All posts by donnellyjustice

I started off blogging because of how unjust my family was treated by the court system and I woke up to a system of law that doesn't care about right or wrong, evidence or no evidence, or even listening to both sides of the case. I must be crazy to have thought our courts were based on facts. CPS submitted another mans criminal record, different birthday but same name to present to the court as if there was a long criminal history. I did not find this out until after my child was removed, when I tried to correct this my evidence was refused to be put on record... This is one of many criminal actions by not just CPS but the court as well This is very personal and close subject to my heart as my family was just devastated by the corrupt JV family courts. I have witnessed the complete destruction of any legal process with out any actual proof of anything. This judge made a complete joke out of our constitutional and civil and human rights of parents. To pass judgment without being shown proof of some kind, any kind at all, shows no moral fortitude of decency as well as respect for the American families that he serves. I don't know if people even pay attention to what is actually happening in these courts today and that we have already lost most of our rights to a fair court system in most of this country. We need to make everyone aware of this corrupted court system is. We have lost our rights in court and these judges supporting it. The only people who still believe, CPS is their to help families are families CPS hasn't helped. Children are not disposable and families are the backbone of this country. This makes me so ashamed of this country to have let CPS go this far without any over-site the facts are all over the internet, parents trying to just get any kind of hope at all that someone will just listen. Every single case I research, CPS is the only side the judge even hears. This is so wrong OMG We have the right to a fair trial, "right"? That's what I thought. Not with CPS. Parents have no defense when they are accused by CPS. CPS will do everything they can to ruin parents and sell their children for profit. I can not except American families being treated so badly. I will spend the rest of my life speaking out and waking people up to what is truly going on with the company hired by the government to protect children, when all the facts and statistics show CPS is for the money and only 15% of the time ever has a legal reason to remove a child. That is disgusting. They do it because they the judge only lets CPS on record. This is absolute corruption in the worst way with the most innocent of people being destroyed. Look up the facts, before you ever take a side. Everything I have stated here is complete fact. Every family is a target.

Child Un-Protective Services, your worst nightmare . What they don’t tell you.

If anyone believes this organization helps kids, you better step into the real world. I have seen this happen over and over again so many times I have lost count the list is in the thousands and this is a fact. CPS is so irresponsible with our children and the facts have been in for a very long time. We must close this organization down.  Any congressman, senator who doesn’t agree that something must be done NOW is on THE TAKE and letting kids get killed for money.  These are children’s lives and these are not throw away kids, these kids were taken from loving homes. CPS doesn’t target bad homes for a reason,  to keep up adoption numbers by taking good kids.  I have researched this problem for many years and this is not opinion this is fact.


Child Protective Services aka CPS, Everything you ever wanted to know. The Good, The bad, and The Ugly.


U.S. federal laws that govern CPS agencies include:


In 1690, in what is now the United States, there were criminal court cases involving child abuse.[1] In 1692, states and municipalities identified care for abused and neglected children as the responsibility of local government and private institutions.[2]In 1696, The Kingdom of England first used the legal principle of parens patriae, which gave the royal crown care of “charities, infants, idiots, and lunatics returned to the chancery.” This principal of parens patriae has been identified as the statutory basis for U.S. governmental intervention in families’ child rearing practices.[3]

In 1825, states enacted laws giving social-welfare agencies the right to remove neglected children from their parents and from the streets. These children were placed in almshouses, in orphanages and with other families. In 1835, the Humane Society founded the National Federation of Child Rescue agencies to investigate child maltreatment. In the late-19th century, private child protection agencies – modeled after existing animal protection organizations – developed to investigate reports of child maltreatment, present cases in court and advocate for child welfare legislation.[4]

In 1853, the Children’s Aid Society was founded in response to the problem of orphaned or abandoned children living in New York.[5] Rather than allow these children to become institutionalized or continue to live on the streets, the children were placed in the first “foster” homes, typically with the intention of helping these families work their farms.[6][7]

In 1874, the first case of child abuse was criminally prosecuted in what has come to be known as the “case of Mary Ellen.” Outrage over this case started an organized effort against child maltreatment[8] In 1909, President Theodore Roosevelt convened the White House Conference on Child Dependency, which created a publicly funded volunteer organization to “establish and publicize standards of child care.”[6] By 1926, 18 states had some version of county child welfare boards whose purpose was to coordinate public and private child related work.[7] Issues of abuse and neglect were addressed in the Social Security Act in 1930, which provided funding for intervention for “neglected and dependent children in danger of becoming delinquent.” [8]

In 1912, the federal Children’s Bureau was established to manage federal child welfare efforts, including services related to child maltreatment. In 1958, amendments to the Social Security Act mandated that states fund child protection efforts.[9] In 1962, professional and media interest in child maltreatment was sparked by the publication of C. Henry Kempe and associates’ “The battered child syndrome” in JAMA. By the mid-1960s, in response to public concern that resulted from this article, 49 U.S. states passed child-abuse reporting laws.[10] In 1974, these efforts by the states culminated in the passage of the federal “Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act” (CAPTA; Public Law 93-247) providing federal funding for wide-ranging federal and state child-maltreatment research and services.[11] In 1980, Congress passed the first comprehensive federal child protective services act, the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-272), which focused on state economic incentives to substantially decrease the length and number of foster care placements.[12]

Partly funded by the federal government, Child Protective Services (CPS) agencies were first established in response to the 1974CAPTA which mandated that all states establish procedures to investigate suspected incidents of child maltreatment.[13]

In the 1940s and 1950s, due to improved technology in diagnostic radiology, the medical profession began to take notice of what they believed to be intentional injuries.[14] In 1961, C. Henry Kempe began to further research this issue, eventually identifying and coining the term battered child syndrome.[14] At this same time, there were also changing views about the role of the child in society, fueled in part by the civil rights movement.[7]

In 1973, Congress took the first steps toward enacting federal legislature to address the issue of child abuse. The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act[15] was passed in 1974, which required states “to prevent, identify and treat child abuse and neglect.”[8]

Shortly thereafter, in 1978, the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) was passed in response to concerns that large numbers of Native American children were being separated from their tribes and placed in foster care.[16] This legislation not only opened the door for consideration of cultural issues while stressing ideas that children should be with their families, leading to the beginnings offamily preservation programs.[17] In 1980, the Adoption Assistance Act[18] was introduced as a way to manage the high numbers of children in placement.[7] Although this legislation addressed some of the complaints from earlier pieces of legislation around ensuring due process for parents, these changes did not alleviate the high numbers of children in placement or continuing delays in permanence.[17] This led to the introduction of the home visitation models, which provided funding to private agencies to provide intensive family preservation services.[7]

In addition to family preservation services, the focus of federal child welfare policy changed to try to address permanence for the large numbers of foster children care.[17] Several pieces of federal legislation attempted to ease the process of adoption including Adoption Assistance Act;[18] the 1988 Child Abuse Prevention, Adoption, and Family Services Act; and the 1992 Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Adoption, and Family Services Act.[19] The 1994 Multi-Ethnic Placement Act, which was revised in 1996 to add the Interethnic Placement Provisions, also attempted to promote permanency through adoption, creating regulations that adoptions could not be delayed or denied due to issues of race, color, or national origin of the child or the adoptive parent.[20]

All of these policies led up to the 1997 Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA), much of which guides current practice. Changes in the Adoptions and Safe Families Act showed an interest in both protecting children’s safety and developing permanency.[20]This law requires counties to provide “reasonable efforts” (treatment) to preserve or reunify families, but also shortened time lines required for permanence, leading to termination of parental rights should these efforts fail.[7][20] ASFA introduced the idea of “concurrent planning” which demonstrated attempts to reunify families as the first plan, but to have a back-up plan so as not to delay permanency for children.[21]

Comparison to other similar systems

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has a comprehensive child welfare system under which Local Authorities have duties and responsibilities towards children in need in their area. This covers provision of advice and services, accommodation and care of children who become uncared for, and also the capacity to initiate proceedings for the removal of children from their parents care/care proceedings. The criteria for the latter is ‘significant harm’ which covers physical, sexual and emotional abuse and neglect. In appropriate cases the Care Plan before the Court will be for adoption. The Local Authorities also run adoption services both for children put up for adoption voluntarily and those becoming available for adoption through Court proceedings. The basic legal principle in all public and private proceedings concerning children, under the Children Act 1989, is that the welfare of the child is paramount. In recognition of attachment issues, social work good practice requires a minimal number of moves and the 1989 Children Act enshrines the principle that delay is inimical to a child’s welfare. Care proceedings have a time frame of 40 weeks and concurrent planning is required. The final Care Plan put forward by the Local Authority is required to provide a plan for permanence, whether with parents, family members, long-term foster parents or adopters. Nevertheless, ‘drift’ and multiple placements still occur as many older children are difficult to place or maintain in placements. The role of Independent Visitor, a voluntary post, was created in the United Kingdom under the 1989 Children Act to befriend and assist children and young people in care.

In England, Wales and Scotland, there never has been a statutory obligation to report alleged child abuse to the Police. However both the Children Act 1989 and 2004 makes clear a statutory obligation on all professionals to report suspected child abuse.

The statutory guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006 created the role of Local Authority Designated Officer, This officer is responsible for managing allegations of abuse against adults who work with children (Teachers, Social Workers,Church leaders, Youth Workers etc.).

Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCB’s) are responsible ensuring agencies and professionals,in their area,effectively safeguard and promote the welfare of children. In the event of the death or serious injury of a child, LSCB’s can initiate a ‘Serious Case Review’ aimed at identifying agency failings and improving future practice.

The planned ContactPoint database, under which information on children is shared between professionals, has been halted by the newly elected coalition government (May 2010). The database was aimed at improving information sharing across agencies. Lack of information sharing had been identified as a failing in numerous high profile child death cases. Critics of the scheme claimed it was evidence of a ‘big brother state’ and too expensive to introduce.

Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006 (updated in 2010) and the subsequent ‘The Protection of Children in England: A Progress Report’ (Laming, 2009) continue to promote the sharing of data between those working with vulnerable children.[22]

A child in suitable cases can be made a ward of court and no decisions about the child or changes in its life can be made without the leave of the High Court.

In England the Murder of Victoria Climbié was largely responsible for various changes in child protection in England, including the formation of the Every Child Matters programme in 2003. A similar programme – Getting it Right for Every Child – GIRFEC was established in Scotland in 2008.


In Ontario, services are provided by independent Children’s Aid Societies.[23] The societies receive funding from, and are under the supervision of the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services.[24] However, they are regarded as a Non-governmental organization (NGO) which allows the CAS a large degree of autonomy from interference or direction in the day to day running of CAS by the Ministry. The Child and Family Services Review Board exists to investigate complaints against CAS and maintains authority to act against the societies.[25]

Costa Rica

The Patronato Nacional de la Infancia (PANI) is responsible for Child Protection in Costa Rica.[26]

The agency was founded in 1930 by Dr. Luis Felipe Gonzalez Flores, a Costa Rican magnate at the time. It was founded to combat infant mortality, that at the time, was rampant in Costa Rica. The idea was to put infants up for adoption that the mother could not afford to support (abortion is a crime in Costa Rica).[26]

In 1949, after the Costa Rican Civil War, a new constitution was written, it called for the agency to be an autonomous institution in the government, autonomous from any ministry.[26]

Today the focus is on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The agency still favors adoption, since abortion is illegal in Costa Rica.

Effects of early maltreatment on children in child welfare

Children with histories of maltreatment, such as physical and psychological neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse, are at risk of developing psychiatric problems.[27][28] Such children are at risk of developing a disorganized attachment.[29][30][31]Disorganized attachment is associated with a number of developmental problems, including dissociative symptoms,[32] as well as depressive, anxiety, and acting-out symptoms.[33][34]

Standards for Reporting

Generally speaking, a report must be made when an individual knows or has reasonable cause to believe or suspect that a child has been subjected to abuse or neglect. These standards guide mandatory reporters in deciding whether to make a report to child protective services.[35]

Persons Responsible for the Child

In addition to defining acts or omissions that constitute child abuse or neglect, several states’ statutes provide specific definitions of persons who can get reported to child protective services as perpetrators of abuse or neglect. These are persons who have some relationship or regular responsibility for the child. This generally includes parents, guardians, foster parents, relatives, or legal guardians. Once taken away from home, the stated goal of CPS is to reunite the child with their family. In some cases, due to the nature of abuse children are not able to see or converse with the abusers. If parents fail to complete Court Ordered terms and conditions, the children in care may never return home.[35]

Child Protective Services Statistics

The United States government’s Administration for Children and Families reported that in 2004 approximately 3.5 million children were involved in investigations of alleged abuse or neglect in the US, while an estimated 872,000 children were determined to have been abused or neglected, and an estimated 1,490 children died that year because of abuse or neglect. In 2007, 1,760 children died as the result of child abuse and neglect.[36] Child abuse impacts the most vulnerable populations, with children under age five years accounting for 76% of fatalities.[37] In 2008, 8.3 children per 1000 were victims of child abuse and neglect and 10.2 children per 1000 were in out of home placement.[38]

On September 30, 2010, there were approximately 400,000 children in foster care in the U.S. of which 36% percent were ages 5 and under. During that same period, almost 120,000 birth to five year-olds entered foster care and a little under 100,000 exited foster care.[39] U.S. Child Protective Services (CPS) received a little over 2.5 million reports of child maltreatment in 2009 of which 61.9% were assigned to an investigation.[40] Research using national data on recidivism indicates that 22% of children were rereported within a 2-year period and that 7% of these rereports were substantiated.[41]

Child Protective Services Recidivism in the United States

In order to understand CPS recidivism in the U.S., there are several terms that readers must familiarize themselves with. Two often-used terms in CPS recidivism are rereport (also known as rereferral) and recurrence. Either of the two can occur after an initial report of child abuse or neglect called an index report. Although the definition of rereport and recurrence is not consistent, the general difference is that a rereport is a subsequent report of child abuse or neglect after an initial report (also known as an index report) whereas recurrence refers to a confirmed (also known as substantiated) rereport after an initial report of child abuse and neglect. Borrowing from the definition used by Pecora et al. (2000),[42] recidivism is defined as, “Recurring child abuse and neglect, the subsequent or repeated maltreatment of a child after identification to public authorities.” It is important to highlight that this definition is not all-inclusive because it does not include abused children who are not reported to authorities.[42]

Recidivism Statistics

There are three main sources of recidivism data in the U.S.—the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW), and the National Incidence Study (NIS)—and they all have their own respective strengths and weaknesses. NCANDS was established in 1974, and it consists of administrative data of all reports of suspected child abuse and neglect investigated by CPS. NSCAW was established in 1996 and is similar to NCANDS in that it only includes reports of child abuse and neglect investigated by CPS, but it adds clinical measures related to child and family well-being that NCANDS is lacking. NIS was established in 1974, and it consists of data collected from CPS as well. However, it attempts to gather a more comprehensive picture of the incidence of child abuse and neglect by collecting data from other reporting sources called community sentinels.[43]


Brenda Scott, in her 1994 book Out of Control: Who’s Watching Our Child Protection Agencies, criticizes CPS, stating, “Child Protective Services is out of control. The system, as it operates today, should be scrapped. If children are to be protected in their homes and in the system, radical new guidelines must be adopted. At the core of the problem is the antifamily mindset of CPS. Removal is the first resort, not the last. With insufficient checks and balances, the system that was designed to protect children has become the greatest perpetrator of harm.”[44]

An ongoing case about the Nastić family living in U.S. has received an intervention from the Serbian government. Children were taken away from their parents after their naked photos were found on the father’s computer. Such photos are common in Serbia culture. Furthermore, parents claim that their ethnic and religious rights have been violated – children are not permitted to speak Serbian, nor to meet with their parents for orthodox Christmas. They can meet only mother once a week. Children have suffered psychological traumas due to their separation from parents. Polygraph showed that father did not abuse children. Trial is set for January 26. Psychologists from Serbia stated that few hours of conversation with children are enough to see whether they have been abused. Children were taken from their family 7 months ago. FBI started an investigation against the CPS.[45][46][47]

Senator Nancy Schaefer stated “The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect in 1998 reported that six times :as many children died in foster care than in the general public and that once removed to official “safety”, these children are far more likely to :suffer abuse, including sexual molestation than in the general population. Think what that number is today ten years later!”

The NCCAN report on “Perpetrators of Maltreatment”provides the following figures
Maltreatment per 100,000 US children CPS Parents
Physical Abuse 160 59
Sexual Abuse 112 13
Neglect 410 241
Medical Neglect 14 12
Fatalities 6.4 1.5

Senator Schaefer also stated

  • “that poor parents very often are targeted to lose their children because they do not have the where-with-all to hire lawyers and fight the system. Being poor does not mean you are not a good parent or that you do not love your child, or that your child should be removed and placed with strangers;
  • that all parents are capable of making mistakes and that making a mistake does not mean your children are to be removed from the home. Even if the home is not perfect, it is home; and that’s where a child is the safest and where he or she wants to be, with family;
  • that parenting classes, anger management classes, counseling referrals, therapy classes and on and on are demanded of parents with no compassion by the system even while the parents are at work and while their children are separated from them. (some times parents are required to pay for the programs) This can take months or even years and it emotionally devastates both children and parents. Parents are victimized by “the system” that makes a profit for holding children longer and “bonuses” for not returning children to their parents;
  • that caseworkers and social workers are very often guilty of fraud. They withhold and destroy evidence. They fabricate evidence and they seek to terminate parental rights unnecessarily. However, when charges are made against Child Protective Services, the charges are ignored;
  • that the separation of families and the “snatching of children” is growing as a business because local governments have grown accustomed to having these taxpayer dollars to balance their ever-expanding budgets;
  • that Child Protective Services and Juvenile Court can always hide behind a confidentiality clause in order to protect their decisions and keep the funds flowing. There should be open records and “court watches”! Look who is being paid!

There are state employees, lawyers, court investigators, guardian ad litems, court personnel, and judges. There are psychologists, and psychiatrists, counselors, caseworkers, therapists, foster parents, adoptive parents, and on and on. All are looking to the children in state custody to provide job security. Parents do not realize that the social workers are the glue that hold “the system” together that funds the court, funds the court appointed attorneys, and the multiple other jobs including the “system’s” psychiatrists, therapists, their own attorneys and others.

  • that The Adoption and the Safe Families Act, set in motion first in 1974 by Walter Mondale and later in 1997 by President Bill Clinton, offered cash “bonuses” to the states for every child they adopted out of foster care. In order to receive the “adoption incentive bonuses” local child protective services need more children. They must have merchandise (children) that sells and you must have plenty so the buyer can choose. Some counties are known to give a $4,000 to $6,000 bonus for each child adopted out to strangers and an additional $2,000 for a “special needs” child. Employees work to keep the federal dollars flowing;
  • State Departments of Human Resources (DHR) and affiliates are given a baseline number of expected adoptions based on population. For every child DHR and CPS can get adopted, there is the bonus of $4,000 or maybe $6,000. But that is only the beginning figure in the formula in which each bonus is multiplied by the percentage that the State has managed to exceed its baseline adoption number. Therefore States and local communities work hard to reach their goals for increased numbers of adoptions for children in foster care.
  • that there is double dipping. The funding continues as long as the child is out of the home. There is funding for foster care then when a child is placed with a new family, then “adoption bonus funds” are available. When a child is placed in a mental health facility and is on 16 drugs per day, like two children of a constituent of mine, more funds are involved and so is Medicaid;
  • As you can see this program is ordered from the very top and run by Health and Human Resources. This is why victims of CPS get no help from their legislators. It explains why my bill, SB 415 suffered such defeat in the Judicial Committee, why I was cut off at every juncture. Legislators and Governors must remember who funds their paychecks.
  • that there are no financial resources and no real drive to unite a family and help keep them together or provide effective care;
  • that the incentive for social workers to return children to their parents quickly after taking them has disappeared and who in protective services will step up to the plate and say, “This must end! No one, because they are all in the system together and a system with no leader and no clear policies will always fail the children. Just look at the waste in government that is forced upon the tax payer;
  • that the “Policy Manuel” is considered “the last word” for CPS/DFCS. However, it is too long, too confusing, poorly written and does not take the law into consideration;
  • that if the lives of children were improved by removing them from their homes, there might be a greater need for protective services, but today children are not safer. Children, of whom I am aware, have been raped and impregnated in foster care;
  • It is a known fact that children are in much more danger in foster care than they are in their own home even though home may not be perfect.
  • that some parents are even told if they want to see their children or grandchildren, they must divorce their spouse. Many, who are under privileged, feeling they have no option, will divorce and then just continue to live together. This is an anti-family policy, but parents will do anything to get their children home with them. However, when the parents cooperate with Child Protective Services, their behavior is interpreted as guilt when nothing could be further from the truth.
  • Fathers, (non-custodial parents) I must add, are often treated as criminals without access to visit or even see their own children and have child support payments strangling the very life out of them;
  • that the Foster Parents Bill of Rights does not stress that a foster parent is there temporarily to care for a child until the child can be returned home. Many foster parents today use the Foster Parent Bill of Rights as a means to hire a lawyer and seek to adopt the child placed in their care from the real parents, who are desperately trying to get their child home and out of the system. Recently in Atlanta, a young couple learning to be new parents and loving it, were told that because of an anonymous complaint, their daughter would be taken into custody by the State DFCS. The couple was devastated and then was required by DFCS to take parenting classes, alcohol counseling and psychological evaluations if they wanted to get their child back. All of the courses cost money for which most parents are required to pay. While in their anxiety and turmoil to get their child home, the baby was left for hours in a car to die in the heat in her car seat by a foster parent who forgot about the child. This should never have happened. It is tragic. In many cases after the parents have jumped through all the hoops, they still do not get their child. As long as the child is not returned, there is money for the agency, for foster parents, for adoptive parents, and for the State.
  • that tax dollars are being used to keep this gigantic system afloat, yet the victims, parents, grandparents, guardians and especially the children, are charged for the system’s services.
  • that grandparents have called from all over the State of Georgia and from other states trying to get custody of their grandchildren. CPS claims relatives are contacted, but there are many many cases that prove differently. Grandparents who lose their grandchildren to strangers have lost their own flesh and blood. The children lose their family heritage and grandparents, and parents too, lose all connections to their heirs.
  • that The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect in 1998 reported that six times as many children died in foster care than in the general public and that once removed to official “safety”, these children are far more likely to suffer abuse, including sexual molestation than in the general population. Think what that number is today ten years later!
  • That according to the California Little Hoover Commission Report in 2003, 30% to 70% of the children in California group homes do not belong there and should not have been removed from their homes.” [48]


The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services had itself been an object of reports of unusual numbers of poisonings, death, rapes and pregnancies of children under its care since 2004. The Texas Family and Protective Services Crisis Management Team was created by executive order after the critical report Forgotten Children of 2004.

Texas Child Protective Services was hit with a rare if not unprecedented legal sanction for a “groundless cause of action” and ordered to pay $32,000 of the Spring family’s attorney fees. Judge Schneider wrote in a 13-page order, “The offensive conduct by (CPS) has significantly interfered with the legitimate exercise of the traditional core functions of this court.”[49]

2008 Raid of YFZ Ranch

Main article: YFZ Ranch

In April 2008, the largest child protection action in American history raised questions as the CPS in Texas removed hundreds of minor children, infants, and women incorrectly believed to be children from the YFZ Ranch polygamist community, with the assistance of heavily armed police with an armored personnel carrier. Investigators, including supervisor Angie Voss convinced a judge that all of the children were at risk of child abuse because they were all being groomed for under-age marriage. The state supreme court disagreed, releasing most children back to their families. Investigations would result in criminal charges against some men in the community.

Gene Grounds of Victim Relief Ministries commended CPS workers in the Texas operation as exhibiting compassion, professionalism and caring concern.[50] However, CPS performance was questioned by workers from the Hill Country Community Mental Health-Mental Retardation Center. One wrote “I have never seen women and children treated this poorly, not to mention their civil rights being disregarded in this manner” after assisting at the emergency shelter. Others who were previously forbidden to discuss conditions working with CPS later produced unsigned written reports expressed anger at the CPS traumatizing the children, and disregarding rights of mothers who appeared to be good parents of healthy, well-behaved children. CPS threatened some MHMR workers with arrest, and the entire mental health support was dismissed the second week due to being “too compassionate.” Workers believed poor sanitary conditions at the shelter allowed respiratory infections and chicken pox to spread.[51]

CPS problem reports

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, as with other states, had itself been an object of reports of unusual numbers of poisonings, death, rapes and pregnancies of children under its care since 2004. The Texas Family and Protective Services Crisis Management Team was created by executive order after the critical report Forgotten Children[52] of 2004. Texas Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn made a statement in 2006 about the Texas foster care system.[53] In Fiscal 2003, 2004 and 2005, respectively 30, 38 and 48 foster children died in the state’s care. The number of foster children in the state’s care increased 24 percent to 32,474 in Fiscal 2005, while the number of deaths increased 60 percent. Compared to the general population, a child is four times more likely to die in the Texas foster care system. In 2004, about 100 children were treated for poisoning from medications; 63 were treated for rape that occurred while under state care including four-year old twin boys, and 142 children gave birth, though others believe Ms. Strayhorn’s report was not scientifically researched, and that major reforms need to be put in place to assure that children in the conservatorship of the state get as much attention as those at risk in their homes.

Disproportionality & Disparity in the Child Welfare System

In the United States, data suggests that a disproportionate number of minority children, particularly African American and Native American children, enter the foster care system.[54] National data in the United States provides evidence that disproportionality may vary throughout the course of a child’s involvement with the child welfare system. Differing rates of disproportionality are seen at key decision points including the reporting of abuse, substantiation of abuse, and placement into foster care.[55] Additionally, once they enter foster care, research suggests that they are likely to remain in care longer.[56] Research has shown that there is no difference in the rate of abuse and neglect among minority populations when compared to Caucasian children that would account for the disparity.[57] The Juvenile Justice system has also been challenged by disproportionate negative contact of minority children.[58] Because of the overlap in these systems, it is likely that this phenomenon within multiple systems may be related.

Constitutional issues

In May 2007, the United States 9th Circuit Court of Appeals found in Rogers v. County of San Joaquin, No. 05-16071[59] that a CPS social worker who removed children from their natural parents into foster care without obtaining judicial authorization was acting without due process and without exigency (emergency conditions) violated the 14th Amendment and Title 42 United State Code Section 1983. The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution says that a state may not make a law that abridges “… the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States” and no state may “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Title 42 United States Code Section 1983[60] states that citizens can sue in federal courts any person who acting under a color of law to deprive the citizens of their civil rights under the pretext of a regulation of a state, See.[61]

In case of Santosky v. Kramer, 455 US 745, Supreme Court reviewed a case when Department of Social Services removed two younger children from their natural parents only because the parents had been previously found negligent toward their oldest daughter.[62] When the third child was only three days old, DSS transferred him to a foster home on the ground that immediate removal was necessary to avoid imminent danger to his life or health. The Supreme Court vacated previous judgment and stated: “Before a State may sever completely and irrevocably the rights of parents in their natural child, due process requires that the State support its allegations by at least clear and convincing evidence. But until the State proves parental unfitness, the child and his parents share a vital interest in preventing erroneous termination of their natural relationship”.[62]

A District of Columbia Court of Appeals concluded that the lower trial court erred in rejecting the relative custodial arrangement selected by the natural mother who tried to preserve her relationship with the child.[63] The previous judgment granting the foster mother’s adoption petition was reversed, the case remanded to the trial court to vacate the orders granting adoption and denying custody, and to enter an order granting custody to the child’s relative.[63]

Notable lawsuits

In 2010 an ex-foster child was awarded $30 million by jury trial in California (Santa Clara County) for sexual abuse damages that happened to him in foster home from 1995 to 1999.[64][65] The foster parent, John Jackson, was licensed by state despite the fact that he abused his own wife and son, overdosed on drugs and was arrested for drunken driving. In 2006, Jackson was convicted in Santa Clara County of nine counts of lewd or lascivious acts on a child by force, violence, duress, menace and fear and seven counts of lewd or lascivious acts on a child under 14, according to the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office.[64] The sex acts he forced the children in his foster care to perform sent him to prison for 220 years. Later in 2010, Giarretto Institute, the private foster family agency responsible for licensing and monitoring Jackson’s foster home and others, also was found to be negligent and liable for 75 percent of the abuse that was inflicted on the victim, and Jackson was liable for the rest.[64]

In 2009 Oregon Department of Human Services has agreed to pay $2 million into a fund for the future care of twins who were allegedly abused by their foster parents; it was the largest such settlement in the agency’s history.[66] According to the civil rightssuit filed on request of twins’ adoptive mother in December 2007 in U.S. Federal Court, kids were kept in makeshift cages—cribs covered with chicken wire secured by duct tape—in a darkened bedroom known as “the dungeon.” The brother and sister often went without food, water or human touch. The boy, who had a shunt put into his head at birth to drain fluid, didn’t receive medical attention, so when police rescued the twins he was nearly comatose. The same foster family previously took in their care hundreds of other children over nearly four decades.[67] DHS said the foster parents deceived child welfare workers during the checkup visits.[66]

Several lawsuits were brought in 2008 against the Florida Department of Children & Families (DCF), accusing it of mishandling reports that Thomas Ferrara, 79, a foster parent, was molesting girls.[68][69] The suits claimed that though there were records of sexual misconduct allegations against Ferrara in 1992, 1996, and 1999, the DCF continued to place foster children with Ferrara and his then-wife until 2000.[68] Ferrara was arrested in 2001 after a 9-year-old girl told detectives he regularly molested her over two years and threatened to hurt her mother if she told anyone. Records show that Ferrara had as many as 400 children go through his home during his 16 years as a licensed foster parent from 1984 to 2000.[68] Officials stated that the lawsuits over Ferrara end up costing the DCF almost $2.26 million.[69] Similarly, in 2007 Florida‘s DCF paid $1.2 million to settle a lawsuit that alleged DCF ignored complaints that another mentally challenged Immokalee girl was being raped by her foster father, Bonifacio Velazquez, until the 15-year-old gave birth to a child.[70][71][72]

In a class action lawsuit Charlie and Nadine H. v. McGreevey[73] was filed in federal court by “Children’s Rights” New York organization on behalf of children in the custody of the New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS).[74][75] The complaint alleged violations of the children’s constitutional rights and their rights under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act, theChild Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment, 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, theAmericans with Disabilities Act, and the Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA).[76] In July 2002, the federal court granted plaintiffs’ experts access to 500 children’s case files, allowing plaintiffs to collect information concerning harm to children in foster care through a case record review.[74] These files revealed numerous cases in which foster children were abused, and DYFS failed to take proper action. On June 9, 2004, the child welfare panel appointed by the parties approved the NJ State’s Reform Plan. The court accepted the plan on June 17, 2004.[75] The same organization filed similar lawsuits against other states in recent years that caused some of the states to start child welfare reforms.[77]

In 2007 Deanna Fogarty-Hardwick obtained a jury verdict against Orange County (California) and two of its social workers for violating her Fourteenth Amendment rights to familial association.[78] The $4.9 million verdict grew to a $9.5 million judgment as the County lost each of its successive appeals.[78] The case finally ended in 2011 when the United States Supreme Court denied Orange County’s request to overturn the verdict.[79]


In April 2013, Child Protective Services in Sacramento sent in police to forcibly remove a 5-month-old baby from the care of parents.

Alex and Anna Nikolayev took their baby Sammy out of Sutter Memorial Hospital and sought a second opinion at Kaiser Permanente, a competing hospital, for Sammy’s flu-like symptoms.[80] Police arrived at Kaiser and questioned the couple and doctors. Once Sammy had been fully cleared to leave the hospital, the couple went home, but the following day police arrived and took Sammy. On June 25, 2013 the case against the family was dismissed adn the family filed a lawsuit against CPS and the Sacramento Police Department.[81]


In a nationwide study, researchers examined children in 595 families over a period of 9 years. They discovered that in the households where child abuse was substantiated by evidence, risk factors remained unchanged during interviews with the families.[82]

See also

Similar organizations in other countries


  1. Pecora et al. (1992), p. 231.
  2. Ibid., pp. 230-1.
  3. Ibid., p. 230.
  4. Pecora et al. (1992), pp. 230-31; Petr (1998), p. 126.
  5. Children’s Aid Society. “History”.
  6. Axinn, June; Levin,Herman (1997). Social Welfare: a history of the American response to need (4th ed.). White Plains, New York: Longman. ISBN 9780801317002.
  7. Ellett, Alberta J.; Leighninger, Leslie (10 August 2006). “What Happened? An historical perspective of the de-professionalization of child welfare practice with implications for policy and practice”. Journal of Public Child Welfare 1 (1): 3–34.doi:10.1300/J479v01n01_02.
  8. Crosson-Tower, Cynthia (1999). Understanding child abuse and neglect (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.ISBN 9780205287802.
  9. Laird & Michael (2006).
  10. Pecora et al. (1992), p. 232; Petr (1998), p. 126.
  11. Pecora et al. (1992), pp. 232-3; Petr (1998), pp. 126-7.
  12. “Child Protective Services – HISTORICAL OVERVIEW, CURRENT SYSTEM”.
  13. “Reporting Child Abuse – Child Protective Services”.
  14. Antler, S (1978). “Child Abuse: An emerging social priority”. Social Work 23: 58–61.
  15. Administration for Children & Families. “Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) of 1974 P.L. 93-247”. Child Welfare Information Gateway. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
  16. Limb, GE; Chance, T; Brown, EF (December 2004). “An empirical examination of the Indian Child Welfare Act and its impact on cultural and familial preservation for American Indian children”. Child Abuse & Neglect 28 (12): 1279–89.doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2004.06.012. PMID 15607770.
  17. Mitchell, LB; Barth, RP; Green, R; Wall, A; Biemer, P; Berrick, JD; Webb, MB (Jan–Feb 2005). “Child welfare reform in the United States: findings from a local agency survey.”. Child Welfare 84 (1): 5–24. PMID 15717771.
  18. Administration for Children & Families. “Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980 P.L. 96-272”. Child Welfare Information Gateway. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
  19. Administration for Children & Families (2011). “Major Federal Legislation Concerned with Child Protection, Child Welfare, and Adoption”. Child Welfare Information Gateway. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
  20. Lincroft, Y.; Resher, J. (2006). “Undercounted and Underserved: Immigrant and refugee families in the child welfare system”. Baltimore, MD: The Annie E. Casey Foundation.
  21. Mitchell, Lorelei B.; Barth, Richard P.; Green, Rebecca; Wall, Ariana; Biemer, Paul; Berrick, Jill Duerr; Webb, Mary Bruce. “Child Welfare Reform in the United States: Findings from a Local Agency Survey”. Child Welfare 84 (1): 5–24 [20]. ISSN 0009-4021.
  23. “About Ontario’s children’s aid societies”. Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services. Retrieved 19 April 2011.
  24. “Child and Family Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.11”. Retrieved 2013-11-15.
  25. “Complaints Against a Children’s Aid Society”. Child and Family Services Review Board. Retrieved 17 April 2011.
  27. Gauthier, L., Stollak, G., Messe, L., & Arnoff, J. (1996). Recall of childhood neglect and physical abuse as differential predictors of current psychological functioning. Child Abuse and Neglect 20, 549-559
  28. Malinosky-Rummell, R. & Hansen, D.J. (1993) Long term consequences of childhood physical abuse. Psychological Bulletin114, 68-69
  29. Lyons-Ruth K. & Jacobvitz, D. (1999) Attachment disorganization: unresolved loss, relational violence and lapses in behavioral and attentional strategies. In J. Cassidy & P. Shaver (Eds.) Handbook of Attachment. (pp. 520-554). NY: Guilford Press
  30. Solomon, J. & George, C. (Eds.) (1999). Attachment Disorganization. NY: Guilford Press
  31. Main, M. & Hesse, E. (1990) Parents’ Unresolved Traumatic Experiences are related to infant disorganized attachment status. In M. T. Greenberg, D. Ciccehetti, & E. M. Cummings (Eds), Attachment in the Preschool Years: Theory, Research, and Intervention (pp161-184). Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  32. Carlson, E. A. (1988). A prospective longitudinal study of disorganized/disoriented attachment. Child Development 69, 1107-1128
  33. Lyons-Ruth, K. (1996). Attachment relationships among children with aggressive behavior problems: The role of disorganized early attachment patterns. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 64, 64-73
  34. Lyons-Ruth, K., Alpern, L., & Repacholi, B. (1993). Disorganized infant attachment classification and maternal psychosocial problems as predictors of hostile-aggressive behavior in the preschool classroom. Child Development 64, 572-585
  35. “Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect”. Retrieved 2010-08-21.
  36. Prevent Child Abuse New York. “2007 Child Abuse and Neglect Fact Sheet”.
  37. American Humane Association. “Emotional Abuse”. Stop Child Abuse.
  38. “Kids Count Data Center”. The Annie E. Casey Foundation.[citation not found]
  39. “The AFCARS Report Preliminary FY 2010 Estimates as of June 2011”. Retrieved 2011-10-06.
  40. “Child Maltreatment 2009”. Retrieved 2011-10-06.
  41. Fluke, J. D.; Shusterman, G. R., Hollinshead, D. M., & Yuan, Y.-Y. (2008). “Longitudinal analysis of repeated child abuse reporting and victimization: multistate analysis of associated factors”. Child Maltreatment: 76–88.
  42. Pecora, P. J., Whittaker, J., Maluccio, A., & Barth, R. (2000). The child welfare challenge: Policy, practice, and research. Aldine de Gruyter.
  43. Wulczyn, F. (2009). “Epidemiological Perspectives on Maltreatment Prevention”. The Future of Children: 39–66.
  44. Scott, Brenda (1994) Out of Control: Who’s Watching Our Child Protection Agencies? p. 179
  45. “United States: Serbian Couple Struggles to Get Children Back · Global Voices”. 2011-01-04. Retrieved 2013-11-15.
  46. “News – U.S.: Serbian couple fights to get children back”. B92. Retrieved 2013-11-15.
  47. “Press Online :: Press Green”. Retrieved 2013-11-15.
  48. “The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services – report by Senator Nancy Schaefer, September 25, 2008”.
  49. State agency hit with rare sanction for taking custody of Spring infants
  50., Richardson group: Polygamists’ children are OK April 18, 2008 by Janet St. James / WFAA-TV
  51. Crotea, Roger (10 May 2008). “Mental health workers rip CPS over sect”. San Antonio Express-news .
  53. Comptroller Strayhorn Statement On Foster Care Abuse June 23, 2006
  54. Hill R.B. (2004) Institutional racism in child welfare. In J. Everett, S. Chipungu & B. Leashore (Eds.) Child welfare revisited (pp. 57-76). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
  55. Hill, R. B (2006) Synthesis of research on disproportionality in child welfare: An update. Casey-CSSP Alliance for Racial Equity in Child Welfare.
  56. Wulczyn, F. Lery, B., Haight, J., (2006) Entry and Exit Disparities in the Tennessee Foster Care System. Chapin Hall Discussion Paper.
  57. National Incidence Study (NIS), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children & Families, (1996)
  58. Pope, C.E. & Feyerherm, W. (1995) Minorities and the Juvenile Justice System Research Symmary. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
  59. Rogers v. County of San Joaquin, No. 05-16071
  60. Title 42 United States Code Section 1983
  61. “Civil Rights Complaint Guide”.
  62. “Santosky v. Kramer, 455 US 745 – Supreme Court 1982”.
  63. “In re TJ, 666 A. 2d 1 – DC: Court of Appeals 1995”.
  64. “South Bay sex-abuse lawsuit: Ex-foster child awarded $30 million”.
  65. “Estey & Bomberger announces Jury Awards $30 Million in San Jose Molestation Case”.
  66. “Gresham foster kids abused despite DHS checks”. The Oregonian. 2009-04-04.
  67. “Abuse in children’s foster care: State officials call for outside review”. The Oregonian. 2009-09-02.
  68. “Florida Foster Care Child Molestation”.
  69. “Foster parent, 79, accused of molesting girls in his care”.
  70. “Child of rape now 9, yet DCF settlement held up”.
  71. “Florida Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 60”.
  72. “Florida Senate – 2010”.
  73. Charlie and Nadine H. v. McGreevey
  74. “New Jersey (Charlie and Nadine H. v. Corzine)”.
  75. “Charlie and Nadine H. v. Corzine”.
  76. “Legal Documents (Charlie and Nadine H. v. Corzine)”.
  77. “Results of Reform”.
  78. “Order Granting Fees Incurred on Appeal”.
  79. “U.S. Supreme Court Denies Orange County’s (California) Request”.
  80. “News10 – Couple still unclear why CPS took their baby”.
  82. Bakalar, Nicholas (2010-10-11). “Doubts Rise Over Child Protective Service Inquiries”. The New York Times.


  • Drake, B. & Jonson-Reid, M. (2007). A response to Melton based on the Best Available Data. Published in: Child Abuse & Neglect, Volume 31, Issue 4, April 2007, Pages 343-360.
  • Laird, David and Jennifer Michael (2006). “Budgeting Child Welfare: How will millions cut from the federal budget affect the child welfare system?” Published in: Child Welfare League of America, Children’s Voice, Vol. 15, No. 4 (July/August 2006). Available on-line at:
  • Pecora, Peter J., James K. Whittaker, Anthony N. Maluccio, with Richard P. Barth and Robert D. Plotnick (1992). The Child Welfare Challenge: Policy, Practice, and Research. NY:Aldine de Gruyter. ISBN .
  • Petr, Christopher G. (1998). Social Work with Children and their Families: Pragmatic Foundations. NY:Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-510607-5.
  • Scott, Brenda (1994), “Out of Control. Who’s Watching Our Child Protection Agencies?”. Huntington House Publishers. ISBN paper. ISBN hardback.

External links

A judge explains how in the US you will never see justice in court.

The question over PARENTAL RIGHTS in the US, or do we have any ?

What is being done to establish parental rights ?  Parents having children today should understand the truth on how the state has removed parents rights anytime we question doctors or schools on what is best for our child.  A parents loses the rights permanently to the medical treatment, education or any decision about the child when we challenge what is best for our children. It is so easy for a judge with no real experience raising children to destroy a family in a matter of minutes.   That decision will harm everyone in that family the rest of their lives.

International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

Convened as a lawfully recognized Tribunal of Conscience in Brussels in the fall of 2012, and issuing its final verdict on February 25, 2013, the Common Law Court named and indicted thirty defendants for perpetrating or concealing Genocide in Canada against indigenous people. These defendants included then-Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, former Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Elizabeth Windsor “Queen of England”, and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

After an exhaustive presentation of the evidence of crimes by church and state in Canada, and a refusal by the defendants to respond or refute the evidence, all of the defendants were found guilty of criminal conspiracy and Genocide, and were sentenced in absentia to 25 years in prison and the forfeit of all the wealth and property of their estates and institutions. Citizen arrest warrants were issued, and on August 4, 2013, the Vatican and Crown of England were declared to be transnational criminal bodies under international law, and were lawfully disestablished.

Please watch this video and visit: for more information.

Emergency Education for Sheriffs and Police – SUBJECT: Child Protection Services – With Guest Officer Jim Rothstein.

All Sheriff’s Officers Police and Police Officers must be made aware of the biggest pediphile ring in America hidding in child Protective Services.

The Child Protective Services Industry in child trafficking, kidnapping, and adoption scam in the US and UK

There have been many testimonies before congress like my wife and myself. the fact that nothing has been done to protect our children so far from this pediphile criminal ring doing business as CPS shows me that congress is willing to continue to take the money from the sale of children knowing their lives are destroyed. We have to take steps to destroy CPS from the inside our selves. We are working on steps to undermine CPS as we speak. We will give a detailed plan out here in the next few weeks for parents to teach at home or to tell you children when you see them. The way to start now is every single day you see your child tell them you love them no matter what, they can come home to you and everything CPS tells them is a lie. Make sure they have a phone number known by heart, kids are smart teach them your number in a song, it is easy and all parents must stick together, tell everyone you know to never call CPS.

This is the true Child Protective Services.

CPS (Judge) Looks out for kids and turns whistleblower about the CPS courts.

Child Protective Services ex-employee turned whistleblower speaks out about CPS stealing children for budgets.

CPS whistleblower tells it all how CPS is a terrorist group stealing children. This video tells it like it is.

Testimony CPS will not want you to see. CPS doesn’t have your childs best interest. Only you do.

List of Children who have been abused to death in Child Protection Services Care

Here’s a short list of just 291 children that have lost their lives while in CPS “hands”.  

Make Their Deaths Mean Something!…

Tiffany Lewandowski Waubay, SD Jan 17, 2005 house fire
Travis Lewandowski Waubay, SD Jan. 17, 2005 house fire
Joslyn Bullbear Waubay, SD Jan. 17, 2005 house fire
Daniel Flynn Waubay, SD Jan. 17, 2005 house fire
Joshua Sharp, 15 months old Las Vegas, NV Aug 17, 2006 unknown
Isaac Lethbridge, 2 years old Detroit, MI Aug 17, 2006 struck by blunt object
Marcus Fiesel, 4 years old Aug 2006 Lewis Township, OH left for 2 days to die locked in closet then incinerated by foster parent
Genesis Acosta-Garcia, Las Vegas Nevada, three months old, November 19, 2005, septic shock
Travis C Adams, Salem Oregon, August 8 2000, December 16 2002, wandered into creek
Kayla Y Allen, Richlands North Carolina, November 10 1995 – August 24 2003, poison
Martin Lee Anderson, Panama City Florida, fourteen years old, January 6 2006, beating/suffocation
Richard L (Ricky) Aragon, Albuquerque New Mexico, January 24 1991 – April 12 1993, battered
Shirley Arciszewski, Charlotte North Carolina, April 19 1992 – September 11 2004, restraint
Miguel Humberto Arias-Baca, Westminster Colorado, two years old, February 2 1999, battered
Angellika Arndt, Minneapolis Minnesota, seven years old, May 26 2006, restraint
Ian August, Sevier Desert Utah, June 21 1988 – July 13, 2002, exhaustion
Denzel Bailey, Los Angeles California, eleven months old, April 2001, malnutrition
Jeffrey Baldwin, Toronto Ontario, December 20 1996 – November 30 2002, malnutrition/pneumonia
Casey Paul Barrow, West Valley Utah, eighteen months old, October 22 2003, battered
Anthony Bars, Indiana, four years old, January 20 2004, starvation, battered
Nadine Catherine Beaulieu, Dauphin Manitoba, twenty three months old, February 1996, battered
Teddy Bellingham, Smiths Falls Ontario, sixteen years old, August 1992, beaten
Jerome Bennett, Oshawa Ontario, fifteen years old, February 3 2006, homicide
Maria Bennett, Lancaster Ohio, two years old, October 23, 2002, battered
Modesto Blanco, Lubbock Texas, twenty two months old, March 2 2002, battered
Christian Blewitt, ne Osik, Halesowen England, three years old, December 2002, poison/battered
Deondre Bondieumaitre, Florida, sixteen months old, April 16 2003, battered
Timothy Boss, Remsen Iowa, ten years old, February 23 2000, battered
Alex Boucher, New Port Richey Florida, January 25 1997 – September 25 2000, asphyxiation
Ashley Boyd, LaFayette Georgia, twelve years old, December 13 2005, hit by car / suicide
Kerry Brooks, Los Angeles California, nine years old, February 10 2001, suicide
Talitha Brooks, Colorado, one year old, July 1998, heatstroke
Amira Brown, Reading Pennsylvania, twelve years old, September 4 2005, battered / restraint
Diminiqua Bryant, Dothan Alabama, two years old, May 1999, battered
Scott Buckle, Swansea Wales, twelve years old, February 6 2005, hanging
Latasha Bush, Manvel Texas, January 2 1987 – February 28 2002, restraint
Michael Buxton, Miami Oklahoma, five years old, July 5 1998, battered
Eduardo Calzada, Bakersfield California, three months old, March 2004, battered
Chris Campbell, Toledo Iowa, thirteen years old, November 2, 1997, restraint
Gladys Campbell, Philadelphia/New Jersey, two years old, ca 1988
Edith Campos, Tucson Arizona, fifteen years old, February 4 1998, restraint
Brianna Canales, Harrisburg Pennsylvania, four years old, April 24 2006, dozen Zoloft pills
Latasha Cannon, Boston Massachusetts, seventeen years old, April 2001, slashed throat
Mario Cano, Chula Vista California, sixteen years old, April 27 1984, untreated blood clot
Joshua K Causey, Detroit Michigan, March 21 1998 – March 18 2003, battered
Jaime Ceballos, Salinas California, two years old, November 27 2005, infection and bleeding
baby boy Charles, Las Vegas Nevada, seven months old, August 4 2006, head injury
Sherry Charlie, British Columbia, nineteen months old, September 4 2002, battered
Sarah Angelina Chavez, Alhambra California, two years old, October 11 2005, battered
Felix Chen, Bloomington Indiana, August 27 1997 – April 1 2004, treatment withheld
Sky Colon Cherevez, Paterson New Jersey, three months old, August 6 1998, battered
Tiffany H Clair, Fort Worth Texas, September 6 1985 – May 4 2001, heroin
Brian Clark, New Jersey, three years old, January 2002, untreated pneumonia
Angelic Clary, Bakersfield California, three months old, September 14 2003
Roshelle Clayborn, San Antonio Texas, sixteen years old, August 18 1997, restraint
Casey Collier, Westminster Colorado, seventeen years old, December 21 1993, restraint
Desiree Collins, Los Angeles California, fourteen years old, February 10 2002, gunshot
Nicholas Contreras, Queen Creek Arizona, January 15 1982 – March 2 1998, untreated infection
Adrianna Cram, Veracruz Mexico (US supervision), August 25 2000 – June 13 2005
Christopher Henry Cryderman, Springfield Missouri, July 27 2004 – November 22 2004, untreated infection
Dirk D Dalton, Clarkston Washington, June 7 1989 – May 1 1994, battered
Arieale Daniels, Naples Florida, fifteen years old, 1999, car crash
Tajuana Davidson, Phoenix Arizona, three years old, November 3 1993, battered
China Marie Davis, Phoenix Arizona, March 23 1991 – October 31 1993, battered
Sabrina Elizabeth Day, Charlotte North Carolina, July 4 1984 – February 10 2000, restraint
Tyler Joseph DeLeon, Stevens County Washington, January 13 1998 – January 13 2005, dehydration
Kameron Justin Demery, Long Beach California, two years old, October 14 1996, battered
Connre Dixon, Ridgefield Township Onio eleven years old, October 18 2004, stabbing
Mark Draheim, Orefield Pennsylvania, October 10 1984 – December 11 1998, restraint
Charmaria Drake, Cleveland Ohio, twenty months old, March 13 2003, battered
Stephanie Duffield, Manvel Texas, July 14 1984 – February 11 2001, restraint
Willie Lawrence Durden III, Citrus County Florida, seventeen years old, October 2005, unknown/died in cell
Brian Edgar, Overland Park Kansas, nine years old, December 30 2002, asphyxiation
William Edgar, Peterborough Ontario, thirteen years old, March 1999, restraint
Tiffany Eilders, Rancho Cucamonga California, fourteen weeks old, December 7 2005, battered
Kayla Erlandson, King County Washington, two years old, April 1991, battered
Luke Evans, Lowell Indiana, sixteen months old, November 30 2001, malnutrition/battered
Roberta (Berta) Evers, Bayfield Colorado, six years old, June 13 1998, restraint
Sara Eyerman, California, twenty months old, ca 1986, untreated pneumonia
Sean Isaac Faith, Eagle Idaho, three years old, May 13 2006, drowning
Miranda Finn, Lake Butler Florida, nine years old, January 25 2006, traffic accident
Laura Fleming, Palmdale California, October 11 2004 – November 21 2004, cause unknown
Sarah Jane Forrester, Woodlawn Maryland, October 30 1985 – found May 13 1999, battered and stabbed
Rita Foster, Pasadena California, four years old, June 29 2006, run over by bus
Kameryn Fountain, Bibb County Georgia, two months old, November 20 2005, unknown cause
Henry Gallop, Boston Massachusetts, two years old, 1987, poison
Alexander Ganadonegro, Albuquerque New Mexico, March 10 1998 – February 4 1999, battered
Christening (Mikie) Garcia, Ingram Texas, twelve years old, December 4 2005, restraint
Camron P Gardner, Waupun Wisconsin, three years old, May 5 2006, battered
Dylan James George, Fremont California, April 16 2002 – October 4 2004, battered
Corese Goldman, Chicago Illinois, two years old, 1995, drowning
Mollie Gonzales, Jefferson County Colorado, ten years old, November 18 2002, drug overdose
Julio Gonzalez, Glendale California, May 10 1995 – December 29 1996, battered
Elizabeth (Lizzy) Goodwin, Coeur d’Alene Idaho, March 22 1996 – October 22 2002, drowning
Anthony Green, Brownwood Texas, fifteen years old, May 12 1991, restraint
Sabrina Green, New York City, nine years old, November 8 1997, burned and battered
Lamar D Greene, Jacksonville Florida, sixteen years old, 2001, car crash
Corey Greer, Treasure Island Florida, four months old, ca 1985, dehydration
Gage Guillen, Boston Massachusetts, three years old, 1995, strangulation
Darvell Gulley, Lincoln Nebraska, thirteen years old, April 27 2002, restraint
Savannah Brianna Marie Hall, Prince George British Columbia, September 9 1997 – January 21 2001, malnutrition/restraint
Latiana Hamilton, Jacksonville Florida, seventeen months old, July 18 2001, drowning
Mykeeda Hampton, District of Columbia, two years old, August 1997, battered
Kelly M Hancock, Malden Massachusetts, November 6 1985 – July 18 2000, stabbed
Laura Hanson, West Palm Beach Florida, May 17 1981 – November 19 1998, restraint
Jerrell Hardiman, La Porte Indiana, four years old, October ca 1993, exposure
Alex Harris, Minden Louisiana, twelve years old, September 2005, forced running
Diane Harris, Seguin Texas, seventeen years old, April 11 1990, restraint
Jessica Albina Hagmann, Prince William County Virginia, two years old, August 11 2003, smothered
Letia Harrison, Akron Ohio, October 23 1999 – September 19 2002, baked in attic
Jordan Heikamp, Toronto Ontario, May 19 1997 – June 23 1997, starvation
Eric Hernandez, Cedar Hill Texas, January 6 1999 – March 7 1999, suffocation
Zachary Higier, né Nikita Khoryakov Braintree Massachusetts, May 24 2000 – August 15 2002, battered
Dwight Hill, Tucson Arizona, four months old, November 16 2005, battered
Nina Victoria Hilt née Vika Bazhenova, Manassas Virginia, thirty three months old, July 2 2005, battered
Steven A Hoffa, Des Moines Iowa, February 4 1993 – May18 1996, battered
Richard (Ricky) Holland, Williamston Michigan, September 8 1997 – July 2005, battered
Michael Anthony Hughes, Choctaw Oklahoma, March 21 1988 – September 12 1994, kidnap/missing
Jarod (Jerry) Hulsey, Mesa Arizona, ten years old, April 3 2006, battered
Joseph (Joey) Huot, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, two years old, January 27 1988, battered
Dion Jack, Sproat Lake British Columbia, six years old, March 1 2006, untreated seizure
Walter Jackson, Chicago Illinois, ten months old, August 9 2005, battered
Dominic James, Springfield Missouri, June 4 2000 – August 21 2002, battered
Billie-Jo Jenkins, Hastings East Sussex England, thirteen years old, February 1997, battered
Demetrius Jeffries, Crockett Texas, seventeen years old, August 26 1997, strangulation
Dontel Jeffers, Boston Massachusetts, four years old, March 6 2005, battered
Ciara S Jobes, Baltimore Maryland, August 17 1987 – December 11 2002, starvation/beating
Stephanie Jobin, Brampton Ontario, thirteen years old, June 21 1998, restraint
Aaron Johnson, Boston Massachusetts, fifteen months old, 1987, poison
Anthony Johnson, Marshall Texas, four years old, July 11 2005, drowning
Elijah James Johnson, Los Angeles California, three years old, May 10 1999, scalded
Lorenzo Johnson, Queen Creek Arizona, 17 years old – June 27, 1994, drowned during escape
Quartrina K (Snappy) Johnson, Pikesville Maryland, December 25 1988 – July 20 2004, beaten and choked
Xolani Nkosi Johnson, Capetown South Africa, twelve years old, June 2 2001, AIDS
Christal Jones, New York City (Vermont ward), May 24 1984 – January 3 2001, suffocation
David L Jones, Chicago Illinois, April 15 1992 – March 7 1998, battered
Xavier Jones, East Orange New Jersey, twenty one months old, June 7 2006, methadone poisoning
Dennis Jurgens né Jerry Sherwood, White Bear Lake Minnesota, three years old, April 11 1965, battered
Marissa (Shorty) Karp, Pompano Beach Florida, December 6 1985 – August 19 2002, gunshot
David Ryan Keeley, New Haven Connecticut, six years old, August 12 1998, battered
Ashley Keen, Lake Butler Florida, thirteen years old, January 25 2006, traffic accident
Cassandra Killpack, Springville Utah, November 29 1997 – June 9 2002, water therapy
Ahmad King né Rawls, Alma Georgia, three years old, January 24 2006, homicide
Heather Michell Kish, Berlin Township Michigan, September 15 1987 -found October 6 2002, murdered
Noah Knapp, Marysville Washington, six years old, May 30 2005, automobile collision
Alissa Kneen, Newport Minnesota, five years old, September 7 2001, house fire
Cordell Kneen, Newport Minnesota, twenty months old, September 7 2001, house fire
Zaire Knott, Newark New Jersey, September 16 2005 – October 20 2005, cause unknown
Anatoli Kolenda, Westfield Massachusetts, May 20 1991 – October 20 2002, stabbing
Yana Kolenda, Westfield Massachusetts, December 31 1990 – October 20 2002, stabbing
Anthony Lamb, Lake Butler Florida, twenty months old, January 25 2006, traffic accident
Keisha Shardae Lane, Hagerstown Maryland, fifteen years old, August 17 2005, gunshot
Shawn Lawrence né Andy Mohler, Shelton Washington, ten years old, October 9 1999, drowning
Brittany Legler, Millcreek Pennsylvania, fifteen years old, May 9 2004, battered
Trenton Jared Lewis, Canyon County Idaho, three years old, July 8 2006, drowning
Jacob Lindorff, Franklin Township New Jersey, five years old, December 14 2001, battered
Christian Liz, New York City, three weeks old, November 29 2004, suffocation
James Lonnee, Guelph/Hamilton Ontario, sixteen years old, September 7 1996, beaten by cellmate
Gregory Love, Florida, twenty three months old, April 2005, head injury
Nikki Lutke, Cheyenne Wyoming, five years old, August 28 2003, drowning
Zachary James Lyons, Winston-Salem North Carolina, January 24 1992 – October 8 1996, battered
Shaquella Mance, Belton South Carolina, seven months old, March 27 2005, battered
Elizabeth Mann, Lake Butler Florida, fifteen years old, January 25 2006, traffic accident
Heaven Mann, Lake Butler Florida, three years old, January 25 2006, traffic accident
Johnny Mann, Lake Butler Florida, thirteen years old, January 25 2006, traffic accident
Cynthia Nicole (Nicki) Mann, Lake Butler Florida, fifteen years old, January 25 2006, traffic accident
Logan Marr, Chelsea Maine, October 14 1995 – January 31 2001, asphyxiation
Fernando Ibarra Martinez, Bakersfield California, nine months old, March 26 2006, battered
Stephanie Martinez, Pueblo Colorado, five years old, December 31 2001, untreated burns
Tiffany Laverne Mason, Folsom California, June 11 1986 – August 9 2001, battered
Viktor Alexander Matthey né V Sergeyevich Tulimov, Hunterdon County New Jersey, six years old, October 31 2000, hypothermia
Dominic Matz, Osawatomie Kansas, July 6 2002 – February 15 2004, treatment withheld
Jamie Mayne, Atascadero California, March 24 1995 – February 10 2000, battered
Kristal Mayon-Ceniceros, Chula Vista California, sixteen years old, February 5 1999, restraint
Emily Ann Mays, Tucson Arizona, sixteen months old, August 24 2005, battered
Andrew McClain, Bridgeport Connecticut, December 6 1986 – March 22 1998, restraint
Cory Bradley McLaughlin, North Carolina, four years old, July 4 1997, battered
Jerry McLaurin, Brownwood Texas, fourteen years old, November 2 1999, restraint
Maria Mendoza, Katy Texas, fourteen years old, October 12 2002, restraint
Caleb Jerome Merchant, Edmonton Alberta, thirteen months old, November 26, 2005, battered
Denis Merryman né Uritsky, Harford County Maryland, eight years old, January 2005, starvation
Devin Miller, Spokane Washington, twenty months old, August 6 2006, battered
Euryale Miller, Kansas City Missouri, one year old, April 1 2001, battered
Jacob Miller, Georgia, twenty two months old, November 20 1997, battered
Clayton Miracle, Georgia, three years old, August 11 1993, battered
Hanna Denise Montessori, Santa Ana California, March 16 1988 – January 19 2004, homicide/head-injury
Alfredo Montez, Auburndale Florida, two years old, July 1 2002, battered
Zachary Moran, Charlotte North Carolina, fourteen months old, August 8 2003, battered
Christina Morlan, Scott County Iowa, September 3 2003 – November 30 2003, unknown
Carlyle Mullins, Nashville Tennessee, five years old, May 27 2005, battered
Cedrick Napoleon, Killeen Texas, June 26 1987 – March 7 2002, restraint
Candace Newmaker née C Tiara Elmore, Colorado, Movember 19 1989 – April 19 2000, re-birth asphyxiation
Jonathan Nichol, Cook County Illinois, two years old, June 16 1995, drowning
Trevor Nolan, Mono County California, five years old, April 12 1997, treatment withheld
Sierra Odom, Arlington Texas, three years old, August 11 2005, battered
Lenny Ortega, Ingram Texas, twelve years old, May 30 2006, drowning
Keron Owens, Walterboro South Carolina, three years old, January 19 1992, battered
Sean Paddock né Ford, Johnston County North Carolina, four years old, February 26 2006, battered
Omar Paisley, Miami Florida, seventeen years old, June 2003, untreated appendicitis
Terrell Parker, Buffalo New York, two years old, 2003, battered
Travis Parker, Cleveland Georgia, thirteen years old, April 21 2005, restraint
Melva Dee Parrott, Hersey Michigan, May 4 1998 – June 29 2000, bronchitis
Alex Pavlis, né Geiko Schaumburg Illinois, six years old, December 19 2003, battered
Dillon Peak, Saint Petersburg Florida, fourteen years old, June 17 2006, undiagnosed illness
Dawn Renay Perry, Manvel Texas, sixteen years old, April 10 1993, restraint
Angellica Pesante, Seneca County New York, four years old, April 18 1997, battered
Terrell Peterson, Atlanta Georgia, five years old, January 16 1998, battered
Cynteria Phillips, Miami Florida, December 10 1986 – August 14 2000, rape/murder
Marguerite Pierre, West Orange New Jersey, five years old, December 2005, poison
Emporia Pirtle, Indiana, six years old, November 11 1996, battered
Jason Plischkowsky, Southampton England, May 25 1985 – December 19 1986, head injury
Huntly Tamati Pokaia, New Zealand, three years old
David Polreis, Greeley Colorado, two years old, February 6 1996, battered
Maryah Ponce, Rialto California, December 5 1997 – June 29 2001, baked in car
Constance S Porter, Kearney Missouri, July 20 1998 – February 12 2001, battered
Dakota Denzel Prince-Smith, Lancaster California, five years old, July 8 2003, baked in car
Nehamiah Nate Prince-Smith, Lancaster California, three years old, July 8 2003, baked in car
Karen Quill, St Louis Saskatchewan, twenty months old, September 13 1997, internal injuries
Rodrigo Armando Rameriez Jr, Victorville California, eighteen months old, July 6 2001, drowning
Stephanie Ramos, New York City, eight years old, July 9 2005, dumped in garbage can
Bobby Jo Randolph, Houston Texas, seventeen years old, September 26 1996, axphyxiation
Jacquelyn Reah, Grand Rapids Michigan, ten years old, November 27 2004, runaway / hit by car
Latayna Reese, Bradenton Florida, fifteen years old, April 1996
Caprice Reid, New York City, four years old, June 1997, starved and battered
Jonathan Reid, Gardena California, nine years old, June 9 1997, treatment withheld
Matthew Reid, Welland Ontario, three years old, December 15 2005, suffocation
Dustin Rhodes, Litchfield Park Arizona, nine years old, August 13 2003, battered
Alana Rickard-Cowell, Honolulu Hawaii, two months old, April 23 2006, unknown (broken bones)
Eric Roberts, Keene Texas, June 16 1979 – February 22 1996, restraint
Ana Rogers, Sparks Nevada, four months old, July 2005, pre-existing injury
Genevieve “Genny” Rojas, Chula Vista California, four years old, July 21 1995, starvation, scalded
Guadalupe Rosales III, San Antonio Texas, April 2005 – June 13 2006, battered
Paola Rosales, Milton Ontario, fourteen years old, July 3 2001, suicide
Kyle Anthony Ross, Massachusetts, September 7 1995 – June 9 2001, rottweiler
Marlon Santos, Worcester Massachusetts, five months old, November 5 1998, missing
Andres E Saragos, Warm Springs Oregon, August 5 1995 – July 13 2000, baked in car
Gina M Score, Plankinton South Dakota, May 7 1985 – July 21 1999, baked by boot camp
Caprice Scott, Florida, infant, 1999, mother in foster care
Ryan Scott, Sheffield Lake Ohio, two years old, March 27 1998, battered
Krystal Scurry, Aiken County South Carolina, February 1989 – November 2 1991, rape/murder
Andrew (Andy) Setzer, California, April 27 1995 – August 2 1999, battered
Ariel Shaw, Bibb County Georgia, nineteen months old, January 26 2000, battered
Vivan Uk Sheppard, Jacksonville Florida, eight months old, May 15 1999, suffocation
Colby Shirley, Gallup New Mexico, eighteen months old, March 20 2006, battered
Joseph H Shriver, Pennsylvania, March 2 1997 – October 5 1997, battered
Quincey L Simmons, Omaha Nebraska, August 21 1997 – March 24 2001, battered
Christopher Simpson, Howell Michigan, seven years old, November 14 1998, fire
Jordan Simpson né Richard Morrison II, Howell Michigan, five years old, November 14 1998, fire
Nicole Simpson née Desira Morrison, Howell Michigan, seven years old, November 14 1998, fire
Devin A Slade, Milwaukee Wisconsin, October 23 2000 – June 19 2001, asphyxiation
John Smith, Fishersgate England, four years old, December 24 1999, battered and bitten
Mikinah Smith, Cincinnati Ohio, one year old, March 18 2003, battered
Tristan Sovern, Greensboro North Carolina, sixteen years old, March 4 1998, restraint
Jushai Spurgeon, North Las Vegas Nevada, fourteen months old, April 3 2005, scalding
LeRon St John, Detroit Michigan, fifteen years old, March 1 2003, untreated tuberculosis
Lloyd Stamp, Edmonton Alberta, seventeen years old, September 29, 2005, suicide
Tommy Stacey, Carmichael California, three months old, January 3 2005, SIDS
Elizabeth (Lisa) Steinberg née Launders, New York City, May 14 1981 – November 4 1987, battered
Chris Surbey, Winnipeg Manitoba, October 13 1987 – June 6 2005, stabbing
Yasmin Taylor, Paterson New Jersey, seven months old, May 8 1994, virus
Lakeysha Tharp, Irmo South Carolina, six months old, April 7 2004, asphyxiation
Adam Michael Thimyan, Riverview Florida, October 2 1986 – April 3 2004, gunshot
Timithy Thomas, Banner Elk North Carolina, nine years old, March 11 1999, restraint
Liam Thompson né Dmitry S Ishlankulov, Columbus Ohio, October 3 1999 – October 3 2002, scalding
Michael Tinning, Schenectady New York, two years old, March 2 1981, asphyxiation
Kelly Ann Tozer, Egg Harbor City New Jersey, eighteen months old, July 30 2005, drowning
Patrick Trauffler, Phoenix Arizona, six weeks old, February 18 2003, battered
Heaven Traverse, Winnipeg Manitoba, two years old, January 14 2005, battered
Demetrius Tyler, Johnson City Tennessee, six months old, November 10 2004, drowning
Tyler Vanpopering, Southgate Michigan, September 23 2003 – April 14 2004, battered
Jacqueline Venay, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, six years old, September 21 1998, battered
Reena Virk, Saanich British Columbia, fourteen years old, November 14 1997, teen swarming
George Walker III, DeKalb County Georgia, ten months old, November 7 2002, choking
Michelle Walton, Boston Massachusetts, October 6 1994, asphyxiation
Erickyzha Warner, Utica New York, July 19 2002 – May 31, 2004, untreated burns
Shane Devell Washington, Fresno California, fifteen months old, circa 1996, drowning
Evan Watkins, Las Vegas Nevada, twenty one months old, July 11 1996, battered
Omar Wellington, Toronto Ontario, seventeen years old, July 15 2006, stabbing
Devin Wilder, Cleveland Ohio, July 29 1998 – April 21 2001, battered
Dominic J Williams, Saint Louis Missouri, June 8 1987 – June 3 2004, strangulation
Andrew Wilson, Owensboro Kentucky, three years old, August 7 2005, drowning
Lorenzo J Wilson, Seattle Washington, January 29 2004 – October 22 2004, battered
Rilya Wilson, Florida, born September 29 1996, disappeared 2001
Michael Spencer Wiltsie, Silver Springs Florida, September 18 1987 – February 5, 2000, restraint
Jimmy Allan Wood, Adams County Colorado, fourteen years old, November 13 2002, drug overdose
Jonnie Wood, Springdale Arkansas, eight years old, August 13 2005, drowning
Braxton D Wooden, Missouri, May 15 1997 – June 2 2005, gunshot
Donte L Woods, West Palm Beach Florida, February 25 1986 – May 27 2002, gunshot
Thomas (T J) Wright, Providence Rhode Island, three years old, October 31 2004, battered
Willie Wright, San Antonio Texas, fourteen years old, March 4 2000, restraint
Rufus Manzie Young Jr, Michigan, four years old, April 6 2003, battered

Now what will you do before your child ends up on this list???




Watch this video and you will feel sick about those hired to protect children.

Ex-Social Worker SPEAKS OUT Confirms What We’ve Been Crying Out About!

This is a great video. Thank goodness for this man who is brave enough to tell the truth. MORE of you should speak up. But then again, you actually ENJOY HURTING CHILDREN, DON’T YOU?

Ex-Social Worker SPEAKS OUT Confirms What We’ve Been Crying Out About!

New Research on Autism

This site is dedicated for getting your information out on the web for the return of our children from the criminal CPS and their adoption services

    This is your site as well; do not be shy.   We are all in this together and we have to make a stand against these criminals at CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES in every state, in every county.

Our children can not fight for themselves; we have to be their voice. So stand tall and tell your story, there is no better cause, I did it and I have over 30000 viewers. I am proud to stand up to this but with your help to get word out and make a change for our children. Just click on the (leave a comment) write your story as long or short as you like or you can email it to 

  WE WILL NOT EDIT YOUR STORY AND YOU CAN TAKE IT DOWN ANY TIME YOU LIKE. I only want to help bring us together after all the harm that has been done to our children and us the parents. We have to step up the pressure, I will post your story on our other web sites as well. Our kids need us, post it, get the word out. We are making a difference people are waking up.

Very Respectfully

Bill for  and


     The things I am going to tell you in this report will empower you and give you a fighting chance to beat these bastards.  I will get harassed for this by DPSS but I couldn’t think of a more proud reason to get harassed or anything else they want to do to me. This will be taking money away from these child trafficking criminals. I have already lost my child because I did not have the knowledge of how fake and one sided these courts truly are. I believed in the American life as sacred and that you have to be proven guilty before found guilty.  Please learn from my failure and the things we have learned since.

     The people that win these courts cases are not any different than you or I, they just have more knowledge and are not so easily  manipulated by government paid lyres who have no soul or God. I have been reading everything I can since my child was kidnapped by DPSS -CPS, trying to understand why this is happening.

     Well the facts are in and this is what I have found in every state in this country and there is a long road ahead to kill this beast. The first thing we have to do is stop being easy targets for DPSS a.k.a. CPS and they will move on to easier targets or hopefully no more funding.

      They have already found an easier target with APS (Adult Protective Services) that targets families taking care of elderly parents in their home by saying many of these parents are abused. Stealing all their belongings and ownership of their property.  Trust me government has always, through out history, done their job for money and always been more abusive than the people in every single country on earth.  That is another battle for later on, right now let’s get them one at a time.

     Let me get into what is so close to my heart and become the reason for most of my drive these days, to form a collective of knowledge, to do my part in saving children and families from this absolute devastation of everyone involved in these courts.

     Our site has done well this year to get the word out but we have not made even a slight dent in the problem of CPS Child Protective Services, DPSS Department of Public Social Services making huge profits by the theft and sale of our children out to adoption receiving Federal Funding such as Social Security Title IV-E,  CAPTA, ASFA, and other private  contributions which are granted to help families in crisis. But these funds are not used for the intended purpose to save and keep families together, instead the money is used for other broke government county and state departments making the State’s  and the counties ability of ignoring this problem easy. If the US citizens knew the money paid by their taxes is truly being used to KIDNAP CHILDREN for profit the people would be so outraged. But first:

STEP 1. WE HAVE TO GET THE WORD OUT TO THE PUBLIC and people have to wake up and look at the absolute facts of this problem and how large it has become.   I, as well as many many other people, have found out that this is the fact in every state in the United States.

Step 2.  PROTECT YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS.  Tell people they do not have to let CPS in their home. They have absolutely no authority over you or your children until YOU GIVE IT TO THEM. If CPS has any real evidence that you are a child abuser they would not be knocking on your door asking to come in. Instead a bunch of cops would bust down your door or at least show up with a warrant. Do not misinterpret a police officer’s presence with the social worker they are only there to intimidate you and to protect the worker against you.  The reason CPS wants to interview you is to find a reason, create a reason, exaggerate and twist the truth to use as evidence to steal your child. REMEMBER REFUSE ENTRY WITHOUT A WARRANT< YOUR CHILD IS WORTH FIGHTING FOR, STAND YOUR GROUND> CPS should be considered a predator because YOUR CHILD WILL BE HARMED AS WELL AS THE FAMILY when they take your child.

     No children or family members come out of CPS unharmed and you have to think about this, YOUR CHILD MAY NEVER COME HOME AGAIN. MANY CHILDREN DIE IN FOSTER/CPS CARE. In 2009- 2011 the average number of children who where removed from their parents and adopted (either by family or strangers) was 2,712,000. So just for the last three years, 8,136,000 children were not returned to their parents. CPS will not return your children for months or years if they so desire. Approximately, only 45% are “reunified” with their parents and are adopted by family or strangers and CPS gets large bonuses from the federal and state for adopting out your child. This is human trafficking.

     You may not think this problem is real but even if only 2 people tell you that there is a predator lurking around your neighborhood would you take the chance and leave your child and family vulnerable? Consider HISTORY which shows that government will, over time, get out of control because of MONEY and POWER. The States are kidnapping children just the same as any other predator.   CPS was collecting about 120,000.00 per child per year> Do you really think they would turn down that kind of money and do not forget all the money that also comes from the adoption market.

Step 3. DO NOT SIGN ANY CONTRACT WITH CPS, this contract is called many things, a case plan, family maintenance agreement or any other tricky pseudonyms. This contract gives DPSS complete control and custody over your children until they are adults even if you are released from their services.  So stand your ground. DO NOT LET THEM BULLY YOU, DO NOT PANIC. Stand your ground, once you sign that contract you are now in civil JV court it is not family court do not be fooled these court appointed CPS attorney’s will not tell you this they want you to be blind sided and these attorneys should be disbarred for not telling you what your rights are and that they are going to waive advisement from the Judge. The Judge is guilty for failing to ensure your rights, as well for laundering this corrupt money. He says by signing the contract, you are not admitting to guilt and this is a perversion of the truth because you are giving up your child to government custody and control and this says you are guilty by going along.  Remember do not sign anything you can still take services and not sign anything the funds are still there to help even if you do not sign.

Step 4. SPEAK UP IN COURT  AND MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD ON THE RECORD. I am telling you this from experience. If you do not speak up in court your lawyer will not do it for you, his job with this court depends on it.  There is no way you will get your side on record if you do not speak up. They will ignore anything you turn into the court clerk.   They will tell you all kinds of manipulative reasons why you should stay quiet, I am telling you this is the one time in your life to get a back bone and stand up for your children if you want them in your life.  This civil fake family court is bent on earning money off of taking your child and has so much experience doing so, if you follow the norm you will be their money ride. If you stand up for what is right they will not be as experienced at pushing you through as just another number.  This entire court is built around making money for the county and state.  I could go into all the evidence I have but it would take months. We have about 1800 pages of evidence which my wife has been sorting through for months to prove everything I am saying here and about 28 years of watching these criminals get away with this terrorism on the American people.

 In closing most of you know, I am not a lawyer or any kind of legal representative, I am just a parent going through what is the single most life changing event that I did not believe could ever happen to a parent who has always loved  and treated his children with care and acceptance, to make sure they always know they have a father who believes in them and they  always have a place to go that truly has their best interest at heart as long as I am alive. I do this job with pride and their is nothing government could ever say or do to take that from me. Unlike government  I don’t have to get paid to do this job, so who really has his child’s best interest at heart.   I have other children who no longer believe in our government and know the CPS investigation was fake  and  without reason or  evidence or they would not have taken their brother my littlest child. Donnelly I love you so much and I will never stop fighting for you.

SO, how do we stop this from happening?  We all have to do our part. Thomas Jefferson said it best, what would happen if good people do nothing. What we have to do is POST, POST,POST this on every single web blog or any other place you can until people know, I mean truly know what is happening to our children. Even if you do not have any children, this is not good for any ones child. 

God Bless, and please do the right thing.  Educate everyone.

You have my permission to post or copy this Blog any place that you have the right to do so as long as it is posted in it’s entirety and not edited.


W. Burns


Social Workers interviewed for a book report by kids, DAMAGING


Covered Up Crimes by Those Claiming to “Protect”

Everyone in the united states needs to watch this video if you have family.
CPS takes children on purpose and by ignorance.

The Trillion dollar scam on American families by: The United States Government for CPS funding


Our Readers Write….

Dear Donnellyjustice,

I lost my son to CPS last year. I am not allowed to write to the adoptive parents but if I were allowed, this is what it would say:

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Jones,

Thank you for taking good care of my son. You never will love him as much as I do but I do appreciate the effort. It was unfortunate that you refused to believe our sad AND TRUE HEARTBREAKING STORY because David would like to see his real Mommy and Daddy. Did you ever ask him what HE WANTED?

I hope you have been paying attention to the news lately and the outcry of the people in protest to several horror stories that the news is finally reporting. Now you should doubt me less and consider that it is MORE PROBABLE THAN NOT THAT my son was taken purely for funding of CPS. Just the fact that he is a wonderful, caring, polite and loving little  boy should show you all by itself how his mother and I treated him and the kind of parents we are.

Many people have been unaware of the injustices that countless parents experience, unaware of how CPS workers lie and fabricate evidence, unaware that CPS workers disobey court orders, manipulate the Judge, and NEVER EVER LOSE IN COURT. CPS is a criminal organization that must increase it’s child intake every single year to be eligible for funding. I know this because of all of the research my wife and I have done on this agency and because my ex mother-in-law worked for CPS for 35 years, 22 of those years were during my marriage to her daughter, the one who called CPS out of revenge to my second wife who has been able to love me without cheating on me.

I have raised 5 children to adulthood and I am so very grateful that my wife has been by my side faithfully for the 11 years. Dave’s brothers and sisters know that he was never in any danger and that he was even more spoiled than they were. We are so very proud of our kids no matter what they do, we know that life is full of learning by mistakes and that forgiveness is one of keys to a peaceful life. Our children are healthy, productive members of society. They all have made only ONE semi-serious mistake in their young lives yet we are so proud that these mistakes proved to have made a life-changing impact on each one of them. We raised intelligent, law abiding citizens. CPS and the court cohorts claim that the reason they remove children from their parents is to keep them “safe” from “dangerous” people (parents) which is what they made us out to be. But how could we have possibly raised these children to be the people they have become (intelligent, respectful, and productive members of society) without injuries or mental health issues if we were who CPS made us out to be? They didn’t take him because we are bad parents or because they say we are on drugs, there is a very disturbing explanation for it. There is a specific agenda that the government has been following for several years and it seems to fit that they stole our youngest blond haired-blue eyed, adorable little boy. Our adult children do not harbor resentments toward my wife and I but they do resent my first wife and feel that they can’t ever have a normal, drama-free relationship without her trying to ruin it out of jealously. My ex-wife feels that she should always be the center of their attention and goes absolutely nuts when they pay attention to anyone or anything else. All of our children have become or are becoming, productive members of society. Due to the bias created by my ex-wife and her mother, CPS only took my second wife’s children even though we still had one older child who was under 18 at the time. That was the ex-mother-in-law’s grandchild.We loved him so much that my wife and I risked our life and freedom to prevent him from getting hurt in foster care.

Mr. Jones, are you a reasonable man? Can I speak to you, man to man?  I am a good dad and all my children have been raised with patience and a kind heart. Don’t you have a good and decent heart? Would you let anyone separate you from your child when you love your child more than life itself? This is where I stand.  All his siblings know how much love and support I gave to each of them and I would do it again and again. I will see my son again someday and he will know how hard we tried to save him from CPS, how much we love him and miss him and he will know that we contacted you and you refused to allow him to see us. He won’t be happy with that, who would?

If your heart was truly into raising my son, David, to be healthy and happy then he should never be cut off from his siblings. They all miss him and love him so very much. He is their little brother and I know from the tapes we sent you that you also know how much we cherish him. The youngest always always gets the most spoiled. So he is slightly a drama king but he is great just the way he is. That is because of being loved and encouraged to learn.  Do not be mean or foul spirited or quick tempered I beg you. He will be curious about his family and I will not turn away no matter what. We accept you into our lives because of what has happened. You should accept us into yours simply because we are the reason you have been blessed with him. We truly want only what is best for David. You can’t ignore his past so embrace it. He will be much better adjusted for life.  If you really feel we are so bad with out getting to know us that is not a good way to be. I know you have seen just from David’s loving ways that we are good parents. Good parents are always striving to be great parents.

David will get to know his family later in life so if you do not want resentments then you should get to know all of us. You never know, you might like us. We do have friends you know. Normal friends who don’t judge us. I love all my children and I, like most parents, would give my life to help my child. If you could just open your eyes and find out what CPS does to families and children you may figure it out that we are not bad people. We have just been in bad situations making decisions out of fear. I pray you are never involved with CPS, you will get very angry with CPS and that judge who clearly is corrupt.  

My son is my life and I pray you treat him kindly and lovingly as I would.  David is a big part of my life and I did not give him up he was kidnapped just to fill some kind of angry hole my ex wife has in her heart.  I would never take David from you, I hope you know that, not because of the police but because  I want David to have a calm happy childhood, all children deserve that.  If our intentions were to “kidnap” him from you and your wife we wouldn’t have sent you that letter. Our intentions were always to keep David safe from the kidnappers. Not allowing him to see us just because we asked alone, I can understand. But we sent you proof, you’ve  been on our website, you saw videos, you looked up corrupt CPS and I know you found out that a lot of parents are crying out for help against these monsters. We offered for you to meet us first, without David, so you wouldn’t put him in “danger”. But all you did was call CPS and file a restraining order. Thanks a lot for being such a good human being.

Soon enough he will be an adult and stress is a battle then. CPS puts good families through this kind of stress and it must have a long lasting effect on children.  CPS will have to answer to God for that.

I love my son and if you look around here you might learn a little more about how CPS works.  You can not ignore these things or say they are not true because every one of these stories are real. Any parent who fights for their child and never gives up should have never have lost that child. CPS pushes that information aside because family means nothing but a pay check to these people. 

Please tell David that we love him so very much, give him hugs and kisses please, our hearts ache for him..

That is what I would say to the adoptive parents of my son if I were allowed to.


donnelly justice is working with Lawless America. We are not requesting but telling you if you want to save the family as part of American culture then you better get some motivation to protect the ones you love because we are losing the fight and government has a plan to use community centers to raise the children of the future sounds unreal look it up. Educate yourself to the US agenda


We are not requesting but telling you if you want to save the family as part of American culture then you better get some motivation to protect the ones you love because we are losing the fight and government has a plan to use community centers to raise the children of the future sounds unreal look it up. Educate yourself to the US agenda.


UPDATE: Bill Windsor has been bad-mouthed, stalked, harassed, threatened, and even assaulted twice for exposing U.S. corruption. The State of Montana seems to be bully #1. This doesn’t stop the amazing Windsor! He has multiple lawsuits pending against the University of  Montana, Facebook and Joeyisalittlekid and 1,000 other Joeys!


CPS caught forcing a social worker who turned whistleblower to place children in a child molester’s home so CPS could get funding for helping children.

You better protect your children with life and limb these people do not care how they hurt children.

Reporter exposes CPS for taking orders for children to be removed from a good home without any abuse being committed.

This corruption is not even hidden. If you could do a child a favor and just show this video to parents. EVERYONE MUST KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON WITH OUR

The Facts about the hidden Child Protective Industry.

Parents the facts are in.  Ask yourself will your child be killed before you try to PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN FROM THE CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES TRAFFICKING.INDUSTRY  If we have to hurt these people to protect our children then that is what will happen..Americans allow their children to be sexually abused and even murdered by Child Protective Services under the guise of saving the children,  That sounds just as crazy as a Iran attacking us because they are jealous of our freedoms, people need to recognize propaganda and false flag operations and stop being so stupid.

The Evil Ones holding the office of the White House tell Child Protective Services that we need 10 or 20 thousand children to be sacrificed every year. But there are some unspeakable acts which are so barbaric that even an occupied nation like the US cannot permit unless they ignore that it exist. The politicians have been caught molesting children and then they are never heard from again. All anyone has to do is look these things up. .

The Transportation Security Administration is allowed to hire men and women of such a low caliber for the TSA that they are willing to put their hands inside the underwear of children and their parents teaching an entire generation to submit to public humiliation and molestation. If the man with a badge wants to molest you, then you cannot say No. Nor can your mother say No to public humiliation. Even a Presidential candidate and well known public figures have been groped.

The TSA is not just at airports. They are at bus and rail stations, at highway road blocks, at sporting events and will soon be at shopping malls.

The people who for the time being own our governments kidnap 250,000 women and children a year world wide to be used as sex slaves. True most of these women and children are taken by organized Russian Jewish crime syndicates from eastern Europe. But what does happen to missing children and to children under protective custody in


There is the famous case of the Texas Youth Commission. TYC is the second largest custodial care facility for juveniles in America. Texas Rangers (police) were fired for investigating complaints of wide spread child abuse at TYC. US Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez was accused of misconduct for failure to investigate well documented cases of abuse. One hired officer said, “ to get hired in one of these facilities you must be a pedophile or at least buy into the abuse of these children.  Everyone hired had a felony of a serous crime.” Since Gonzalez was a republican, you would expect the Democrats to have made a strong case against President Bush’s chief legal officer. Certainly against Bill Baumann, assistant U.S. attorney, who made the case that the minors consented to and even enjoyed the acts of pedophilia, therefore no further action was necessary. Could it be that Democrats as well as Republicans do not want any real investigations into these reported cases because it would lead to to their donors too?

Similar stories can be found at Florida’s Department of Children and Families (DCF.) In Florida residents are threatened and harassed by the DCF branch of the Broward Sheriff’s Office if they report neighborhood drug dealers who pay cops. Based on statistics, children are sexually abused 8.6 times more while in DCF Custody. The state of Florida lost more than 3,000 children in Foster care. What happened to those children?

DynCorp and Halliburton have been accused with overwhelming evidence of human trafficking, sexual slavery and forced labor. Yet DynCorp has been given contracts to staff and manage Child Protective Services in many states. Catherine Austin Fitts had a

secretary who was falsely accused of child abuse in a state where DynCorp ran CPS. Her secretary beat the false charges by moving her secretary across a state line to a DynCorp free CPS.

Historically, the sale of addictive drugs has been practiced by the Anglo-Jewish Empire to control occupied subjects as evidenced by the Opium wars of 1839–1842 and 1856–1860. Currently, America has been inundated with drugs ever since Israel and their friends inside the American government successfully assassinated President Kennedy and covered it up from public view. The CIA and its business partner, the Sinaloa drug cartel, has been routinely shipping 5 tons of cocaine at a time into the US. That nearly 80,000 Mexicans have been killed in drug wars over the past 5 years actually is considered to be a good thing as the people in charge seem to enjoy human sacrifice.

Bankers make a lot of money by laundering a trillion dollars a year in illegal drug sales. They are also laundering the profits for human traffickers. Aaron Lopez was one of the wealthiest Jews in colonial America. He was a slave trader who unsuccessfully sued the colony of Rhode Island for citizenship. Historical records unearthed a few years ago in Britain revealed Lopez was an agent for the Rothschilds. Jews owned 90% of the slaver ships. One neglected aspect of this trade was that rum from the more than 20 Jewish distillers plus guns were sold to Indians who killed settlers and were in turn killed.

In Israel there are hundreds of brothels at which many of the women are captive victims of the slave trade. They are forcibly given drugs and raped a dozen or more times a day. The Talmud tells Jewish men that they are not guilty of a crime if the women they repeatedly rape are not Jewish. That explains the lack of prosecutions in Israel.

In the United States bankers have stolen over 30 trillion dollars. The Talmud tells the Jews that robbing the Gentiles is allowed as soon as they get control of the government. There is abundant evidence that America is an occupied nation. Israel is permitted to assassinate our Presidents and to blow up buildings with Americans inside.

I explained to a young black woman today that Americans will not be aware that they have been robbed of 30 trillion dollars until hyperinflation cuts their wages in half over the next 16 months.

This next article explains why Israel demands we die to make it safe for their fantasies.

Zionist Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Fatal But Treatable Social Disease

If You Do Not Learn Real History, You Will Be Dead Really Soon.

This concerns the right of Israel to blow up buildings with Americans inside.

Judaica And 911 Part II

Lest you despair:

Is An American Military Coup The World’s Last, Best And Only Hope?

I would suppose the people of the world will want at that time to redress all of their grievances against the people who think they own our governments. This assumes we do not die in World War III making Israel safe for its fantasies. Or die in a plague. Or die in American concentration camps.

Author’s Notes: The first article is from a series on the Talmud.

Israel Shahak: The Laws Against Non-Jews In 2 Minutes

Interview with William Windsor of LAWLESS AMERICA, I have watched Sheriff Deputies, Lawyers, Reporters, and Teachers lose their children over the past year to this corruption. Parents you better know what to do when they come knocking on your door. Do not sign anything if you haven’t done anything wrong.

All Parents in the united states better know what to do because this is not only happening to other people. YOU BETTER KNOW WHAT TO DO.  The knowledge parents need to know when CPS knocks on your door is far to much to learn in a weekend.  I have been deeply embedded in these Juvenile Court Proceedings and Law for almost 6 years now only now do I feel confident enough to hold these people accountable.  This is because Juvenile CPS law involves, criminal, custody, constitutional, Juvenile Dependency Statutes,,Adoption Codes of Civil Procedure, ,Welfare & Institutions Code and if this isn’t enough then you have to make the JUDGE actually do his job with  Dependency Quick Guide – DOGBOOK because they do not give a shit about your children even is they tell you they do and say what you want to hear, I was there the manipulation of these compulsive liars will make you mental after the case is over for not learning this courts boundaries.  Don’t get me wrong you only have to learn the parts that pertain to JV Court or CPS JV dependency court. My family was so deeply violated by this Judge I felt the need to learn as much as I could to gain some kind of understanding why this happened but I learned about the funding and how it gets spent and who gets it..  Only now do I see how inept my lawyer truly was and still is or he just has no morals.  Don’t think you can wait all this information is on this site.  You better get busy. We did the legwork and we will always be here to continue to help. Ask anything you wish and I promise we will try our best to answer everyone.  If you don’t get us by email fast enough call please, don’t feel ashamed, we know how important this is for all parents.  Remember we been there. email  and our phone number  951-305-1552 .  I want to keep this number open for those of you who truly need help ASAP.  Everyone is welcome to call about your case just remember their is a limited number of volunteers here that understand what is truly going on with these courts so be patient. .

God Bless you and your Family


Listen to this interview and you will here the truth about these judges

These judges have orders to follow what the CPS workers claim even if it is not legal. These judges do not think for themselves and are so ignorant and withdrawn from what a real parent is like. If your judge has a JAG background ask for a different judge trust me on this. They take orders and the family does not mean anything, These judges will not follow the law they only answer to funding and ORDERS from above your child does not matter to these mindless abusers and we will get them fired.  COUNT ON IT (FACT)


This is a word that CPS is using to exploit and abuse families.

We Demand Our Children BAck!



To the people who adopted children from CPS

Are you so entwined with the lie that CPS takes children from bad homes that you can not consider other possibilities so that the children you are raising may have the shared love of the people who so deeply miss them?  Not to take them from you but to share in the joy of watching them grow.  Here we sit being punished for a crime we did not commit paying the ultimate price that a parent can pay.  Have you not watched the news lately showing how CPS takes children from homes on a daily basis that should not be removed? Yet the possibility of our son being kidnapped from a loving home of parents who will never give up no matter what the cost is to us.

The things I write here I think about 7 days a week 24 hours a day since my beautiful little boy was so needlessly taken from his mother and I, not to mention all his siblings, we all miss him so much.  At the very least tell him that?  I miss his warm happy smile and still can’t imagine life without him.

From a man with a very heavy heart. If I was able to speak to the adoptive parents of my son who just happen to think a loving little child landed at their door and didn’t come from a loving home is just not so. My son is my world and I pray everyday just to be able to see him again smiling and happy.

William R. Burns

for donnellyjustice