Don’t EVER call the Child Abuse Hotline!

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CPS Takes Kids Away For “Substance Use”

Substance use can be just about ANYTHING! Caffeine, cigarettes, Hookah, vaping, beer, Monster drinks, vitamins, Tylenol, Motrin, high blood pressure medicine, ice cream, steak, Vicks vapor, USING YOUR PHONE, anything they can say you are are “addicted” to!

Carte Blanche to steal your kids for a paycheck!

Juvenile Dependency Court will support anything they say. We need to change this cash cow system. I have some ideas I am working on. Tell your story here:

I am having a difficult time…

With the design of this website so I direct you to the new one: You can also learn about CPS at my other sites: and


Throughout history, humans have severely abused children. We are evolving, ever so slowly, but there are still countries with cultures that have no empathy for their children. Here in the U.S., there are government officials and wealthy people who continue to prey upon our children in the worst ways. Royal families are still playing their annual games of hunting children in their basements, torturing them and killing them for fun. With all of our education regarding the psyche of children and our own personal experience being a child, you would think that we, as humans, would rise above such barbaric behavior. I expect that our Creator is truly upset with us and plans to eradicate us. From the looks of what has been unfolding and the plans the elite have for us, I believe our eradication is coming soon. Read this at your own risk, it is truly horrific.



CPS steals children, please watch this documentary. Produced by Patrick Howley and directed by Ben DeLaurentis, this film shows and proves everything I have been saying plus things I didn’t even know! CPS targeted children and families during COVID-19 shutdowns. I figured it was happening, I just wasn’t doing the research at the time.

Check out these sites and articles:

Some Thoughts

To EVERY HEARTBROKEN MOTHER, FATHER, AUNT, UNCLE, COUSIN, BROTHER, SISTER, AND STEP-RELATIVES: I GRIEVE WITH YOU. I feel the pain and sorrow, I feel the loss, I feel the frustration, I feel the outrage, I feel the unfairness, I feel your need for help. What they are doing to you is a CRIME, in fact, many crimes over and over and over. They do not abide by their OWN laws and regulations, they do not adhere to their policies, procedures, and manuals. They do not do what they are supposed to do, they have no hearts, they have no souls, they work for a paycheck and your child is their meal ticket. That is the cold hard truth of it all. They don’t care about you or your child(ren) they claim to have “core values” that sound nice and helpful but those are just words they use to get away with what they do. Here is a clip from the Montana Child and Family Services Division regarding “core values”: mont mont2 mont3

Do they realize that we can see right through these kinds of words? When INTEGRITY is a core value of social work, then STEALING children isn’t a moral issue for social workers. They remove, discriminately, choosing well-behaved, good-looking children, from decent parents for federal funds. Some of my readers have commented claiming CPS only removes children who are abused and neglected but most, not all, of those children do not have attractive adoptive qualities and many are treated even worse by social services, foster homes, and even after adoption. This most likely is due to behavioral issues. Foster parents should undergo a higher level of scrutiny and extensive training including psychology courses to understand these children better but it is very easy to become a foster parent hell, many foster parent’s backgrounds are overlooked and obtain exceptions due to the number of foster homes needed due to the volume of children who are removed from their homes. I will say this once again, children would rather be abused at home than by strangers. It is a difficult thing to swallow, I know but if you were a child and the option was presented to you, which would you choose?

Removing funding for foster homes, or at least greatly reducing the amount of money and making foster homing be a voluntary, for the good of the community action. If one cannot afford to take on the expense of another child then they should not be a foster parent. According to this literature, child welfare is supposed to be a community effort to better society. But the system protocols are insane, as Molly McGrath, former DPSS Director, would put it. They keep doing something that isn’t working.

This is not a site to come to if you are guilty of child abuse and looking for information on how to beat CPS. Most likely, you have custody of your children anyway, or better yet, CPS removed the children from the other, non-offending, parent and placed them with you, a monster in disguise.

I wish CPS lived up to it’s stated core values and actually cared about children, but they do not. Let’s say, for argument’s sake, that 55% of the children CPS rightfully removed (that is giving them one hell of a benefit of the doubt) there are still 45% that are wrongfully removed. THAT IS TOO MANY! I guarantee you that of that 55%, only 20% of those children are placed back at home, and of the 45% only 5% get placed back at home.

Not a Day Goes By

Each and every hour of each and every day I think about you Donnelly. I miss you so very much. My heart breaks again every day too as I think of the last time you saw me, “Mommy, me go with you, Mommy, me go with you!” as I was in handcuffs being taken to jail after I told the police everything. I was hoping they would realize that CPS was wrong and have no signed court orders giving them custody of you.

That was the last time you saw me as “Mommy”. My heart breaks every time I think about it. A few years later, I was shown pictures of you in foster care and you looked so sad. I regret so many things, it is very difficult going through life with so many regrets. You don’t even remember me anymore. You said, “My mother died.” and although you were talking about Kristin, your adoptive mother, I felt like I was dead to you too. When you were younger you remembered us, you remembered that you were adopted and had other parents. I told you that your parents really wanted to see you.

I believe now, that my purpose in life was to give birth to you so that Jon & Kristin could have a son. The most loving and wonderful son in the whole world. If you had truly been abused you wouldn’t have been so perfect for them. You were such a good little boy! So precious! I am proud to have brought you into this world even if for someone else.

You ended up with very loving and good-hearted people even if they were not so good-hearted to me. They love you and took excellent care of you. You ended up with a better life than we could have provided you. They had more money however, they could not possibly have more love for you than I do. I believe that with all my heart. Your real Dad and I did a lot of fighting after you were stolen from us. Not about you or what happened, that always brought us back to the same page but, dealing with life after losing a child creates a hole in your heart than can never heal. We missed out on you growing up, all the drawings, all the “I love you’s”, all the story book readings, the rest of the “Cars” movies, all the games, all the questions about life, all the first days of school, all the school projects and field trips, all the parent-teacher conferences, all the awards, all the sports practices and games, all the Christmases, Easters, Fourth of Julys, all the birthdays, all the Thanksgivings. Its been extremely painful to miss all these things when you were made in my tummy, and born from me. I was in hard labor with you for four days!

But destiny may have done right after all. I am sure you brought happiness and content to a couple that really deserved a wonderful son like you. I don’t believe now that I actually deserved you, simply because I can’t seem to do anything right. Nothing in my life ever works out, I must have done something to deserve all the things that have happened to me although I do not know of anything I have done to deserve all this pain, must have been something in a previous life. I know I haven’t been perfect and I made a few bad decisions to say the least.

Anyway, you will be 18 in 2.6 years and I can’t wait until you are a legal adult and allowed to make your own decisions and no one can monitor your Facebook or other social media profiles anymore. I would love to know if you are going to college. I guess I will just have to find out, like I find out every time you move, I know about it before you are finished unpacking. Honestly, I don’t know why they even try to hide from me. I’ve just been such a threat that I have left you alone for the most part and haven’t tried to “kidnap” you despite having several opportunities. I really wish they would use some common sense.

Our Story

I’m finally posting the written version of our story,

If you think CPS does ANY GOOD whatsoever please provide your comments here

Please do not tell your unjust, typical CPS horror story here this is for those who have had a POSITIVE experience having this agency “help you” and “provide services” that have not done any emotional or physical damage to your family (so you think). I would like to make sure this site tells all sides good or bad.

My personal belief is that no one will comment except for a social worker or two pretending to be a parent or a troll looking to advertise something.. I will approve only positive comments here so again, if you have a horror story see the page entitled, “Families Destroyed – Tell your story here.”

If one of your social workers was nice and helped you get your kids back you can comment here. If you are a social worker and want to defend your position and answer the question,  “How do you live with yourself knowing you rip families apart?” Feel free.

I wish I could sit down and talk with you Donnelly.

I know when you were younger you actually remembered that you were adopted but for some reason you don’t remember now. I am praying that you have visited this site and watched some of the home videos and at least maybe kind of remember. I wish your adopted father would let us at least chat over messenger or text. You have a right to know the truth about what happened and why we lost you.

I AM NOT A CRAZY CRIMINAL like people have portrayed me. I have a criminal record, yes, and on paper it looks bad but I can explain everything. I have a kind heart and a restless soul ever since we lost you and it is very hard to cope sometimes but I am a very reasonable person and I am not dangerous. People who spoke bad of me had an agenda of their own for various reasons which I can explain. I wish my life wasn’t so complicated but like I said, sometimes I just want to crawl in a hole and never come out because it is extremely hard to overcome my record and what has been said about me. It seems like a lost cause to even try to help your family understand who I really am. I was a very attentive, loving, caring, nurturing mother and we didn’t deserve this separation. Not one bit. Please, Jon, please talk to me. I know you are a God-fearing, Jesus believing man, do you think that Jesus would keep a mother from her son if she was begging and pleading regardless of what others have said about her? I believe he would have an open heart yet take some precautions to ensure everyone’s safety. Measures can be taken to assure that no harm comes to Donnelly. We could have a Zoom meeting or something. You and I first, so you can get your own impression of who I am. I am begging you. Donnelly and I both need this desperately. I would have given my life to save Kristin and I told Arron to tell you that. If I could trade my life for hers I would do it in a heartbeat. I am so sorry for your loss.

Please email me and I will give you my phone number.

Donnellyjustice Consulting

We are here for you.

Donnellyjustice Consulting can help you with your current CPS case. We believe that children belong at home. We can help you overcome obstacles that are seemingly put in your way on purpose with the intention to make you fail. Obstacles such as:

  • The possibility that your child(ren) are being brainwashed to believe that you are not putting any effort into reunification
  • Delaying your referrals to programs despite the deadline to complete them
  • Not having visitation occur as ordered or other issues regarding visitation
  • Your attorney failing to adequately represent you in court
  • Problems with programs and court-ordered classes
  • Problems with the other parent
  • Issues concerning lies, hearsay and falsified evidence
    • These are serious problems and a clear sign that your case Plan B is actually Plan A. You see, you may not realize it but CPS always has a concurrent plan after removing your child. From day 1 they are actively trying to find a permanent home for your child. This is for several reasons, one being that they look good on paper. There is a major concern with the length of time children spend in foster care and their funding is effected by it. To them, it saves time. You must understand that the younger children are the likelier they will find an adoptive home. Most people do not want to adopt teenagers, they will end up aging out of the system.

CPS’s stated purpose is to “protect children from maltreatment” and to “help families by providing services to correct the issues that brought the child to their attention”. They have cart blanche to do whatever they want, however they want, always reporting that their actions are “in the best interests of the child”. However, the child’s FAMILY is in the their best interests. Any parent who cares enough to fight for their child deserves their child. It is a known fact, and people think I am a monster for saying it but, children would rather be abused at home by their family rather than be abused by strangers. Foster care is a very dangerous place! I do not believe that any child should be abused nor do I believe your child was abused. That is why you are here.

This quote is referencing one county in Iowa specifically:

“To see the extent to which DHS buries its head in the sand about abuse in foster and adoptive homes, consider the most recent case: There were 68 reports; an older sibling even posted video of the abuse on Facebook and gave it to authorities. But no one responded until the older sibling gave the videos to a newspaper.

Richard Wexler

Richard Wexler is executive director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform,

Currently, there are 600,000 CPS cases across the U.S. and more than half are in foster care or kinship care. That is a scary number.

If your child(ren) are with relatives you are a little better off than most because at least you know where they are. I can help you with issues with your family if there are any.

We can help guide you through this difficult time, we offer suggestions on how to appropriately fight for your child(ren) without offending social service workers. This is extremely helpful. We can and will advocate on your behalf and make formal complaints with the appropriate departments. We know how to gain leverage and we want to help you with that.

Visit our our appointment site here:

When Can I See You Again?

When Can I See You


When can my heart beat again?
When does the pain ever end?
When do the tears stop from running over?
When does “you’ll get over it” begin?

I hear what you’re sayin’
But I swear that it’s not making sense
So when can I see you

When can I see you again?
When can my heart beat again?
When can I see you again?
And when can I breathe once again?
And when can I see you?

When does my someday begin
When will you remember me again?
And what if you never ever?
What am I supposed to do then?

Please hear what I’m sayin’
Even if, if it’s not making sense
So when can I see you?

When can I see you again?
When can my heart beat again?
When can I see you again?
And when can I breathe once again?
And when can I see you again?

Please hear what I’m sayin’
Even if, if it’s not making sense
So when can I see you

When can I see you again?
can my heart beat again?
When can I talk to you again?
And when can I breathe once again?
And when can I see you again?

oh again, yeah
wanna see you again, yeah
oh, again

Source: LyricFindSongwriters: Kenneth B EdmondsWhen Can I See You lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLCFeedback



800 Child Abuse Reporting Hotline Operator: “Hello, how can I help you?”

Caller: “Yes, I want to report child abuse.”

800 Child Abuse Reporting Hotline Operator: “Can I have the name of the child and who is the caretaker?”

Caller: “Joey and his mother is beating him with a broomstick!”

800 Child Abuse Reporting Hotline Operator: “And how do you know this?”

Caller: “I hear the broomstick hit the child!”

800 Child Abuse Reporting Hotline Operator: “So you have not actually witnessed the child being beaten then?”

Caller: “No but I hear him crying!”

800 Child Abuse Reporting Hotline Operator: “Ok we will send someone out to check on Joey.”

What the caller does not know is that Joey is only 3 years old and was watching TV when the two dogs started playing and growling at each other playfully. They dogs knocked over the broomstick and it scared Joey. Joey’s mother quickly put the dogs outside and consoled her son. They played This Little Piggy” and soon Joey stopped crying. Joey’s mother put the broom in the closet.

Five days later, Joey’s mother gets a knock on the door. She opens it to two ladies with ID tags around their neck and one police officer. They ask to come in, thinking she could quickly show them everything is fine and they would leave.

The house was clean but a little messy as houses get messy with a three year old and a newborn baby. She asks what this was about. One of the ladies walked around the house and another took Joey into his room, closed the door and interrogated him as to sexual abuse. Joey’s mother objected but the police officer told her she had to let them talk to Joey privately. Joey did not comprehend the nature of the questions and kept shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders. He barely said two words which were the names of their dogs, Mary and Jane, from the nursery rhyme, “Mary Had A Little Lamb” and Jane from the children’s book, Dick and Jane.

The two ladies called their supervisor and told her that Joey indicated that the mother smokes marijuana and that the child may be at risk. Joey’s mother blurted out when she overheard that. Then the ladies were conversing about the mother being delusional and in denial. They were told to drug test the mother with an on-site mouth swab. Joey’s mother complied. After a few moments one of the ladies took the swab from the mother and placed it into a little thin cup. The two ladies eyebrows went up and they began to tell the police officer that they would be removing both children. More phone calls were made to their supervisor and to foster homes. They could not find one close that could accommodate the newborn and Joey and discussed what to do when the Judge asks why the children were not placed together or with family. They opted to keep the children together however, the foster home was 50 miles away.

Joey’s mother is frantic at this point. How could things go so wrong? She does not smoke pot so the test must be wrong. She denies any drug use so they say her kids are at risk of neglect because she won’t acknowledge her “problem”, even Joey told them about “Maryjane”. They tell her to go to court in two days. Joey is crying as they pick him up and put him in their county vehicle. They have to literally rip the newborn from Joey’s mother’s arms and now she is screaming. The police officer tells her to calm down or he will have to take her in on a 5150 charge. Joey screams from the car, “Mommy, don’t let them take me, Mommy, me stay with you!”

There have been parents who experienced something similar and NEVER SAW THEIR CHILDREN AGAIN! TELL ME THIS IS NOT KIDNAPPING!

This is how it happens. First, they come to the door FIVE DAYS after the original incident that the social workers never even mentioned. They come to the door and knock meaning they had no reasonable cause to even come to the door in the first place. They bring the police as an intimidation tactic, he is mostly there to protect the social workers. Joey’s mother should have never let them in. NO WARRANT NO ENTRY. Then they talk to Joey about sexual abuse, that in and of itself is sexual abuse. Then they make her take a mouth swab drug test which are NOT ADMISSIBLE IN COURT and are often WRONG. The only test that is admissible as evidence is a lab confirmed test. Joey’s mother should have refused and offered to go to a collection site for laboratory urine testing however, she did not have to take any test. Then, in the social worker’s report it will claim that they provided REASONABLE EFFORTS to keep the children in the home and obviously that will be a lie. Reasonable efforts is the key to their funding and they never try to keep the family together so they receiving federal funding fraudulently.

This story is not based on anyone I know but you can click on “Families Destroyed – Tell Your Story” at the top of this page and read actual horror stories, there are more stories as comments on past posts.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds of thousands of parents whose children were kidnapped by the government. I will post more soon.

Donnelly, I love you so much, please call.

How We Lost our Son, Donnelly Keaton Burns

I have tried to make these videos simple yet, explanatory. I hope they are easy to understand. Donnelly is 13 now and may be wondering about his first family and where did we all go? We are all still here, waiting for him to grow up and ask about us and maybe try to contact us. He has always deserved to know that we did not abandon him, that we still love him with every breath we take.

That is not the end of the story, I am still working on the rest. But you can read the entire story, I will provide the link tomorrow.

CPS Toons


CPS Toons – CPS School Part 3

And the saga continues…

CPS School Part 3

CPS Toons

Using an app called Toontastic, I created a series called (click this link to watch) CPS School Toon Part 1 of cartoons called CPS School. I used some facts from our case and tried to make it funny. I hope you all enjoy them. I really enjoy making fun of the social workers and show how blatant they are breaking rules and committing crimes.

CPS School Part1


The Best Thing You Can Do To Get Your Children Back

WE ALL KNOW that CPS is corrupt as f_ck. We know what they do is illegal and immoral. THEY ALL KNOW this too. Alone, which is what you will be in your fight for your children, there is nothing you can do to change this WHILE YOU HAVE AN OPEN CASE AND WHILE THEY HAVE YOUR CHILDREN. The best thing to do is COOPERATE. After your case is closed, try to find an attorney to sue them or become an advocate.

  1. Social workers get a “high” from “saving” children. They are ADDICTED TO THIS FEELING and we all know what people do to get a fix.
  2. Child “protection” is an INDUSTRY and our children are the commodity. Social workers,  doctors, lawyers, psychologists, nurses, behavioral science workers, counselors, drug programs, drug testing facilities, and more DEPEND on the taking of our children. Of course no one is going to help you.
    1. When parents argue with social workers, when they are shouting to everyone, “Hey this is wrong!”, they will keep you from communicating whatsoever with your children. You are being punished and the last thing they want is the CHILDREN to know that they are being treated wrong because they will become uncooperative and uncontrollable in foster care. All your shouting (figuratively speaking) only causes them a ton of grief. They want their cases to go smoothly. So help you case go smooth and they will be excited to return your children to you.

Everyone read that? HELP YOUR CASE GO SMOOTHLY FOR THEM AND THEY WILL BE EXCITED TO RETURN YOUR CHILDREN. Sometimes I feel I have done parents a disservice by providing all of this information and explain what they do is illegal because that is not actually helping any parent get their child back. For that, I am truly sorry.

This is the best advice I can give to help you get your child back. All these are IMPERATIVE AND ESSENTIAL TO GETTING YOUR CHILDREN BACK.

  1. Never raise your voice to a social worker. Look at her with pity and compassion, she is after all, an addict.
    1. Write down exactly, every detail, the wrongful conduct of the social workers, police officers, counselors, whoever is causing your case  grief,  as a Declaration in Response to the Detention Report, Petition, Jurisdictional Report, Progress Report, whatever document they serve you with and either mail it to the court clerk asking her to pass it along to the Judge and to place it in the court record OR submit your Declaration at the next hearing to the “court” and ask the “Judge” (or Circus Ringleader as I like to call them) to acknowledge it into the official court record. This will be your OBJECTIONS to get on record. When the “Judge” sides with social services and denies you ANYTHING you can appeal the decision and quite possibly be successful as long as you also object in court to anything that is said in court that was not said in whatever report your Declaration was in response to. A key note: EVERYTHING SAID IN THE SOCIAL WORKERS REPORT AND WHAT IS SAID IN COURT BECOMES A “FACT” OF YOUR CASE IF IT HAS NOT BEEN OBJECTED TO AT THE TIME. ONCE THE HEARING IS OVER, YOU CAN NO LONGER OBJECT TO THINGS IN THE PAST. This is a broad general rule that an attorney may be able to overcome with a Memorandum or some similar filing but without a private attorney to do this just keep what I said as the rule.
    2. Bullshit the social workers. You don’t have to admit to lies however, without actually lying yourself you can act like you have some kind of problem. I used to replace their lies and accusations in my head with my problem with THEM and agreed that my family needed all the help we could get. This would always move the social worker to write a report recommending the return of my children and closing the case. This happened several times but my husband’s ex-wife would become aware of the closing of the case via her children who lived with my husband and I (who were never included in our case, gee, I wonder why? We were good enough parents for them but not for MY children??). We participated in their programs and received excellent recommendations as good parents by counselors. We went out of our way to go the extra mile for whatever demands they placed upon us. You don’t have to do that because some people just don’t have the resources to do that. We were fortunate enough to have vehicles and a little bit of money for going out of our way to do whatever.
    3. If you have a problem with something, be nice. My mother always used to say, “Kill them with kindness.” I know this can be very difficult but imperative for your family. I think this is the hardest part of my advice. If the social worker fails to do something, speak to her supervisor and then their supervisor, all the way to the Director themselves. Usually, if you have been a nice little target, your request will be granted if you go about it this way.
    4. Talk to your lawyer as often as you can. Again, be nice. Be sympathetic to their overburdened caseload and offer to do any legwork or research for them. Prepare Declarations to every report and be sure to GET IT NOTARIZED and send it CERTIFIED MAIL to your attorney and another original to the court indicating your case number on it and ask the clerk in the cover letter to submit it to the “Judge” and into the record. After each hearing ASK YOUR ATTORNEY FOR A SIGNED COURT ORDER and the hearing minutes. ALWAYS GET THE COURT REPORTER’S CONTACT INFORMATION AND GET A TRANSCRIPT OF THE HEARING. What  you are doing is getting their lies and perjury noted in the case file just in case they still have it out for you no matter what and/or for appeal and/or to sue them later.
    5. Use technology to audio and/or video record every interaction with the social worker, visits with your children (you will have to hide this because they will stop your visits if they find out). Before the next hearing, upload these files onto your computer and burn a CD. Get a adhesive-backed sleeve for this CD and attach it to an attachment page of your Declaration. Only include relative audio and video to support your objections in your Declaration. DO NOT UPLOAD ANY OF THESE FILES ONTO THE INTERNET, DO NOT MAKE THEM FACEBOOK POSTS OR YOUTUBE VIDEOS not yet anyway.

If I think of anything else I will edit this post. I cannot guarantee this advice to work but it worked for me. Basically it is fighting them but very quietly.

I finally got back into my wordpress account!!

OMG someone totally sabotaged my login including my login for the email address associated with my wordpress account! After begging Microsoft to please somehow verify my identity despite someone changing it all was a chore like no other. So, I’m back on this site now to get into my consulting pay site….So sorry to all that have been unable to get a hold of me.

Arizona Hearing Templates

ARIZONA VICTIMS! THIS IS FOR YOU – This is what the Dependency “Judges” should be doing. Click on the links to view the scripts or “guidelines” for Judges to follow for each hearing. You should ask for a copy of what the Judge SIGNS. If you actually get a copy of something the “Judge” has signed, could you forward it to me because I have yet to see a SIGNED ORDER FROM ANY CPS Junk..I mean Judge. Study these guides and see if your hearings actually adhere to the RULES. If not, you can take away their funding by sending copies of your hearing transcript (from the court transcriptionist) along with the minute orders to the OIG. I have a link on the side for that.


This image links to a folder containing the current (2017) AZ Dependency Benchguides. The link below the image will take you to the AZ Superior Court Website with the links to the guides.


Arizona Benchguide Templates

send signed orders to:


Message to my Son Donnelly

I’m still here, missing you so much. My heart aches everyday. When I think of the last time you saw me I cry and my heart sinks because you were saying, “Come on Mommy, let’s go Mommy, me go with Mommy, right Mommy?” and you had the saddest look in your eyes when those evil social workers took you away. You must have been so sad everyday, waiting for us to come get you. Oh my god Donnelly, I am so sorry that happened. I’m getting way to choked up right now I will have to finish this later. I love you so much baby, why do they deny you the love from your real parents? Oh, come on, he’s almost 10! Can’t I see him now?

There is so much I want to tell the people who adopted my son but it seems impossible to get this “Christian” couple to give us the opportunity to show them who we really are. First, there was CPS talking crap about us, then there was me, in court, giving her the evil eye. I should have thought about that a little more. I was hoping to scare her off so that Donnelly would be placed with my sister-in-law. Well, it did not scare her off, it made me look like someone she wouldn’t want to know. Backfire. And I am very sorry about that. I was in custody and desperate.

Then for some reason, when we wrote to them and tried to get them to talk to us, they FREAKED out and filed a restraining order and got it so then we would get arrested if we even attempted to contact them.

Then, another desperate act, I wrote to the adoptive father’s brother, (I will call him “A”) in prison because I knew he was going to be released soon and wanted to make sure he was not going to be around my son. Well, he ended up being completely innocent and I began advocating for his release as they decided to keep him an extra year despite the court having granted him special relief from an illegal act on behalf of the court during sentencing. A spent 11 years in prison for something he didn’t do then they kept him an extra year! We became somewhat friends during that year, we set up a phone account so he could call, I wrote to him and to the prison Warden, the State’s Attorney, his lawyer, and served a habeus corpus filing on his behalf. I chatted with his mother (also the adoptive father’s mother) but she didn’t know who I was even though i had given her my full real name. When he was finally released, he decided that the only friends he had were my husband and I and we offered to help him as much as we could if he chose to live in California (he was in Illinois). Well, he moved out here and we did help him like we promised.. We never asked him for anything, We never asked him to do anything or to speak on our behalf. We did offer all our evidence and he did his homework and came to the realization that we were truly innocent and that the whole removal and adoption was completely unnecessary. He voluntarily gave us updates about how our son was being cared for and maybe what school he went to. We never attempted to interfere with their life whatsoever. But still, we are seen as monsters.

All hope was lost when my own BROTHER, Donald P. Joyce, Jr., went to the adoptive mother’s work and said all kinds of things he had no personal knowledge of, that were completely false based on the manipulation by my other brother, David M. Joyce, who I helped as well when he was released from prison (crimes he was 100% guilty of). Now A’s charges and conviction by plea bargain via intimidation and and absolute bias against him, were those of crimes against children. My brother, being the predjudice mother-effer he is, labeled A a “cho-mo” and refused to believe evidence I put in front of his face that A was innocent, A stopped by once in a while and they seemed to get along. They even smoked some weed together. I did not join them. Dave smokes weed every day and lied to a doctor to get a prescription for it simply because he cannot deal with life sober. Now I was caring for my father, now Dave living with us, who also, without asking, lets his girlfriend move in. They are in the living room on a pull out couch and not getting any privacy because I have the second bedroom. Dave decided to take my room by force and came up with crap and stole from my dad by stealing my dad’s ATM card from my wallet, going to the casino and spending $3000, then telling Don that he thought I had a gambling problem and that he should look over my dad’s bank account! I was accused of all kinds of crap. Fine, I am used to that kind of treatment but to go to my son’s adoptive parents and ruin ANY chance for a sliver of hope to see Donnelly before he turns 18 and can’t remember us at all, that was DESPICABLE AND MEAN AND TOTALLY UNCALLED FOR! Don sent me an email basically telling me to straighten up and he would “put in a good word for us”. WTF? This from Don, the REAL cho-mo (he molested two little girls when he was 18 and was babysitting them. This is the REAL reason we moved from NY to CA), and Dave, the REAL drug addict doing drugs with A, not me!

I wish there was a way convince your adoptive parents to give us an opportunity to tell our side and show them the evidence that they themselves can go down to the court and get right out of the file. Our proof is in the court files but completely ignored by everyone. They claim to be “Christians” or believe in Jesus and all the lessons in the Bible that direct them to do unto others and to not judge people and love thy neighbor and forgive people. Even if it is only in their mind, we deserve forgiveness for things they believe we have done. And we are asking for this forgiveness. We have changed our lives, we are going to church and volunteering our time for the parish. We give 10% of our income to the church. We pray everyday. We refrain from doing drugs, we go to AA and NA and we are 100% clean and sober. We beg for your forgiveness and promise that no harm will come to anyone and we will not try to kidnap our own child.

But this won’t do any good. You are afraid that Donnelly will love us more than you and you are being selfish.

So Donnelly, it seems like fate won’t let us see you. I want to just walk right up to your door but I won’t because I do not want you to see me arrested again! Our ONLY hope is that you somehow find this site, dedicated to you, sometime soon and you demand to see us.

Anuual Fatherless Day Rally June 16th

If you are anywhere near the California State Capitol City of Sacramento, show your support and help raise awareness to the most neglected social issues facing the human race – see below:


Social Worker School

These are funny cartoons that include references to actual cases in Riverside County, CA.

To The Cop I Called A “Pig” Last Night:

I was at a local bar, ET’s Lounge in Temecula, California, and doing my rap Karaoke and this young guy was with his buddies and they tried to play like they were okies from Oklahoma and acting like they were clueless on technology and Eminem and “smoking the pot”. However, I got to talk to him and somehow got involved in talking about CPS and you know, their B.S. I ended up getting a little irritated with this guy after he said he knew something as a fact and I said, “What are you a cop or something?” and he said,”Yes.”  He said a few more things and I said, “You’re a fucking cop, I don’t talk to pigs.” Then I pointed him out to the rest of the bar just so they know he’s a cop. For this, Sir, I apologize. Sincerely. I should never have referred to you as a farm animal. I have friends and relatives that are police officers and it feels like when I called you a pig, I was calling them a pig and for that I am truly ashamed and embarrassed. It was completely out of line dramatic. I will never use that word when addressing an officer of the law ever again. I promise. I should have been more patient with you as you know not what you do. I understand you see the worst in people on a daily basis and it is hard to not form an attitude towards people in general. I am sure you really didn’t mean to say, “Fuck the families, fuck the parents, it SHOULD BE HARDER TO GET YOUR KIDS BACK.” I am quite sure you didn’t mean to say, “Fuck the family, I’m not going to burden aunts and uncles with a kid because his parents got in a fight so I take them directly to the group home.” I’m sure you don’t really do this. If you do, please do some research to see the  outcome of these children and families and don’t be so bias. Imagine its your family, please. I really want you to fully comprehend the way the system is. Why don’t you start with the video below of Molly McGrath on Ted Talks regarding foster care. Then Google “Nancy Schaefer” and “Ted Gunnerson” on Youtube and watch them all the way through. Then, if you still don’t have a clue, there is nothing else I can say, but maybe this will intrigue you and you will research further. But I doubt it, you and your friends are probably trying to decide where you will be from the next time you go out. Have a wonderful day, Sir.

Donnelly is 9 Years Old Today



We are not REALLY OLD nor are we DEAD. This is what you believe. I wonder how you will feel when you find out that your adoptive parents have KNOWN FOR YEARS EXACTLY WHERE YOUR REAL MOMMY AND DADDY ARE but they simply lie to you either directly or by omission of the truth. They will tell you that they are “protecting” you but from WHAT EXACTLY?


They will try to tell you that we were drug addicts and criminals, this iS NOT true!!! We are for the most part RESPONSIBLE people. I say this because losing you has taken its toll on us emotionally and that also affects us physically. There is a lack of motivation sometimes when this loss overwhelms us, we do fight with each other a great deal, but not about you, you are the one thing we agree about. Donnelly, you unite your father and I because you were made with all the love in the world that two people could have for each other. We want you to know this on this special day, the day you were born.


I wish people weren’t so jealous and insecure with themselves so that they go out of their way to hurt other people. This is the main reason our family was ripped apart and why it continues to be ripped apart. People do not understand, they do not sympathize, they harshly judge, and hypocritically I might add! I want the BEST for you and I believe, as well as NORMAL person would, that the BEST thing you could have in your life are your REAL parents, even if only occasionally. I know my brothers went out of their way to ensure that we don’t get to see you any time soon and that they only strengthened the hatred your adoptive mother has for us but I have this hope, still, in my heart and soul that your adoptive parents will come around sooner than later but REALITY is that they are closed-minded and refuse to make their OWN ASSESSMENT. This is very sad for me to think about.



I hope you are having a birthday party, or already had one, like I would do for your birthday. I hope you went somewhere fun, like we would take you for your birthday. I hope you got presents and the one thing you wanted more than anything. Maybe someday that wish will be to meet your real parents.



We love you and miss you with all our hearts and souls. Happy Birthday baby boy! (I’m sobbing now.) xxooxoxoxoxoxoxox Love, Mommy and Daddy




We LOVE this song, this video, this message. JUST LISTEN. We ask YOU, where IS the LOVE?



For more, visit:

Music video by The Black Eyed Peas performing #WHERESTHELOVE. (C) 2016 Interscope Geffen (A&M) Records A Division of UMG Recordings Inc.



WALLACE PATE WANTS CONTACT WITH YOU ALL (no one who has filed a lawsuit can come to this movement!) want you to know there is the commission for children and families in Los Angeles. Wallace Pate as well as several others are going there you get 2 minutes and the complaints get investigated YOU MUST have your paper work and Attorney Wallace Pate wants to meet with you to make sure its tidy and what important issues should be brought up its every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month! Lets do this immediately! We need as many at LOS ANGELES COUNTY COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES KENNETH HAHN HALL OF ADMINISTRATION 500 WEST TEMPLE STREET, ROOM 739 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2016, 10:00 A.M.

Senator Ed Ableser CAN Find ANY Reason in ANY Home to Remove EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOUR CHILDREN! Watch!


LA DCFS Newsletter

Read the newsletter I have linked above. Note the first page where it states that LA County files over 100,000 Petitions each YEAR! Then, move on to the third page where it describes what the court provides for the children while they are at court. Sounds like a CIRCUS to me! Popcorn, games, representatives from the Wild Animal Zoo bringing animals to the court for the children’s “entertainment” because they usually leave court “in tears”. Well, if they were removing children from really abusive homes, they probably wouldn’t necessarily be in tears! They are in tears because THEY HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM A DECENT HOME AND HAVE BEEN SEPARATED FROM THEIR PARENTS AND SIBLINGS AND THE COUNTY JUST DENIED THEM TO BE ABLE TO GO HOME!

This crap really pisses me off, they are fake scoundrels who earn a living off the stealing of our children!

I am so sorry everyone…

I am so sorry that we have not approved your comments for a while now. I am going through them and reading, trying to reply to some but I just can’t do it all in one night. I will be working on these a little each day. Again, so sorry for your family going through the horrific experience of “legal kidnapping” by your state and those nasty CPS baby-stealers. Thank you everyone, for visiting our site, learning our story and sharing yours.

To the lawyers who visit our site: THANK YOU!!! If you want to be listed and have a link to your website or if you have any other links that would help our viewers that I could put on our side column, please email me at:

Happy Birthday Donnelly!!!

Your birthday is November 14th and I am a few days late posting this but we were thinking about you ALL DAY. We wish we could see you for your birthday, we miss you sooooo much! If you were home with us, I would have a birthday party every year and do other special things with you like take you to Disneyland or Legoland. We hope you look for us someday and find this site so you know that we were always with you in spirit, not just on your birthday but every single day of the years! You are such a special and sweet little man and our hearts are forever broken being denied the right to see you and knowing that you are being denied the truth. Happy Birthday baby boy!

Love, Mommy and Daddy

Child Protective Services – Topic 2 – Detention of your Child(ren)

Detention: The removal of your child(ren) from your care by Child Protective Services

One thing is very important for people to know and that is Child Protective Services DOES NOT HAVE ANY POWER until YOU GIVE IT TO THEM. Otherwise, they can go take a hike.

If you think there is some kind of law that says that YOU HAVE TO TALK TO THEM you are wrong. No county that I know of has such a law. Often, they arrive with the police. This is merely to INTIMIDATE YOU but also to protect them against you flipping out. We are often shielded from news stories about parents who go postal on social workers who threaten to take their child away. I think so no one gets any crazy ideas. However, a few have made into the mainstream. I have heard of people shooting CPS workers in the face and recently a mother hunted down the social worker who terminated her rights and killed her in cold blood. Let’s be honest, that is our initial urge in such a devastating event. Violence is counterproductive because when that mother’s child grows up she will most likely still be in prison and until the day she dies. There is no chance of ever having a close relationship with your child if you have to spend the rest of your life in prison.

As soon as CPS shows up at your door, and you ignorantly agree to speak to them, RECORD EVERYTHING! If they tell you that they are there to remove your child, say “NO!”. OBJECT to everything that is undocumented, lacks witness testimony, that is unreasonable, and make sure you get it recorded. If that day has already passed, you can still RECORD every future conversation with anyone and everyone involved in your case, in person and over the phone. If you think it is illegal to record a conversation that YOU are a party to, I have news for you:

Who must give permission to record a telephone or in-person conversation?

Federal law permits recording telephone calls and in-person conversations with the consent of at least one of the parties. See 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(d). This is called a “one-party consent” law. Under a one-party consent law, you can record a phone call or conversation so long as you are a party to the conversation. Furthermore, if you are not a party to the conversation, a “one-party consent” law will allow you to record the conversation or phone call so long as your source consents and has full knowledge that the communication will be recorded. Check your state’s law to see if they use the one-party consent law.

Every parent feels that their child will be taken “over their dead body”. Believe me, THAT IS WHAT IT WOULD BE if you decided to stick to that way of thinking. Dead or in jail of course. My husband and I went to jail for taking our son back from THEIR ILLEGAL DETENTION of our son, Donnelly. Of course for some reason, CPS in Riverside County, California, believes that they have a legal right over your child WITHOUT ANY SIGNED COURT ORDERS giving them custody! The police do not require the same from CPS as they do parents when involved in a “legal” custody battle. Us parents need to show the police a duly court stamped CUSTODY ORDER SIGNED BY AN OFFICIAL STATE JUDGE in order to receive their assistance to regain custody and control over your child. CPS can simply say they have custody and sometimes show them a MINUTE ORDER that is NOT SIGNED BY ANY JUDGE (because the “official” they call a “Judge” is merely an ADMINISTRATIVE “HEARING OFFICER”). BE SURE TO RESEARCH THIS IN YOUR COUNTY.

In California, CPS MUST CONSIDER PLACEMENT WITH A FAMILY MEMBER FIRST! This is from the current CA Welfare & Institutions Code:

361.3.  (a) In any case in which a child is removed from the
physical custody of his or her parents pursuant to Section 361,
preferential consideration shall be given to a request by a relative
of the child for placement of the child with the relative, regardless
of the relative's immigration status. In determining whether
placement with a relative is appropriate, the county social worker
and court shall consider, but shall not be limited to, consideration
of all the following factors:
   (1) The best interest of the child, including special physical,
psychological, educational, medical, or emotional needs.
   (2) The wishes of the parent, the relative, and child, if
   (3) The provisions of Part 6 (commencing with Section 7950) of
Division 12 of the Family Code regarding relative placement.
   (4) Placement of siblings and half siblings in the same home,
unless that placement is found to be contrary to the safety and
well-being of any of the siblings, as provided in Section 16002.
   (5) The good moral character of the relative and any other adult
living in the home, including whether any individual residing in the
home has a prior history of violent criminal acts or has been
responsible for acts of child abuse or neglect.
   (6) The nature and duration of the relationship between the child
and the relative, and the relative's desire to care for, and to
provide legal permanency for, the child if reunification is
   (7) The ability of the relative to do the following:
   (A) Provide a safe, secure, and stable environment for the child.
   (B) Exercise proper and effective care and control of the child.
   (C) Provide a home and the necessities of life for the child.
   (D) Protect the child from his or her parents.
   (E) Facilitate court-ordered reunification efforts with the
   (F) Facilitate visitation with the child's other relatives.
   (G) Facilitate implementation of all elements of the case plan.
   (H) Provide legal permanence for the child if reunification fails.
   However, any finding made with respect to the factor considered
pursuant to this subparagraph and pursuant to subparagraph (G) shall
not be the sole basis for precluding preferential placement with a
   (I) Arrange for appropriate and safe child care, as necessary.
   (8) The safety of the relative's home. For a relative to be
considered appropriate to receive placement of a child under this
section, the relative's home shall first be approved pursuant to the
process and standards described in subdivision (d) of Section 309.
   In this regard, the Legislature declares that a physical
disability, such as blindness or deafness, is no bar to the raising
of children, and a county social worker's determination as to the
ability of a disabled relative to exercise care and control should
center upon whether the relative's disability prevents him or her
from exercising care and control. The court shall order the parent to
disclose to the county social worker the names, residences, and any
other known identifying information of any maternal or paternal
relatives of the child. This inquiry shall not be construed, however,
to guarantee that the child will be placed with any person so
identified. The county social worker shall initially contact the
relatives given preferential consideration for placement to determine
if they desire the child to be placed with them. Those desiring
placement shall be assessed according to the factors enumerated in
this subdivision. The county social worker shall document these
efforts in the social study prepared pursuant to Section 358.1. The
court shall authorize the county social worker, while assessing these
relatives for the possibility of placement, to disclose to the
relative, as appropriate, the fact that the child is in custody, the
alleged reasons for the custody, and the projected likely date for
the child's return home or placement for adoption or legal
guardianship. However, this investigation shall not be construed as
good cause for continuance of the dispositional hearing conducted
pursuant to Section 358.
   (b) In any case in which more than one appropriate relative
requests preferential consideration pursuant to this section, each
relative shall be considered under the factors enumerated in
subdivision (a). Consistent with the legislative intent for children
to be placed immediately with a responsible relative, this section
does not limit the county social worker's ability to place a child in
the home of an appropriate relative or a nonrelative extended family
member pending the consideration of other relatives who have
requested preferential consideration.
   (c) For purposes of this section:
   (1) "Preferential consideration" means that the relative seeking
placement shall be the first placement to be considered and
   (2) "Relative" means an adult who is related to the child by
blood, adoption, or affinity within the fifth degree of kinship,
including stepparents, stepsiblings, and all relatives whose status
is preceded by the words "great," "great-great," or "grand," or the
spouse of any of these persons even if the marriage was terminated by
death or dissolution. However, only the following relatives shall be
given preferential consideration for the placement of the child: an
adult who is a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or sibling.
   (d) Subsequent to the hearing conducted pursuant to Section 358,
whenever a new placement of the child must be made, consideration for
placement shall again be given as described in this section to
relatives who have not been found to be unsuitable and who will
fulfill the child's reunification or permanent plan requirements. In
addition to the factors described in subdivision (a), the county
social worker shall consider whether the relative has established and
maintained a relationship with the child.
   (e) If the court does not place the child with a relative who has
been considered for placement pursuant to this section, the court
shall state for the record the reasons placement with that relative
was denied.
   (f) (1) With respect to a child who satisfies the criteria set
forth in paragraph (2), the department and any licensed adoption
agency may search for a relative and furnish identifying information
relating to the child to that relative if it is believed the child's
welfare will be promoted thereby.
   (2) Paragraph (1) shall apply if both of the following conditions
are satisfied:
   (A) The child was previously a dependent of the court.
   (B) The child was previously adopted and the adoption has been
disrupted, set aside pursuant to Section 9100 or 9102 of the Family
Code, or the child has been released into the custody of the
department or a licensed adoption agency by the adoptive parent or
   (3) As used in this subdivision, "relative" includes a member of
the child's birth family and nonrelated extended family members,
regardless of whether the parental rights were terminated, provided
that both of the following are true:
   (A) No appropriate potential caretaker is known to exist from the
child's adoptive family, including nonrelated extended family members
of the adoptive family.
   (B) The child was not the subject of a voluntary relinquishment by
the birth parents pursuant to Section 8700 of the Family Code or
Section 1255.7 of the Health and Safety Code.

All too often, CPS will use a catch phrase to support their kidnapping of your child(ren) such as “the child was at imminent risk” or even the lesser, “the child was at risk”. The “risk” can be as minimal as to not even exist because they can make it up and not have to provide ANY real evidence or ANY real witnesses. In most Juvenile Dependency actions, (which is ACTUALLY JUST A CIVIL OR ADMINISTRATIVE COURT) the mere filing of a Petition along with a Detention Report, regardless of its correctness or truthfulness, constitutes a “prima facie” case which means:

Prima Facie

[Latin, On the first appearance.] A fact presumed to be true unless it is disproved.

In common parlance the term prima facie is used to describe the apparent nature of something upon initial observation. In legal practice the term generally is used to describe two things: the presentation of sufficient evidence by a civil claimant to support the legal claim (a prima facie case), or a piece of evidence itself (prima facie evidence).

For most civil claims, a plaintiff must present a prima facie case to avoid dismissal ofthe case or an unfavorable directed verdict. The plaintiff must produce enough evidence on all elements of the claim to support the claim and shift the burden of evidence production to the respondent. If the plaintiff fails to make a prima facie case,the respondent may move for dismissal or a favorable directed verdict without presenting any evidence to rebut whatever evidence the plaintiff has presented. This is because the burden of persuading a judge or jury always rests with the plaintiff.

Assume that a plaintiff claims that an employer failed to promote her based on hersex. The plaintiff must produce affirmative evidence showing that the employer used illegitimate, discriminatory criteria in making employment decisions that concerned the plaintiff. The employer, as respondent, does not have a burden to produce evidence until the plaintiff has made a prima facie case of Sex Discrimination (TexasDepartment of Community Affairs v. Burdine, 450 U.S. 248, 101 S. Ct. 1089, 67 L. Ed.2d 207 [1981]). The precise amount of evidence that constitutes a prima facie case varies from claim to claim. If the plaintiff does not present a prima facie case with sufficient evidence, the judge may dismiss the case. Or, if the case is being heard by a jury, the judge may direct the jury to return a verdict for the respondent.

Prima facie also refers to specific evidence that, if believed, supports a case or anelement that needs to be proved in the case. The term prima facie evidence is used inboth civil and Criminal Law. For example, if the prosecution in a murder casepresents a videotape showing the defendant screaming death threats at the victim,such evidence may be prima facie evidence of intent to kill, an element that must beproved by the prosecution before the defendant may be convicted of murder. On itsface, the evidence indicates that the defendant intended to kill the victim.

Statutes may specify that certain evidence is prima facie evidence of a certain fact.For example, a duly authenticated copy of a defendant’s criminal record may beconsidered prima facie evidence of the defendant’s prior convictions and may be usedagainst the defendant in court (Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 18-3-412 [West 1996]). A Civil Law example is a statute that makes a duly certified copy or duplicate of a certificateof authority for a fraternal benefit society to transact business prima facie evidencethat the society is legal and legitimate (Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 10-14-603 [West1996]).

Further readings

Herlitz, Georg Nils. 1994. “The Meaning of the Term ‘Prima Facie.'” Louisiana LawReview 55.


Burden of Persuasion.

West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

prima facie

(pry-mah fay-shah) adj. Latin for “at first look,” or “on its face,” referring to a lawsuit or criminal prosecution in which the evidence before trial is sufficient to prove the case unless there is substantial contradictory evidence presented at trial. A prima facie case presented to a grand jury by the prosecution will result in an indictment. Example: in a charge of bad check writing, evidence of a half dozen checks written on a non-existent bank account, makes it a prima facie case. However, proof that the bank had misprinted the account number on the checks might disprove the prosecution’s apparent “open and shut” case. (See: prima facie case)

Most often, CPS has NO WARRANT AND THEREFORE NO LEGAL GROUNDS TO REMOVE YOUR CHILD! They must state in their PETITION as well as their DETENTION REPORT what the reasons are, and if no warrant, they must state the facts, clearly and concisely, what evidence they had to believe the child(ren) were at imminent risk of being abuse or neglected. Do you know what they say in their detention reports? Things like, “The family has had a prior CPS case therefore, due to someone calling in again then the parents did not benefit from services provided by the Department therefore the child was at risk of abuse or neglect.”!  WTF???

Sometimes it is very difficult for me to write these posts as this kind of shit really disturbs me!


  1.  RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH – Look up your state’s laws regarding child welfare, look up and get a copy of your county’s MANUAL OF POLICIES AND PROCEDURES, find out what YOUR ATTORNEY CAN AND SHOULD DO FOR YOU AND WHAT YOUR CHILD’S ATTORNEY CAN AND SHOULD BE DOING FOR YOUR CHILD(REN). Call them on their lack of proper representation, call them, leave messages, quote the laws and policies you look up, write and call their superiors if the attorney is not making proper responses and objections. You can also find help on Facebook page called Families Against Government Abuse: and another called T.E.A.R.S.:  From there you should find many more groups.

Donnelly Keaton Burns Having Fun At Home





Child Protective Services- Topic 1: Referrals

Referral has two meanings in Child Protective Services

Referral=When someone calls a CPS hotline and says that they believe a child is being abused.

Referral= An approval and authorization to provide payment to a “service” that is “required” and demanded upon you in order to get your child(ren) back from CPS such as counseling, drug testing and parenting classes.

For this post I will be “referring” to the first REFERRAL I described above.

Who called CPS on you? Was it a family member or close friend?

This is the shittiest type of referral because these are the people who are supposed to be there for you, not feed you to the wolves. If a family member or close friend feels that they are “helping” you by calling CPS on you then they do not deserve to be considered family or close friend. With friends and family like that, you don’t need any enemies. If you are one of those family or friends that have called on someone, I think that if you are here, you are regretting it. It’s OK, at least you are here and most people have no clue as to what they are doing to a family when they make that call. But did you have the BEST intentions? NO you didn’t but still, you are here. The best thing you can do for them now is TAKE BACK WHAT YOU SAID AND DO IT IN COURT AND ON PAPER, SUBMIT IT TO THE JUDGE PERSONALLY. HELP YOUR FAMILY MEMBER OR CLOSE FRIEND AS MUCH AS YOU CAN AND NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!

ANYONE CAN CALL THE CPS HOTLINE and report anything they want regardless of whether they are telling the truth or NOT.  A disgruntled neighbor, friend, family member, an ex-spouse or partner, your child’s friend’s mother or father, a complete stranger who witnessed you yelling at your kid in the grocery store and managed to get the phone number you have on your car advertising your business, a jogger passing by your house and hears a loud bang and then the cry of a child (this really happened to a friend of my brother’s.  The loud bang was a broomstick falling to the floor and it startled a young child causing them to cry. The broom wasn’t even close to hitting the child.)  The person making the “referral” does not have to have proof nor do they ever have to testify! NEVER! Their names are kept secret (unless they call your social worker directly while you have an open case, then this information may be in the case/contact log). No background check for the person’s credibility will be performed and they can be convicted child abusers themselves!

What can you do to avoid the “referral” by someone you know? You certainly can lower the odds by just getting along with people. I wish I would have put more effort into not being a bitch to my husband’s ex-wife that is for sure! I thought I was so much better than her, I looked at her like she was a piece of shit (she was and still is) but I didn’t have to go out of my way to write her that letter telling her so. I had my reasons at the time but golly gee willicker, if I could go back in time, I would kiss that woman’s ass for sure! I had no idea of the evil she was capable of doing. So be kind to your neighbors, ex-spouse or girlfriend, be tolerant of certain personality defects, try your best to be firm but always nice. Don’t piss your mother off (they must rank #4 in the people who call!) and try to get along with your sister. This would not only improve your chances of not being falsely reported, it also strengthens your family bonds and that is positive for everyone.


A lot of calls are from “mandated reporters” who are professionals who can be charged with a crime for failing to report “suspected” child abuse either in criminal or civil court as well as pay a hefty fine and possibly lose their license.  I believe that there may be a minimum referral quota but I can not verify that.  

Here is a partial list of “Mandated Reporters”:

School teachers

School Nurse

School Principal

School Counselor

School Janitor

School Administrator

School Staff

School Volunteer

School Cafeteria Lady/Worker

School Clerk/Office Staff

School Librarian

School Social Worker

Hospital Doctor

Hospital Nurse

Hospital Administrator

Hospital Social Worker

Hospital Staff

Hospital Chaplin

Regular Doctor

Doctor’s Nurse

Doctor’s Office Staff

Doctor’s Aide



Daycare Administrators

Daycare worker


Dental Assistant

Dental Office Staff

Police Officers

Code Enforcement Officers

Animal Control Officers

Probation Officers

Substance Abuse Program Directors, Counselors, Volunteers and Office Staff

Domestic Violence Prevention Program Directors, Counselors, Volunteers and Office Staff

Parenting Class Teacher, Administrator, Volunteers and Office Staff

Anyone who works at Macy’s Department Store (no kidding!)

Utility Workers (like the people that come out to turn on/off your electricity, water or gas)

Refuse Pick-up Drivers

Mail Delivery Persons




Each CPS office has its own referral evaluation process.  You should be able to find the one for your county by searching, “Child Welfare Policies in ____ County”.  How the agency in your area responds depends on several factors such as current case load, budget conditions and case to staff ratio. All too often calls will be “evaluated out” simply because they were understaffed and over budget already. Even more disgusting is when CPS KNOWS a child is in real danger and they don’t do a damn thing! They let that child get hurt or die just so they can spin it so that they can say they need more money! Shameful, despicable behavior!

The call center will receive the call, ask pertinent information about the child and the child’s family and/or residence but they will not verify the caller’s credibility whatsoever. Personally, the person who called on us was herself a child abuser and on the CACI index along with having a criminal record which included child endangerment. Not to mention a lengthy drug abuse history!

At your first hearing be sure to OBJECT to any policy violations that you can find. If they are supposed to get a warrant then OBJECT to the detention of your children on the grounds that they violated ____ Policy (state your source which is the Manual for your county). Do this especially if they did not have any valid reason to suspect that your child was at imminent risk. Such as simply school attendance ONE alleged positive drug test or for refusing to drug test. You can use this policy in your Objections, Declaration and Statements of Fact in Response to the Petition and Detention Reports.  Be sure to list all the policies and procedures that they did not adhere to regarding the referral, investigation and removal of your child(ren).

CPS abuses their power this is no secret. Supposedly, they get a rush from “saving” children so most often, to feed their egos and get their “saving” fix for the day, they will out and out falsify things you say and things your children say so NEVER speak to them without an attorney present. I know this is hard to do so at least say as little as you can! Always be polite because they will use your attitude against you. Say everything with a smile and thank them for their concern. But still, do your homework, READ YOUR COUNTY’S CHILD WELFARE POLICIES AND USE IT AGAINST THEM AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY.  IT WILL GO A LONG WAY TO MAKING YOUR CASE FOR THE APPEALS COURT.

Our Family Torn and Terrorized by CPS (Part 6)

I finally completed Part 6 of our story including getting arrested for a possession of stolen property that was not stolen and more falsified hair follicle tests.

Part 7 should be much more exciting as I will explain what happened in Arizona and show how we “stole” our son back from CPS who never has legal custody of our children because they never had any SIGNED COURT ORDERS!