, Charlotte North Carolina, fourteen months old, August 8 2003, battered
Christina Morlan, Scott County Iowa, September 3 2003 – November 30 2003, unknown
Carlyle Mullins, Nashville Tennessee, five years old, May 27 2005, battered
Cedrick Napoleon, Killeen Texas, June 26 1987 – March 7 2002, restraint
Candace Newmaker née C Tiara Elmore, Colorado, Movember 19 1989 – April 19 2000, re-birth asphyxiation
Jonathan Nichol, Cook County Illinois, two years old, June 16 1995, drowning
Trevor Nolan, Mono County California, five years old, April 12 1997, treatment withheld
Sierra Odom, Arlington Texas, three years old, August 11 2005, battered
Lenny Ortega, Ingram Texas, twelve years old, May 30 2006, drowning
Keron Owens, Walterboro South Carolina, three years old, January 19 1992, battered
Sean Paddock né Ford, Johnston County North Carolina, four years old, February 26 2006, battered
Omar Paisley, Miami Florida, seventeen years old, June 2003, untreated appendicitis
Terrell Parker, Buffalo New York, two years old, 2003, battered
Travis Parker, Cleveland Georgia, thirteen years old, April 21 2005, restraint
Melva Dee Parrott, Hersey Michigan, May 4 1998 – June 29 2000, bronchitis
Alex Pavlis, né Geiko Schaumburg Illinois, six years old, December 19 2003, battered
Dillon Peak, Saint Petersburg Florida, fourteen years old, June 17 2006, undiagnosed illness
Dawn Renay Perry, Manvel Texas, sixteen years old, April 10 1993, restraint
Angellica Pesante, Seneca County New York, four years old, April 18 1997, battered
Terrell Peterson, Atlanta Georgia, five years old, January 16 1998, battered
Cynteria Phillips, Miami Florida, December 10 1986 – August 14 2000, rape/murder
Marguerite Pierre, West Orange New Jersey, five years old, December 2005, poison
Emporia Pirtle, Indiana, six years old, November 11 1996, battered
Jason Plischkowsky, Southampton England, May 25 1985 – December 19 1986, head injury
Huntly Tamati Pokaia, New Zealand, three years old
David Polreis, Greeley Colorado, two years old, February 6 1996, battered
Maryah Ponce, Rialto California, December 5 1997 – June 29 2001, baked in car
Constance S Porter, Kearney Missouri, July 20 1998 – February 12 2001, battered
Dakota Denzel Prince-Smith, Lancaster California, five years old, July 8 2003, baked in car
Nehamiah Nate Prince-Smith, Lancaster California, three years old, July 8 2003, baked in car
Karen Quill, St Louis Saskatchewan, twenty months old, September 13 1997, internal injuries
Rodrigo Armando Rameriez Jr, Victorville California, eighteen months old, July 6 2001, drowning
Stephanie Ramos, New York City, eight years old, July 9 2005, dumped in garbage can
Bobby Jo Randolph, Houston Texas, seventeen years old, September 26 1996, axphyxiation
Jacquelyn Reah, Grand Rapids Michigan, ten years old, November 27 2004, runaway / hit by car
Latayna Reese, Bradenton Florida, fifteen years old, April 1996
Caprice Reid, New York City, four years old, June 1997, starved and battered
Jonathan Reid, Gardena California, nine years old, June 9 1997, treatment withheld
Matthew Reid, Welland Ontario, three years old, December 15 2005, suffocation
Dustin Rhodes, Litchfield Park Arizona, nine years old, August 13 2003, battered
Alana Rickard-Cowell, Honolulu Hawaii, two months old, April 23 2006, unknown (broken bones)
Eric Roberts, Keene Texas, June 16 1979 – February 22 1996, restraint
Ana Rogers, Sparks Nevada, four months old, July 2005, pre-existing injury
Genevieve “Genny” Rojas, Chula Vista California, four years old, July 21 1995, starvation, scalded
Guadalupe Rosales III, San Antonio Texas, April 2005 – June 13 2006, battered
Paola Rosales, Milton Ontario, fourteen years old, July 3 2001, suicide
Kyle Anthony Ross, Massachusetts, September 7 1995 – June 9 2001, rottweiler
Marlon Santos, Worcester Massachusetts, five months old, November 5 1998, missing
Andres E Saragos, Warm Springs Oregon, August 5 1995 – July 13 2000, baked in car
Gina M Score, Plankinton South Dakota, May 7 1985 – July 21 1999, baked by boot camp
Caprice Scott, Florida, infant, 1999, mother in foster care
Ryan Scott, Sheffield Lake Ohio, two years old, March 27 1998, battered
Krystal Scurry, Aiken County South Carolina, February 1989 – November 2 1991, rape/murder
Andrew (Andy) Setzer, California, April 27 1995 – August 2 1999, battered
Ariel Shaw, Bibb County Georgia, nineteen months old, January 26 2000, battered
Vivan Uk Sheppard, Jacksonville Florida, eight months old, May 15 1999, suffocation
Colby Shirley, Gallup New Mexico, eighteen months old, March 20 2006, battered
Joseph H Shriver, Pennsylvania, March 2 1997 – October 5 1997, battered
Quincey L Simmons, Omaha Nebraska, August 21 1997 – March 24 2001, battered
Christopher Simpson, Howell Michigan, seven years old, November 14 1998, fire
Jordan Simpson né Richard Morrison II, Howell Michigan, five years old, November 14 1998, fire
Nicole Simpson née Desira Morrison, Howell Michigan, seven years old, November 14 1998, fire
Devin A Slade, Milwaukee Wisconsin, October 23 2000 – June 19 2001, asphyxiation
John Smith, Fishersgate England, four years old, December 24 1999, battered and bitten
Mikinah Smith, Cincinnati Ohio, one year old, March 18 2003, battered
Tristan Sovern, Greensboro North Carolina, sixteen years old, March 4 1998, restraint
Jushai Spurgeon, North Las Vegas Nevada, fourteen months old, April 3 2005, scalding
LeRon St John, Detroit Michigan, fifteen years old, March 1 2003, untreated tuberculosis
Lloyd Stamp, Edmonton Alberta, seventeen years old, September 29, 2005, suicide
Tommy Stacey, Carmichael California, three months old, January 3 2005, SIDS
Elizabeth (Lisa) Steinberg née Launders, New York City, May 14 1981 – November 4 1987, battered
Chris Surbey, Winnipeg Manitoba, October 13 1987 – June 6 2005, stabbing
Yasmin Taylor, Paterson New Jersey, seven months old, May 8 1994, virus
Lakeysha Tharp, Irmo South Carolina, six months old, April 7 2004, asphyxiation
Adam Michael Thimyan, Riverview Florida, October 2 1986 – April 3 2004, gunshot
Timithy Thomas, Banner Elk North Carolina, nine years old, March 11 1999, restraint
Liam Thompson né Dmitry S Ishlankulov, Columbus Ohio, October 3 1999 – October 3 2002, scalding
Michael Tinning, Schenectady New York, two years old, March 2 1981, asphyxiation
Kelly Ann Tozer, Egg Harbor City New Jersey, eighteen months old, July 30 2005, drowning
Patrick Trauffler, Phoenix Arizona, six weeks old, February 18 2003, battered
Heaven Traverse, Winnipeg Manitoba, two years old, January 14 2005, battered
Demetrius Tyler, Johnson City Tennessee, six months old, November 10 2004, drowning
Tyler Vanpopering, Southgate Michigan, September 23 2003 – April 14 2004, battered
Jacqueline Venay, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, six years old, September 21 1998, battered
Reena Virk, Saanich British Columbia, fourteen years old, November 14 1997, teen swarming
George Walker III, DeKalb County Georgia, ten months old, November 7 2002, choking
Michelle Walton, Boston Massachusetts, October 6 1994, asphyxiation
Erickyzha Warner, Utica New York, July 19 2002 – May 31, 2004, untreated burns
Shane Devell Washington, Fresno California, fifteen months old, circa 1996, drowning
Evan Watkins, Las Vegas Nevada, twenty one months old, July 11 1996, battered
Omar Wellington, Toronto Ontario, seventeen years old, July 15 2006, stabbing
Devin Wilder, Cleveland Ohio, July 29 1998 – April 21 2001, battered
Dominic J Williams, Saint Louis Missouri, June 8 1987 – June 3 2004, strangulation
Andrew Wilson, Owensboro Kentucky, three years old, August 7 2005, drowning
Lorenzo J Wilson, Seattle Washington, January 29 2004 – October 22 2004, battered
Rilya Wilson, Florida, born September 29 1996, disappeared 2001
Michael Spencer Wiltsie, Silver Springs Florida, September 18 1987 – February 5, 2000, restraint
Jimmy Allan Wood, Adams County Colorado, fourteen years old, November 13 2002, drug overdose
Jonnie Wood, Springdale Arkansas, eight years old, August 13 2005, drowning
Braxton D Wooden, Missouri, May 15 1997 – June 2 2005, gunshot
Donte L Woods, West Palm Beach Florida, February 25 1986 – May 27 2002, gunshot
Thomas (T J) Wright, Providence Rhode Island, three years old, October 31 2004, battered
Willie Wright, San Antonio Texas, fourteen years old, March 4 2000, restraint
Rufus Manzie Young Jr, Michigan, four years old, April 6 2003, battered

Now what will you do before your child ends up on this list???



I Miss My Son!!!




Please, if anyone knows the adoptive parents, DON’T TELL THEM to watch this video, DON’T TELL THEM that it would only be right to let Donnelly see us and us see him, DON’T TELL THEM that we love him and that this is so not fair, DON’T TELL THEM anything we say because we could be arrested and I don’t want to go back to jail. OK?

Georgia: State of Foster Care

Georgia: State of Foster Care

Our friend in Georgia is exposing abuse in privatized care of foster children.

The Future of Children





The bedrock assumption underlying child welfare policy is that children are better off if raised by their natural parents.1 This preference for the role of natural parents is codified in law and provides the rationale for retaining reunification as a core outcome for children placed in foster care.2 Parents have the fundamental right to direct the care, custody, and control of their children, and it is presumed that, until or unless proven otherwise, they will act in a child’s best interest.3


Although the U.S. Supreme Court has long recognized the autonomy of the natural family and grants wide latitude to parents, the court does acknowledge the interest of the state to protect and promote children’s welfare and to assure that children have permanent homes.4 The exercising of this authority emphasizes that a child is not the absolute property of a parent, although state action is limited to situations in which parents are proven unfit or unwilling to perform parental duties and obligations.5 Because the presumption favoring parents has to be set aside before any other caregiving arrangements are pursued (assuming the parents do not consent), reunification has to remain the primary goal of child welfare services until a permanent decision regarding parents’ abilities to carry out their responsibilities can be made.


The Future of Children site has a lot of good information, the problem is CPS does not adhere to policies, laws, regulations, or standards. Its all just words on paper and children being illegally seized from their families.

For more information please visit the link above.


Hi there! Welcome to our site. Our mission is to provide and share information we have, from experience and research, about child protective services taking your child or children, and forcing you to participate in their made up legal garbage. 

We are very anti-child protective services but we are not anti-child safety. If you really do abuse and neglect your kids, get help now or give legal custody to someone who won’t abuse them. You have the right to assign anyone you wish temporary custody of your child and can sign over your rights to someone responsible who will always care and nurture them. WE DO NOT BELIEVE THAT IS THE GOVERNMENT’S RESPONSIBILITY and it shouldn’t continue to be. There should just be a VOLUNTEER GROUP who handles the few children who were completely and utterly abandoned, whose parents are gone and where there are no willing family members to assume custody. 


Maybe you have a drug problem. It happens to millions of people. You don’t have live with addiction. There are people who can help you. I do not recommend any of the service providers that contract with the county agencies because if you don’t have a case, you will end up with one. Unfortunately, the best programs are those private and expensive retreats. Sometimes, in a few cities, you may find an individual who provides therapy, psychiatrically with medicinal assistance. You may be trading one drug for another but it will be less addicting and less harmful. Changing your entire life is, what I think, the best way to go. Change towns, change friends, change jobs, go to school, take physical fitness classes or join a gym, drink a lot of water and focus on healthy living, get a hobby, do things you know you are capable of doing that you have never done before. Most importantly, don’t go to those groups where you are always reminded of the times you did drugs. You are trying to forget that person and become someone new and improved, right? Why dwell on the old you? Making amends is best done by not repeating that same behavior that offended people. Sounds pretty easy doesn’t it? YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR BECAUSE YOU DON’T HAVE A DISEASE! YOU HAVE A PROBLEM CONTROLLING YOUR BEHAVIOR. IT IS ALL ABOUT EMPOWERING YOURSELF, MOTIVATING YOURSELF AND KEEPING POSITIVE PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE. 


Maybe you were abused as a child. Most likely, if you were in foster care you had a hell of a time growing up. Understandable, not your fault whatsoever, There are ways to improve your attitude and outlook on life. That’s all your problem is. You resent the world, don’t trust anyone and feel so inadequate that your emotions don’t know what the heck to do. SEE A PSYCHIATRIST IMMEDIATELY. There are medications that may help and therapeutic meditation or even hypnosis. Maybe you like sports, sign up at a church or local sports team of some kind. It would provide group support and allow you to feel talented and important. Unless of course you don’t really enjoy sports, you could simply volunteer anywhere that the subject matter is something you have a passion for. People excel in whatever they are passionate about. a self support group. Doesn’t matter which one, it’s about learning to live and let go.


What WONDERFUL People Social Workers Are! I sure do trust all of them to be PROTECTING CHIILDREN!!! NOT!!This makes me sick to my stomach. Watch this and ask yourself, “Do you still think social services cares about the CHILDREN”S SAFETY AND HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT?”






CPS WORKERS ARE DELUSIONAL: Interview With A Former CPS Worker

A resourceful and assertive donnellyjustice.me reader who goes by the handle, Mad Angel, recently had an opportunity to ask a former CPS caseworker some questions. Mad Angel asked members of Facebook to let her know if there were any questions that they wanted answers for. Here are the questions and answers that this brave individual gave HOWEVER, her answers give a clue as to how oblivious the workers really are to what is really going on. These answers are based on WHAT THE WORKER EXPERIENCED, WHAT THEY LEARNED IN “TRAINING” AND WERE LITERALLY TOLD TO BELIEVE AND TO THINK.


dependency court

[Copied from Facebook with my own remarks which are between the two lines]

Here are the responses from the caseworker as promised.

1. I understand caseworkers get paid a salary, they get benefit packages…..So when a cps worker has done what they call an excellent job and removing more kids to safety or having more kids adopted out , than do they individually receive actual adjusted bonuses for what they call outstanding work?

ANSWER: Contrary to popular belief, there are no direct bonuses. However, the agency/state does not receive as much federal money for kids not in care and there are adoption federal funds received by the state agency.


*****NOTE: My husband used to be a drinking buddy of a now retired CPS Supervisor and she received “Christmas” bonuses and the amount was unofficially based on the number of children her department “saved”. **************************


2. Who really makes the decision to remove the child, the CPS worker or their supervisor/manager?

ANSWER: Ultimately, the decision belongs to the Supervisor, however, I have seen Supervisors bend over backwards to “help” the caseworker come to the conclusion that removal is necessary….or, at least, “in the child’s best interest.” Remember, we are taught to “err on the side of the child.”

3. Why does cps use past allegation from closed cases as removal purposes?

Usually only past “substantiated” referrals are given much weight. They can indicate whether a living situation is chronic as opposed to perhaps a one-time occurrence.

4. Why do they refuse to offer any real services to keep the family together in minor neglect cases? Is there no benefits or extra incentives to help in force the caseworkers want to keep the family unit together?

ANSWER: The agency is limited to the services available within a given community (i.e. lowest bidder, and you get what you pay for, but quality of services was never at the top of my list of concerns). INCENTIVES TO KEEP FAMILIES TOGETHER is at the very crux of the CPS issue. This was the entire point of the new policy that was implemented, but not followed, which prompted me to speak out against the agency “not following its own rules,” and for which I was eventually fired.


*****NOTE: Same goes for everyone involved in the “court” facade. They use the rules against the parents but can break them all if they want to. Why BECAUSE THE JUDGE LETS THEM!!! THEY ARE NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE!!***********


5. Why would they only take 1 child from the home & leave older & younger full siblings with accused neglectful parent?

ANSWER: Each child’s vulnerability is assessed individually. It is extremely unusual to leave a younger (i.e. more vulnerable) child in a home from which older children were removed. Older children are frequently left because they are capable of self-defense (or so the reasoning goes).


**NOTE: I have never heard of any cases where one child was removed yet allowed the others to stay unless the others were not at home or school at the time of the initial removal but eventually CPS takes all full blood related children (i.e. no half-siblings) Half-siblings are often not included in the removal or the case but this, in my case, was due to the fact that it was the vindictive mother of the half sibling who made the “anonymous” call and because the half-sibling’s grandmother was a 35 year CPS veteran employee. *******************************************************


6. Does he state also receive extra funding for children with disabilities?


7. We know abusive people can be very deceitful, yet there seems to be a growing trend of the abusive parent getting custody of the children in many cases (and what has caused a lot of the incidents of death/murder in many cases) doesn’t cps have training into noticing the trends of an abusive parent?

ANSWER: In short, yes. But the training is mostly concerned with protecting the agency from bad press. What I witnessed most frequently was removal of the child(ren) from one parent due to substantiated abuse and placement with the other parent for the simple reason that we have no allegations of abuse against them because we don’t know them.


***NOTE: Well, how about at least looking into why the Family Law Judge (whose decisions are considered to be fair and reasonable by everyone else but CPS apparently) made the decision to grant physical custody to the decent parent they are taking the child away from???!! At least they could find out that much!!! MESSAGE TO CPS WORKERS AND YOU COURT COHORTS THAT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN: Family Law Judges know what they are doing (at least half the time) and have a GOOD REASON to order one parent have only supervised visits, why not just go with those orders until you can bring the case to court?                                                  

8. I realize that a timid parent who doesn’t aggressively stop another abusive parent is in essence just as guilty as the abusive parent, yet why is it that cps standards seem to be shifting to allow the abusive parent custody first and foremost.

ANSWER: Please see the above answer and, remember, CPS is not a “custody” agency. This is a difficult concept because, while CPS can remove children and place children either in foster care or with the “non-offending” parent, CPS does not establish custody. That is done by a judge in the Domestic Relations Court. Interestingly, because there is no legal custody for most children, either parent has the same rights to the child and therefore CPS cannot keep the child from the parent on whom we have no indication of abuse because we don’t know them.

9. Why wouldn’t services be offered to keep emotionally disabled child with her family? Why send her back home only when she began having uncontrollable seizures? Liability???

ANSWER: Yeah, CPS definitely sometimes “cuts their losses.” Like for a habitual “runner” or dangerous child. Usually these cases involve out-of-control teenagers.

10. Do you know anything about the bribes offered to the judges and jurors? If so, have you ever actually witnessed such acts?

I honestly have no knowledge of a judge receiving a bribe and I’ve never worked on a case with a jury.


**NOTE: In Riverside County, CA the County places an advertisement looking for a “Judge” to fill the seat in Juvenile Court Dependency Court. This court is exclusive to CPS, everyone is paid out of the same funding that CPS workers are paid, meanwhile still receiving their regular seat pay as they have only taken an administrative leave or something. They are already being “bribed” just by accepting their paychecks from the same county who is against the people whose children are being removed or the “defendants.. How do they get away with such a conflict of interest??*****************


11. It seems like the whole court and all the membiers inside during a child welfare case are all old buddies, is it true that sometimes before a hearing the lawyers may negotiate on whether or not to win or lose the case for each other. (I’ve overheard this one, “come on last time you were ruthless and I know that guy was guilty you have to let me win this one I haven’t gotten a winning case this week”

ANSWER: I think it is a bit of an “old-boys-network” (although it is mostly women). That said, I honestly think that most caseworkers, lawyers, judges…honestly believe they are doing what is in the best interest of the children. They are simply not terribly well-read when it comes to family-dynamics and child-development. The biggest problems with CPS are ignorance and megalomania.

12. Can you please explain how the agency benefits from the title IV funding?

ANSWER: If a child is IV-E eligible (which, for our purposes here, essentially means the child would qualify for TANF…i.e.poor families), the state gets federal funding for the child. This represents the VAST MAJORITY of CPS children.

13. We see over and over in the news how cps had plenty of opportunity to remove a child, yet they don’t. Most of the time the public only gets to see the cases that go completely wrong ie child dies. Why is a child left in an abusive situation during an active investigation?

ANSWER: It’s all about timing or disclosure. Either a child must disclose that they are being abused or CPS must catch the parents in the immediate aftermath of abuse or during neglect.

14. How do you find the “prisons” set up by CPS that imprison children? Children that most likely were taken from NON-abusive homes and families.

ANSWER: Honestly, foster homes are thoroughly vetted and I consider most of them saints. They are put under more scrutiny than even families being investigated. That said, if you are a bad person, the tightest scrutiny can be circumvented for long periods of time with lies and deception.

15. Why are some children put in Foster care, and the immediate family members are not contacted?

ANSWER: CPS is required by federal law to “diligently search” for family with whom the child can be placed. Of course, laws only work if they are enforced and this is among the top-5 problems with “the system:” no enforcement.

16. What process do they use to find family members of the child?

ANSWER: There is a systematic protocol, but, essentially, either the parent or child must provide contact information for expedient location of suitable relatives.

17. Did you ever have civil rights training?

ANSWER: Civil rights training is often received, but rarely enforced. My biggest concern was always constitutional rights (see 4th, 6th and 14th amendments) which are never taught or enforced.

18. What were the motivations of the job?

ANSWER: I can really only speak for myself, but my motivations were simple, help children while maintaining the sanctity of family. Considered more valued than these within the agency are agency-protection, enforcement and megalomania, which is why I’m unemployed.

19. What kind of mandatory training did you have?

ANSWER: TONS!!! of mandatory training, little of which translated to practice for anyone else.

20. What can parents do to keep caseworkers honest?

ANSWER: Nothing, but being obsequious and obedient is what I have seen help families even with corrupt and/or monomaniacal workers.

21. Did you ever know of a whistle-blower? What happened?

ANSWER: I was a whistle-blower. We get targeted and are eventually fired and no one cares. The bureaucratic behemoth lives on to devour more families and children.

22. What corruption have you seen yourself, and are you willing to present this information to the public?

ANSWER: One of my favorite examples of corruption was when I worked in the freeing-children-for-adoption unit where we read “home studies” on prospective adoptive families and one of my co-workers said she immediately checks to see if a family is religious and if they are she won’t even consider them as a potential placement. A clear violation of civil rights. Unfortunately most corruption in CPS is much more subtle and can be effectively couched in “best interest of child” and “err on side of child” language. It’s all gray area therefore there is no wrong way of doing things. This is why, I am convinced CPS will never experience wholesale improvement. Society NEEDS a perceived protector for its most vulnerable and a visible scapegoat when things go horribly wrong.

I HAVE already gone public with all of this. I got fired. No one cares.

23. We’re you ever trained to do the wrong thing?

ANSWER: I think I made it abundantly clear to my superiors from “go” that I would not be a blindly obedient Nazi. I was eventually fired precisely because I would not do the wrong thing.

24. When they figure out that they made the wrong decision. Like placing the children with the abusive parent, why don’t they fix it?

ANSWER: The next time I witness the agency admitting a mistake it will be the first time.


Watch this video and you will feel sick about those hired to protect children.

Your WHOLE FAMILY Misses You Donnelly!!

Dear Donnelly,

You are now 6 years old and probably not allowed on the computer by yourself but in a few years you will be and I hope to God that you Google your name and find this blog that your real parents have dedicated to you to help other families being torn apart like ours was. We want you to know that CPS took you away from many people who love you very very much. We are all still so very heartbroken sometimes it’s hard for me to just go about life without you. I miss your kisses and hugs and I miss reading to you and playing with your Cars cars. For a while right after I bought you the movie I began purchasing toy Cars every time I went to the store. We wanted to be the parents who took you to Disneyland, we wanted to be the parents who took you to school on your first day. If you were still with us I would not be working, I would be a dedicated stay-at-home mommy who would pick you up from school too. No daycare, no afterschool programs for you to have to wait at all afternoon. I would have done your homework with you everyday just like I did for your sisters, Kayla and Alex. We would be going to the park at least two times a week and you would have helped me find new things to add to your Spongebob collection. We would be making cookies and cupcakes together, we would be cleaning up your room together, you would go shopping with me and on the way home we would stop and get ice cream cones. I would let you play hookie from school once or twice so we can have a fun day together, just me and you. We would all go to Magic Mountain and in the winter time we would go to SnowHill in Big Bear. I would be teaching you math with flash cards, I would be explaining to you why the sky is blue. Daddy would teach you the planets and the solar system. Either me or Daddy would help you with your school projects and we would volunteer to go with your class on field trips. These are all the things we did with your brothers and sisters for years and years. It’s really ridiculous that CPS took you away from us, well, more than riduculous but for this post I will try to keep my words focused on trying to let you know that your real family is a good family no matter what CPS or the Ra__os__i people have told you. Please keep looking on this site for my videos of our story so you know what we were really like. I want to share some more pictures with you. Two days ago was your Sissy Kayla’s birthday. She turned 19 years old. She was there when you were born and helped Mommy a lot when you were little. You both loved each other very much.


Riverside County CPS is hiring their next Judge




Ex-Social Worker SPEAKS OUT Confirms What We’ve Been Crying Out About!

This is a great video. Thank goodness for this man who is brave enough to tell the truth. MORE of you should speak up. But then again, you actually ENJOY HURTING CHILDREN, DON’T YOU?

Ex-Social Worker SPEAKS OUT Confirms What We’ve Been Crying Out About!

This site is dedicated for getting your information out on the web for the return of our children from the criminal CPS and their adoption services

    This is your site as well; do not be shy.   We are all in this together and we have to make a stand against these criminals at CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES in every state, in every county.

Our children can not fight for themselves; we have to be their voice. So stand tall and tell your story, there is no better cause, I did it and I have over 30000 viewers. I am proud to stand up to this but with your help to get word out and make a change for our children. Just click on the (leave a comment) write your story as long or short as you like or you can email it to ProjectManagerBill@gmail.com 

  WE WILL NOT EDIT YOUR STORY AND YOU CAN TAKE IT DOWN ANY TIME YOU LIKE. I only want to help bring us together after all the harm that has been done to our children and us the parents. We have to step up the pressure, I will post your story on our other web sites as well. Our kids need us, post it, get the word out. We are making a difference people are waking up.

Very Respectfully

Bill for DonnellyJustice.wordpress.com  and DonnellyJustice.me


     The things I am going to tell you in this report will empower you and give you a fighting chance to beat these bastards.  I will get harassed for this by DPSS but I couldn’t think of a more proud reason to get harassed or anything else they want to do to me. This will be taking money away from these child trafficking criminals. I have already lost my child because I did not have the knowledge of how fake and one sided these courts truly are. I believed in the American life as sacred and that you have to be proven guilty before found guilty.  Please learn from my failure and the things we have learned since.

     The people that win these courts cases are not any different than you or I, they just have more knowledge and are not so easily  manipulated by government paid lyres who have no soul or God. I have been reading everything I can since my child was kidnapped by DPSS -CPS, trying to understand why this is happening.

     Well the facts are in and this is what I have found in every state in this country and there is a long road ahead to kill this beast. The first thing we have to do is stop being easy targets for DPSS a.k.a. CPS and they will move on to easier targets or hopefully no more funding.

      They have already found an easier target with APS (Adult Protective Services) that targets families taking care of elderly parents in their home by saying many of these parents are abused. Stealing all their belongings and ownership of their property.  Trust me government has always, through out history, done their job for money and always been more abusive than the people in every single country on earth.  That is another battle for later on, right now let’s get them one at a time.

     Let me get into what is so close to my heart and become the reason for most of my drive these days, to form a collective of knowledge, to do my part in saving children and families from this absolute devastation of everyone involved in these courts.

     Our site has done well this year to get the word out but we have not made even a slight dent in the problem of CPS Child Protective Services, DPSS Department of Public Social Services making huge profits by the theft and sale of our children out to adoption receiving Federal Funding such as Social Security Title IV-E,  CAPTA, ASFA, and other private  contributions which are granted to help families in crisis. But these funds are not used for the intended purpose to save and keep families together, instead the money is used for other broke government county and state departments making the State’s  and the counties ability of ignoring this problem easy. If the US citizens knew the money paid by their taxes is truly being used to KIDNAP CHILDREN for profit the people would be so outraged. But first:

STEP 1. WE HAVE TO GET THE WORD OUT TO THE PUBLIC and people have to wake up and look at the absolute facts of this problem and how large it has become.   I, as well as many many other people, have found out that this is the fact in every state in the United States.

Step 2.  PROTECT YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS.  Tell people they do not have to let CPS in their home. They have absolutely no authority over you or your children until YOU GIVE IT TO THEM. If CPS has any real evidence that you are a child abuser they would not be knocking on your door asking to come in. Instead a bunch of cops would bust down your door or at least show up with a warrant. Do not misinterpret a police officer’s presence with the social worker they are only there to intimidate you and to protect the worker against you.  The reason CPS wants to interview you is to find a reason, create a reason, exaggerate and twist the truth to use as evidence to steal your child. REMEMBER REFUSE ENTRY WITHOUT A WARRANT< YOUR CHILD IS WORTH FIGHTING FOR, STAND YOUR GROUND> CPS should be considered a predator because YOUR CHILD WILL BE HARMED AS WELL AS THE FAMILY when they take your child.

     No children or family members come out of CPS unharmed and you have to think about this, YOUR CHILD MAY NEVER COME HOME AGAIN. MANY CHILDREN DIE IN FOSTER/CPS CARE. In 2009- 2011 the average number of children who where removed from their parents and adopted (either by family or strangers) was 2,712,000. So just for the last three years, 8,136,000 children were not returned to their parents. CPS will not return your children for months or years if they so desire. Approximately, only 45% are “reunified” with their parents and are adopted by family or strangers and CPS gets large bonuses from the federal and state for adopting out your child. This is human trafficking.

     You may not think this problem is real but even if only 2 people tell you that there is a predator lurking around your neighborhood would you take the chance and leave your child and family vulnerable? Consider HISTORY which shows that government will, over time, get out of control because of MONEY and POWER. The States are kidnapping children just the same as any other predator.   CPS was collecting about 120,000.00 per child per year> Do you really think they would turn down that kind of money and do not forget all the money that also comes from the adoption market.

Step 3. DO NOT SIGN ANY CONTRACT WITH CPS, this contract is called many things, a case plan, family maintenance agreement or any other tricky pseudonyms. This contract gives DPSS complete control and custody over your children until they are adults even if you are released from their services.  So stand your ground. DO NOT LET THEM BULLY YOU, DO NOT PANIC. Stand your ground, once you sign that contract you are now in civil JV court it is not family court do not be fooled these court appointed CPS attorney’s will not tell you this they want you to be blind sided and these attorneys should be disbarred for not telling you what your rights are and that they are going to waive advisement from the Judge. The Judge is guilty for failing to ensure your rights, as well for laundering this corrupt money. He says by signing the contract, you are not admitting to guilt and this is a perversion of the truth because you are giving up your child to government custody and control and this says you are guilty by going along.  Remember do not sign anything you can still take services and not sign anything the funds are still there to help even if you do not sign.

Step 4. SPEAK UP IN COURT  AND MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD ON THE RECORD. I am telling you this from experience. If you do not speak up in court your lawyer will not do it for you, his job with this court depends on it.  There is no way you will get your side on record if you do not speak up. They will ignore anything you turn into the court clerk.   They will tell you all kinds of manipulative reasons why you should stay quiet, I am telling you this is the one time in your life to get a back bone and stand up for your children if you want them in your life.  This civil fake family court is bent on earning money off of taking your child and has so much experience doing so, if you follow the norm you will be their money ride. If you stand up for what is right they will not be as experienced at pushing you through as just another number.  This entire court is built around making money for the county and state.  I could go into all the evidence I have but it would take months. We have about 1800 pages of evidence which my wife has been sorting through for months to prove everything I am saying here and about 28 years of watching these criminals get away with this terrorism on the American people.

 In closing most of you know, I am not a lawyer or any kind of legal representative, I am just a parent going through what is the single most life changing event that I did not believe could ever happen to a parent who has always loved  and treated his children with care and acceptance, to make sure they always know they have a father who believes in them and they  always have a place to go that truly has their best interest at heart as long as I am alive. I do this job with pride and their is nothing government could ever say or do to take that from me. Unlike government  I don’t have to get paid to do this job, so who really has his child’s best interest at heart.   I have other children who no longer believe in our government and know the CPS investigation was fake  and  without reason or  evidence or they would not have taken their brother my littlest child. Donnelly I love you so much and I will never stop fighting for you.

SO, how do we stop this from happening?  We all have to do our part. Thomas Jefferson said it best, what would happen if good people do nothing. What we have to do is POST, POST,POST this on every single web blog or any other place you can until people know, I mean truly know what is happening to our children. Even if you do not have any children, this is not good for any ones child. 

God Bless, and please do the right thing.  Educate everyone.

You have my permission to post or copy this Blog any place that you have the right to do so as long as it is posted in it’s entirety and not edited.

For DonnellyJustice.me

W. Burns


Covered Up Crimes by Those Claiming to “Protect”

Everyone in the united states needs to watch this video if you have family.
CPS takes children on purpose and by ignorance.