William Shakspear


                                     INNOCENT ACCUSED OF ABUSE OR NEGLECT

 By Ray Thomas


We accept all CPS files sent to us to help families and thank the Parents who have already done so, you are  creating change for families. If you win or lose your experience and case file will help us to build a case against CPS.

This is written for those who are innocent of child abuse. For whom no real proof exists that they are, indeed, child abusers. This report is designed to be a self-defense manual to help you resist the baying hounds of CPS and force them to abide by the law and the Constitution in dealing with you. I’ll tell you about many of the scams, schemes and cons they use to get you to give them permission to ignore your Constitutional rights, the patterns that you will find in their treatment of you and your children in their efforts to twist your every word and action to show guilt where none exists. I’ll also give you a (partial) list of the things they use to judge abuse, and some tips for your use in resisting their scams. It is hoped that if you are forewarned, you will be better able to stop them from raping you and your family the way they do about 80% of the others who are accused of child abuse.

IF YOU’RE GUILTY, STOP READING NOWBut if you’re guilty–and if you are, you know it–you might as well stop reading right here because this report will not help you avoid what is rightfully coming. No one hates a child abuser, particularly a child sexual abuser more than I do, and those who are guilty of it deserve what they get. But I still want those accused of child abuse, even the guilty, to get the same rights that are offered to murderers and other criminals, major or minor. That they be allowed to confront their accusers and be able to sue them for damages if they lie in their charges (One good description of a CPS snitch line is this: a 911 service that cannot distinguish between life-threatening crimes and littering). That child abuse, sexual or otherwise, be proved in a court of law beyond reasonable doubt before any action can be taken other than possibly the temporary removal of the children (only if there is ample evidence that abuse is actually taking place and the child is in real danger if left in the home).

And even in this case, I want the parent to have the right to an immediate hearing (and not a rubber stamp hearing to legalize kidnapping, which is how it is as this is written) to determine if the charges are real or simply the result of someone’s personal opinion, not backed up by any real evidence (with postponements kept to a minimum by court order, and no unsupervised questioning sessions allowed with the children at any time). That all questions of guilt be decided on the innocent until proven guilty standard used in all other courts, as directed by the Constitution. In short: I want the same rights granted to CPS victims as are granted to a rapist or a murderer. That’s it. No bias here in favor of the molester, as CPS would have you believe. But a definite bias in favor of everybody concerned obeying the law of the land and the Constitution.

Last, and maybe most important, I want the practice of billing the victims for the cost of foster care in cases where they’ve been proven innocent to be stopped. This practice adds insult to injury, and allows CPS to collect money for expenses incurred when they violate people’s Constitutional rights. To force victims to pay the victimizers for the cost of the victimization is an abomination. Worse yet, they’re getting laws passed in all states to create a database of deadbeat parents so they can permanently stigmatize those who refuse to pay this ransom by designating this money as legitimate child support. They even want to be able to keep such people from getting any kind of license, from driver’s licenses to professional licenses, and be able to take such licenses they do have away as well, all on the “bureaucratic designation” that they are a deadbeat parent–for refusal to pay the cost of their victimization.

HUGE UPSURGE IN FALSIFIED CHILD ABUSE REPORTS BY SOCIAL WORKERSUnder the watchwords “the best interests of the child,” 130,000 kids are taken from their parents each year by a system geared to act first and ask questions later. However, two-thirds of the 2.2 million reports of child maltreatment turned out to be unfounded. And of the substantiated reports, only 15 percent involved any serious risk to the child’s safety, according to Douglas Besharov, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and first director of the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect. “It’s this 15 percent,” he concluded, “that need the kind of intervention the Krachts received but Lisa Steinberg didn’t: immediate removal from the home. [The Krachts represent a well-documented case of false accusation of child abuse and Lisa Steinberg was killed when she was not removed from the home. -RT] An atmosphere of well-justified concern for maltreated children has bred a monster that can traumatize both parents and kids, trampling their rights to a parent-child relationship.”

Dan Zegart wrote this in 1989, in an article in Ms. Magazine. But the figures are much higher today, mostly because of the incessant drumbeat of stories in the press instigated by power seekers in our government who wish to use the children in their quest to dominate the rest of us. People today are more aware than ever of just how easy it is to “lead Child Protective Services around by the nose” in falsely reporting child abuse. All it takes is an anonymous call to one of their many snitch lines to set the (CPS) hounds baying after both innocent and guilty people, and they don’t bother to make a distinction, in most cases. “If you’re reported, you must be guilty” in their lexicon. Prosecutors use child abuse cases as an easy route to higher office, since it’s much easier to convict someone of child abuse than of murder.The “standards of proof” are much lower. And they can easily trump up charges against their critics, since all it takes is the charge for CPS to start “baying after them.”


Child abuse has in recent years taken on a witch hunt atmosphere wherein all it takes is a simple anonymous telephone report to start the nightmare, both for innocent parents and their children. Good Samaritan laws (for the most part) completely protect everybody from retaliation even if they lied in their report for an ulterior motive. The same laws force health and child care professionals (anyone who deals regularly with children professionally) to report any suspicion of abuse to the children in their care. If they don’t, they face penalties which could range from reprimand to the loss of their license and financial ruin, even charges being filed against them. Even the children know how easy it is to nullify their parents by charging them with child abuse. They’re taught that in school. But what they don’t know is what such charges are going to mean for themselves, when they’re ripped from their families and placed in foster care where, figures prove, they are much more apt to be abused.

ANTI-FAMILY BIAS I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW CPS WANTS AND INTENDS TO SEPARATE AS MANY FAMILIES AS THEY CAN. DO NOT LISTEN TO CPS CALL THE FBI FIRST THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO STEAL YOUR CHILDREN THEY SIT IN THE OFFICE AND LAUGH AT YOUR PAIN I HAVE WITNESSED THIS. CALL THE FBI UNTIL WE GET CHANGE OVER AND OVER.  AS GOD IS MY WITNESS THIS IS ON PURPOSE.THESE PEOPLE ARE ANGRY MONSTERS AND MUST BE FIRED There is a well-documented anti-family bias in the child protection industry and when CPS workers go after you, you are deemed guilty as soon as you’re reported. Never mind the proof. The fact that 60%-80% of child abuse charges today are unsubstantiated seems to be lost on them. They think they’re right, and they won’t hear otherwise.

Here I must say that I don’t believe every child protection worker to be a monster. There are many well-meaning, but unfortunately ill-trained individuals there who really want to do good. Unfortunately, they, themselves, have been brainwashed into believing that all parents are potential child-abusers and that they do not harm the children (they do) by taking them from the home. A large percentage of them however, are paranoid, and see sex offenders under every bed (or on top). Many are in the business only because they were themselves in the foster care system and many were abused there. They see a child sex offender in a man who changes his daughter’s diapers and while doing so, touches her privates. They see an abuser with every whack on the backside. Those people are sick.


“It’s time we started to recognize the self-serving nature of the various abuse crusades that get launched with ever-increasing regularity by that coalition of groups in our society: social workers, therapists, the media, the courts, the shelters, etc., which make their livings by exploiting, and oftentimes creating, family pathology.” This is a quote from Fidelity, February, 1985, page 33, on the “cottage industry” that has sprung up around child abuse, whose very reason for being is to make the problem more severe so as to enhance their bottom line at the expense of the family. The article further said: “It’s time to stop the funding of parasites who make their living by creating problems for themselves to solve. Those professionals who would become surrogate parents in the name of concern for the children do nothing more than guarantee future business for the therapeutic state. By attacking the family they create, willingly or not, a nation of patients ready to seek them out for treatment (And if CPS has its way, are forced to seek them out for treatment.).”


The federal Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980 requires that reasonable efforts be made to keep families together and that only children in real danger of maltreatment be placed in foster care. But, according to Mary Lee Allen, director of child welfare and mental health for the Children’s Defense Fund, there is considerable gap between theory and practice. In other words, they tell you they’re interested in keeping the kids at home, but are much more quick to take them than to leave them at home in almost all cases, because that’s where the money–and the power–is.and they are trained to believe family is the abusers and as ex foster kids that is easy to believe after CPS made sure their childhood was hell and all blamed on the parents they were stolen from. If you don’t think this is a conspiracy keep reading.


It has become a common theme for a spouse to accuse the other spouse of child abuse or child sexual abuse in order to gain an advantage in a divorce case. In fact, attorneys routinely advise them to do so, true or not. And this is not just in contested divorces. In many cases, both spouses are accusing each other of child abuse. In most cases it’s: “Lord forgive them for they know not what they do,” because once the CPS thugs get their hands on the kids, they just don’t want to give them up. They use every lying, deceitful trick in the book to keep them. They’ve been known, in many cases, to push for adoption for the children, even in cases where abuse cannot be proven. Neither parent then has any rights, even the one whose lies got it all started. False child abuse charges have become a valuable tool to be used in other conflicts as well, such as landlord-tenant disputes and even in auto accidents. It has become known as an easy way to hurt your opponent without cost to yourself and follows this same tactic to kidnap your kids. CPS willingly hurts them for you and you are completely protected from any but unlawful retaliation. I predict it will become a useful tool in many other areas in the future, too. Government has figured out how to destroy the family and according to government documents. (The Family is the number one threat to Government) this is insane but was the Bush agenda called agenda 21 and gave CPS a new lease on life to use the family for funding.

Think about all the insane things CPS does and the crazy arguments these workers come up with.  Why would anyone want to hurt the family?  This is the way they are trained and after being raised to believe family is bad in foster care, these people are like robots not even knowing what they are doing is wrong.

Another common theme is for CPS people to come in on a case where the parents have found evidence that someone else has abused one or more of their children, and they immediately accuse the parents.Then they proceed as if the parents were guilty. One famous story involved a couple whose child was the subject of flashing by a man who broke into her bedroom. CPS charged the father with it. They demanded he leave the home before the child could be returned, even though they couldn’t make a case in court. They were ready to go for revocation of parental authority in preparation to put the child up for adoption when the father caught the man breaking into the same window and apprehended him. The man was convicted of being the perpetrator both times. CPS was unmoved. They continued their quest until the judge ordered the child returned. Then they attempted to collect money for foster care.


Subjectivism insists that there are no absolutes, while Objectivism insists that there are. The hilarious thing about it is that both are making statemets of an absolute when they insist on their opposing philosophies. This doesn’t hurt the Objectivists, because they not only admit the existence of absolutes, it is a basic part of their philosophy. But the fact that the subjectivists’ very statement of principles negates not only their statement, but their entire philosophy as well, infuriates them, since their philosophy is a simple mechanism which, if accepted, relieves them of all responsibility and allows them to decide for themselves what laws mean. This gives them a lot of power and that’s what they want. Subjectivism is a philosophy most bureaucrats adhere to (whether they know it or not) because it’s a valuable tool for them.

Child abuse laws tend to be subjective because that gives the CPS workers license to decide for themselves just what constitutes abuse in all cases. That means they can make a dirty sock on the floor, or even the fact that a parent is a smoker into a full-blown abuse case at their whim. The courts back them up because the standard of evidence allowed in family court is not the same as in criminal court. In criminal court, the accused must be proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. In family court, the standard is simply by a preponderance of evidence. Hearsay evidence, the subjective judgement and the opinion of the CPS people are given much more weight than that of the defendant. The cards, in other words, are well and truly stacked in favor of CPS.


If they can’t prove you’re guilty and if the court acquits you of abuse, their opinion is this: “Just because we couldn’t prove it does not make you innocent. This `not guilty’ verdict only means we couldn’t come up with enough evidence to prove your guilt.” In other words, you have been guilty since they first accused you, because they accused you, and even though the court has not convicted you, you are still guilty. You just can’t win with these people.


Every bureaucracy has patterns in their operations. If you can figure out what these patterns are, you’re a lot closer to beating them than if you’re ignorant of them. Let’s look at some of the patterns used by child protective services workers:

  • They’ll twist everything you say or do to indicate your guilt: If you refuse to let them in without a warrant, you’ve got something to hide. If you insist on your Constitutional rights, that’s an indication of guilt. If you refuse to say anything without your lawyer present, that’s another indication of guilt. In fact, just about anything you can do or say indicates your guilt in their minds. That’s a major pattern. The judge may not buy it, but then, he might. They often do. Many buy it because they’re expected to buy it.
  • You’re guilty: We’ve already noted one of their patterns. You’re automatically guilty if they or someone else accuses you. Anything you do from that point on is evidence of guilt. They go in with a bias, since they are taught that every parent is a potential child abuser. Then it’s just a short step to do whatever they have to do to establish the parent’s guilt, including intimidation, lies, deceit, and even violation of their Constitutional rights.
  • Your protestations of innocence are an indication of guilt: When you’re accused of anything, your first inclination is to claim your innocence. This is human nature, and in real life, has nothing to do with your guilt or innocence. But with CPS workers, the very fact that you protest your innocence is, to them, evidence of your guilt. This is one of the basic things they’re taught when they are training to become CPS workers. They’ve even got a clinical-sounding term for it: you’re “in denial.”
  • Anger is an indication of guilt: If you get angry when they accuse you, that’s an indication of guilt. Never mind that accusations such as this would make a monk angry. Never mind that their supercilious, officious attitude is guaranteed to make you angry even if you’re innocent. To get angry means, to them, you’re guilty.
  • Threaten to throw them out if they don’t leave and you’re guilty: Many times, they intimidate their way into your home or just con their way in. Then, when they make it evident that they’re collecting evidence of your guilt, and you ask them to leave, they insist that your request itself is an indication of guilt and make no effort to leave. Then when you order them out, and tell them that if they don’t leave, you’ll throw them out, it goes in their report. Now you’re marked down as “potentially violent.” Don’t threaten. Just tell them to leave and don’t say another word even if they try to get you to talk. Silence is one of the most powerful pressures there is, and it is non-violent. An attitude of standing still with your arms folded might help.
  • Intimidation in place of a warrant: In most cases, the fact that they have no warrant, and are bound by the same Constitutional restrictions as are police means nothing to them. They are trained to use every con and scam there is to gain entry to your home without it. Once in, they use just about anything they see as evidence of child abuse. If there are dirty dishes in the sink, or if the child has a skinned knee from a normal childhood fall, you’re an abuser. Anything they see can be twisted into “evidence of abuse,” and they’re well trained to do the twisting. The list of things that can be used to establish child abuse is long, and completely subjective (see above for definition of subjective). They can twist just about anything to prove abuse to the point where they can snatch your kids and force you to ransom them by your actions, and with your money.
  • Lies and deceit: They think nothing of telling you lies to gain entry into your home, and of using intimidation to convince you to sign papers that allow them to do things that the Constitution prevents. Once you’ve signed those papers, you’ve given up those rights. Never sign papers they demand you sign, even if they tell you that you must, without advice from (your own) attorney. And don’t let them recommend an attorney. Never believe anything a CPS worker tells you because they’re probably lying. They’re trained to lie in order to get around Constitutional restrictions. It’s a sorry thing to have to say, but it’s true. And it’s something basic that you must remember in order to deal with them.
  • They impose their own values on their “clients”: In one case of which I have personal knowledge, the father attempted to deal with a tantrum during a supervised visit by ignoring the child and letting him cry. The social worker jumped in and told him he should cuddle the child. The fact that he refused to do so was put in his file and used against him later. That the foster parent agreed with the father didn’t seem to make any difference.
  • Demands that you or your children undergo counseling: One of their best-known cons, and the most lucrative for all involved, is to force people accused (not convicted) of child abuse to undergo “counseling” as a means to get the charges dropped. They also demand you sign papers allowing them to put your children through counseling (“to help straighten out this situation, don’tcha know?”) Don’t buy it. The counseling sessions are little more than “star-chamber” questioning sessions to get the kids to say something–anything–against you, while getting you (or the government) to pay the bill. Many of their counselors have few, if any clients other than those referred by CPS agencies, and they know which side of their bread carries the butter. Counseling parents and children in child abuse cases is a lucrative cottage industry (One “patient” can be worth $10,000 to a “counselor” if they find abuse. If they find the wrong way they’ll be taken off the list). Some even kick back part of their fees to workers who refer a lot of business their way. [It’s a way for the worker to make some money, right? -RT]
  • Intensive (star-chamber) long-term questioning of children: They have undisputed custody of your children after they snatch them from you, and you don’t know what they’re doing to them. You can’t even ask. In most cases, they take them regularly to sessions where they constantly subject them to questioning. They call it “counseling.” They ask questions such as: When your daddy put his hand on your penis (or vagina), did he rub it? Did it feel good? (It’s like a salesman’s closing question: any answer indicates your guilt.) Children just aren’t prepared to resist such expert questioning, and will eventually give an answer that can be used against the parent. These are questions small children shouldn’t even be aware of, let alone be asked by strangers. They describe sex acts the kids had never even heard of, and teach them to be sexually aware. (Never mind that a child being sexually aware is an indication of child abuse. Just who is abusing them, anyway?). They take them to hospitals and clinics and subject these frightened, impressionable children to strip-searches in order to humiliate and frighten them further. Where actual sexual abuse is practiced upon them (in one case a female doctor proudly described the fact that she actually stuck her finger into a child’s vagina and asked if the suspect put his in this far).In some cases, they subject them to “medical procedures” such as penile plethysmography, in which penis-shaped sensors are inserted into the girl’s vagina or a ring is placed around a boy’s penis while showing them government-created pornography. This is done to “learn what turns them on” [See my Comprehensive Report, “Target: Your Children” for more complete information on this, or the book, “Out of Control: Who is Watching Our Child Protection Agencies?” By Brenda Scott, available from most VOCAL groups or can be ordered by most bookstores -RT]. They continue this for months, even years, suggesting things that you might have done to them time after time, until finally the kids wear down and start telling them what they think they want to hear, just to make it stop. Then they immediately videotape the child saying those things and use it in court, in an attempt to bring criminal charges against the parent. Sometimes they just “testify” to what the child has supposedlysaid and the courts routinely admit this hearsay “testimony.”They tell them such things as: “If you say they did something to you, they’ll get off a lot easier. They’ll just have to take a few parenting classes, and you can go home. But if you don’t, they may have to go to jail for a long time and you won’t ever be able to go home.” If you were an impressionable young child, told something like this by an all-powerful government agent, what would you do? Remain silent while your parents go to jail or make something up to make it easier on them? When they question the parents, they tell them things like: “If you admit your guilt, you’ll get your child back immediately and you’ll only have to go to a few parenting classes. But if you stick to your story, you could lose her for 6 months, or permanently.” (Women’s Day, May 6, 1986, page 42)
  • Strip-search the child: These strip searches are outside of those done in the clinical atmosphere when someone is accused. In these, they come to the child’s school, without parent’s knowledge or consent. They strip and fondle these small, frightened children by force, and ask them sexual questions. Their excuse here is that they are searching for signs of sexual or child abuse (without any kind of probable cause, they go on a fishing expedition.) But part of the reason for doing this is to subject the child to the indignity of such a search, and the attendant manipulation of their genitals, as part of the breaking them down process to get them to accuse their parents. In some places this gets them (CPS) in trouble. In others, not: such as the Texas case in which a judge ruled that “when you drop your kids off at school, you give up all rights to control what happens to them there.” This judge is obviously constitutionally ignorant, and dangerous. There’s another reason why some workers do this: some of them are latent pedophiles themselves. What better way to get to fondle children’s genitals, or watch while someone else does so, (without worrying about criminal charges) than to be the one who would file those charges in the first place?
  • Use an existing medical problem to prove abuse: In the Robin and Bob Johnson case in 1985, (Woman’s Day, May 6, 1986, page 30) they forced their way into the Johnson’s house without a warrant and took the child based on a single report by a physician in a hospital (who was afraid that if he didn’t report it, he would be in trouble, but who would be protected from all [legal] repercussions [by the “Good Samaritan” Laws -RT] if he did) that the child had a vaginal discharge due to Gardnerella vaginalis, which he thought could be sexually transmitted. The county’s special doctor (who earned $10,000.00 a month or more doing such work for the county) agreed, and further said he found that the girl had a dilated hymeneal ring.A second lab found otherwise. That it was not Gardnerella vaginalis, but in fact was Hemophilia influenza, a common bacterium for which there is no evidence of sexual transmission. (The original lab was already under suspicion for sloppy lab practices, and their findings should not be given the weight of evidence, especially in the light of the other findings.) In addition, five other physicians disagreed with the county-paid doctor’s dilated hymeneal ring finding. In spite of this evidence, CPS pursued the Johnson case to the bitter end. Even when ordered to return the children by the court, they dragged their feet and even then kept the Johnsons listed in the state child abuser database.
  • Use plea bargain offers to get people to testify against each other and plead guilty even when they’re innocent: In the Jordan, Minnesota sex ring case, (Fidelity, February, 1985, page 30) which was, as usual, based solely on the unsupported word of children who had been questioned over long periods of time, defendant Robert Bentz said that after significantly increasing the number of (unprovable) charges against him, prosecutor Kathleen Morris offered to dismiss most of them and reduce his possible forty-year prison sentence to ten. Then no jail, just treatment, then all charges dropped if he and his wife would just testify against others in the case. At that time, all they had was the unsupported word of intimidated children, and they needed some adult testimony. Extorting it from others who are under false charges is their way of getting it.
  • Retaliate by billing successful former victims for foster care costs: When you win, you’re still not home free because they commonly bill their victims for the cost of their victimization. This allows them to thumb their noses at those who have beaten them. (See deadbeat parent laws, elsewhere in this report.)
  • Trump-up charges against their critics: Woe unto you if you dare to criticize what they’re doing in any way. They’ll find something to charge you with, even if they can’t prove it. Such charges have a way of discrediting people who are hurting their cause so they’re common. I expect them to trump up some charges against me one of these days, because I intend to severely hurt their cause. I hope they do so I can hurt it some more.


Child Protection authorities go out of their way to stop parents from punishing their children in any effective way, then they make laws punishing the parents when those children get into trouble. The children learn quickly, too. In many cases, children who report child abuse are doing so in order to flout parental authority. In the Paul and Jenny Kracht case (Ms. Magazine, June, 1989, page 78), the child who made the charge had warned his father on several occasions that if he made him go to school, he’d be sorry. Well, he’s sorry now. And so is his son, who didn’t know what kind of a buzzsaw he was turning loose on his family

 Part 2


Figures now show that children are much more liable to be abused, physically and sexually, in foster homes than in their own homes. Many (not all) foster parents are just in it for the money, since each child is worth $300 to $400 or more a month to them. In many cases, foster care is what makes the difference for the foster parents between paying the rent or not. Between having enough food on the table or going hungry. Some are really making a lot of money (some foster parents make thousands of dollars a month while “caring for” large numbers of children). And the zeal the CPS workers show in investigating real parents is not shown when investigating new foster parents. Nor do they show the same amount of zeal in investigating reports of abuse in foster homes as they do in the children’s’ real family (probably because the foster home is part of the system).Don’t mistake what I’m saying here. I’m not trying to say that all foster parents are abusers. Not at all. Most are good people. But there are too many who either abuse the children themselves, or allow other children in the foster home to do so. It is a problem that CPS does not, under any circumstances, want to confront because it destroys their entire thesis that children are safer in foster care. If children can be abused in foster care and are even more liable to be, then what’s the point in putting them there?

END THE WITCH HUNTIn his special report in Ms. Magazine in June, 1989, writer Dan Zegart noted this: “Many parents compare the experience of being falsely accused of child abuse — the lack of legal safeguards, the terrible stigma of the accusation — to a witch hunt. In the real witch trials of seventeenth-century Salem, the little girls making accusations were finally silenced when they began to ensnare prominent citizens of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, including Lady Phips, wife of the governor. In The Devil in Massachusetts, Marion Starkey wrote that in the final stages of witch-hunt fever “no degree of eminence ensured one against accusation.” Similarly, the child welfare system may defy reform as long as only the poor suffer. It may well be that the entanglement of increasing numbers of the more visible and vocal middle class (who can afford lawyers and private detectives) in the web of the system will finally bring a change, which could account for the rise of Victims of Child Abuse Laws (VOCAL) and other such organizations in the United States. Indeed, there are every day new organizations and Internet Discussion Lists popping up to oppose them. Figures show that early on, most victims of child abuse laws were, indeed, the poor. But they also show that more and more they include the middle class and even the rich. People who aren’t so easily intimidated by bureaucrats and many of whom have not only the will, but the money to cause these depredations to come to a stop (for themselves, at least).

HOW TO BEAT THEMI know it seems as if they have all the laws on their side, and it is fruitless to try to beat them. But that’s wrong. Whether or not they accept it, CPS workers are subject to the same Constitutional limitations as the rest of us. That’s why they rely on intimidation, lies, and conditioning to get around that. If they could really flout the Constitution, they’d just do it — without attempting to intimidate you into signing permission for them to do what they do. So let’s look at ways and means to force them to abide by the Constitutional limitations just as police must do in confronting a rapist or a murderer, simply by forearming you to resist their intimidation:

  1. Live an exemplary life: The first, and most important thing to do to keep CPS out of your life is very simple: don’t give them a real reason to accuse you of child abuse. Treat your children with dignity and fairness. If you use corporal punishment, don’t ever do it in anger, and certainly not in public. Under all circumstances, don’t overdo it. And for heaven’s sake don’t tell a social worker you use it because they think even something as innocuous as a swat on the bottom is child abuse. Instill good values in your children Then when they begin to grow up, allow them to make their own decisions in many cases where other parents would tighten down in an effort to keep them safe. At some point, you must let go, and it should be after teaching them, by example, the proper values — values that you use to guide your life, not those prejudicial values social workers insist upon foisting on their charges.
  2. Don’t ask the government, welfare department, or CPS for help: Even if you have to work somewhere for minimum wage. Whenever you make yourself dependent upon the government, the government extracts a price: your obedience to their increased control over what you may do, both with respect to yourself, but in this case more importantly, over what you may do with respect to your children. A Rainbow Coalition (Jesse Jackson) promotion recently pushed books that told you how to tap into just about every imaginable government “giveaway” program so Uncle Sam would give you food stamps, and even pay for your home. They’ve even come up with a program to have the government pay for two years of college. But when you look at these programs, you’ll soon see the price. When you sign up you’ll soon pay it. If you sign up for any of these programs, part of what you’re signing is to give them permission to come into your home and spy on you to see if you are abusing your children. A social worker on a mission can find child abuse anywhere under the subjective definitions in the law. Don’t let them in. Don’t sign up.
  3. Avoid Parents As Teachers (PAT) or its clones like the plague: Most states have programs like the PAT program (under the federal government’s Goals 2000 scam) that claim to screen potentially disadvantaged children so as to offer assistance to assure that they will have the same opportunity to succeed as their wealthier classmates (the old class envy con again). This may sound good, but if you examine it, you’ll find it’s just one more invasive device used by the looters in government to get you to sign up and give permission for them to snoop in your home, looking for evidence of child abuse. A home visitor, sometimes called a parent educator, but who may be called just about anything under the clone operations, comes to your home frequently, ostensibly to help the family apply for government assistance (the carrot) they may need. While there they tell them what kind of punishment is allowed to be used on the children (the stick). They also continuously inspect the home and the children’s environment for evidence of child abuse. And be assured, when they find something, like a dirty sock on the floor, or a scraped knee on your child, they’ll bring charges. That’s what they’re there for. They receive extensive training in how to “recognize possibilities” (their term for finding abuse) and ways to subtly question you and your defenseless children to learn things that are none of their business. They’re looking for child abuse. That’s their mission. And they mostly find it, even if they have to twist things to create it.Naturally, they insist (even though they can’t enforce it) that your children attend public schools, rather than private, so they can more easily monitor them. In some states, all participating children are listed in their computers as being at risk, which gives CPS workers ready access to them at all times. If they find your child to have behavior problems, (by their subjective definition) they’ll recommend medical and/or psychiatric treatment, and give you a list of CPS approved practitioners (the rope). Never choose from this list. They’re biased toward abuse. If you refuse to accept their recommendations, they can, and will, take your children from you and accuse you of child abuse. Let your attorney advise you. They discourage you from getting outside opinions or consulting an attorney (which is why you should be sure to do so). Don’t allow them in your home.

RISK FACTORSSome of the “risk factors” they use to snag their victims are these:

  • Illness or handicapping condition at birth: (subjective) they define it;
  • Signs of “failure to thrive”: (this is the catch-all under which they rope in most of their victims);
  • Delay in any area of development: (very subjective);
  • Parent’s inability to cope with a child’s inappropriate behavior: (subjective again: what is inappropriate and what constitutes inability to cope?);
  • Low functioning parent, due to limited ability or illness: (blindness and/or deafness has been used);
  • Parent’s inability to connect with, or relate to the child: (subjective: what is relating?);
  • Overindulgence: spoiling the child (this is abuse?) and underindulgence: not giving the child enough love: (again subjective: what is enough love?);
  • Low level of verbal response with the child: (what does this mean?);
  • Negative or hostile behavior toward child: (well, some of them should be real);
  • Undue stress that adversely affects family functioning: (subjective: what is undue stress and what constitutes adversely affecting family functioning? For that matter, what is family functioning? Who gets to define these terms?);
  • Indication of child abuse: ( Subjective: what is the definition of that? Who defines it?);
  • Other: (leaving open the definition for a multitude of CPS sins).

Don’t let them intimidate you into participating in this scam. There is no law (yet) forcing you to do so, no matter what they tell you. In fact, you ought to become active in exposing this scam to as many people as possible.

If you wish to teach your children yourself (home schooling is still legal, although it does make you a target), you should contact the Home School Legal Defense Association, Box 159, Paeonian Springs, VA 22129. They can help a lot in both preparing you for resistance, and in defending you if CPS tries to go after you. The looters hate home schooling because it takes children out of the public schools, which they control, and returns that control to their parents. Control of the child and what they are allowed to teach them is the purpose oF the entire charade of “protecting the children.”

SYMPTOMS OF CHILD ABUSEThere are any number of “symptoms of child abuse,” and most of them are, as expected, subjective, leaving the power to decide what is child abuse in the uncontrolled hands of the worker. Each state has a different list that includes most of the ones I will list here, although some don’t use some of them, and others have some I’ve not listed:

  • Chronically unkempt appearance — or overly neat appearance: (As usual, you can’t win with these people. Damned if you do, and damned if you don’t);
  • Child is too loud or talkative — or is too shy: (Same comment as above);
  • Low self-esteem — or agressive behavior: (Do you see a pattern developing here? You just can’t win);
  • Reluctance to participate in sports: (I didn’t participate in sports when I was a child because I was bored by them. Still am. How does that make me abused?);
  • Any fractures, burns, bruises, cuts, welts, or bite marks: (Never mind that growing up is a dangerous thing to do. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a child who didn’t naturally collect all of the above in his or her natural playtime without help from adults. But this is still used as an “unerring symptom” that child abuse is present);
  • Sexual knowledge or acting out above child’s maturity level: (Makes you wonder when they exhibit increased sexual knowledge and act above their maturity level after being questioned for months, even years, by CPS, or even during a CPS school strip session, doesn’t it? Again I ask: Just who is abusing these children? It’s interesting to note that I learned most of what I knew at that time about sex in school, and it wasn’t from the teachers. So why does it have to be a symptom of child abuse, all by itself?);
  • Pain or itching, bleeding or bruises in or around genitals: (This is something that should always be checked out because it could really be a symptom of child abuse. But CPS workers routinely assume abuse when such things are present, without considering the fact that there are many clinical conditions that can also create them);
  • Constant hunger or fatigue: (Which could be abuse, or it may be an economic or medical problem caused by poverty. Since the vast majority of their victims are in poverty, it’s not surprising they see a lot of this);
  • Lack of supervision: (This one is real. If young children are found to be left alone for long periods, something should definitely be done, although not necessarily immediate removal of the children. Unfortunately, CPS officials will come down on you like a ton of bricks at the slightest suggestion of this, and without waiting for proof. And never leave your children alone in a car, even for a few seconds. This is one of their favorite reasons for snatching your children);
  • Delayed physical, emotional, or intellectual behavior: (Again, this is a very subjective judgement. All children don’t develop on the same schedule, and there are often clinical reasons for them to suffer from delayed development. This should be investigated, but is not necessarily an indication that the children are in immediate danger, nor is it a reason for immediate removal from the home. Unfortunately, CPS uses it that way);
  • Chronic lateness on the part of the parent: (This one is a bit much. What is chronic? One time? Two? Who defines chronic?);
  • Chronic health problems, failure to promptly repair broken or outdated glasses, failure to promptly meet the dental needs of the child: (Again, a problem of economics in many cases, not of abuse. When abuse is actually proven, action should definitely be taken. But what action? CPS is usually too quick to take punitive action without looking at the economics of the situation);
  • Illness or death of a parent: Their claim here is that the surviving parent may become physically or sexually abusive as a result of the stress. What they routinely ignore is that most often it doesn’t happen. This is punishing people for what MIGHT happen);
  • Family keeps to itself and doesn’t participate in the community: (Oh, please! Wanting to keep to yourself now constitutes child abuse? Guess I’ve been an abuser all my life then, because I’m that way. But none of my children were ever abused. Furthermore, I’ve never even been suspected of abuse, even though I lost two children to CPS thirty years or so ago after they failed to convict my former wife of abuse. This particular symptom is not only subjective, it is stupid, and it’s beyond belief that someone should actually take it seriously. All it represents is society’s way to penalize people for not doing it their way.);
  • Presence of a stepfather: (Again, I was a stepfather to many children, and not one of them was ever abused. By the way: what’s the difference between a stepfather and a foster father, anyway?)
  • An untidy house: (Many people aren’t good housekeepers. Naturally, an extreme case of lousy housekeeping, resulting in a health hazard, should be investigated. But again, CPS uses such a minor thing as a sock on the floor or some dishes in the sink in an otherwise generally clean and neat home to trigger their abuse charges);
  • Pulling a child out of school to teach them at home: (Home schooling is still legal in this country, and may be the only way left to keep your kids from being taught values in direct opposition to those you live by, and which you want to teach to your children. But they want all children to go to public school so they can monitor them, and at the same time condition them. So home schooling is, to them, without any basis in legality, a symptom of child abuse);
  • Sleeping in a parent’s bed: (CPS workers are probably the most filthy-minded people in the word because they use any instance of a child sleeping in a parent’s bed as evidence of sexual abuse. Never mind that children often ask to sleep with parents after a nightmare, and no sexual intent is even thought of by the parent, just by CPS.)

WHEN THEY COME AFTER YOUWhen the Child Protective Service comes to your door, take it seriously. Never think that it can’t happen to you because you’re a good parent. It can, and has happened to millions of good parents. Being a good parent is an aberration to a CPS agent. They’re taught that all parents are “potential” child abusers and that if any of the symptoms are present, it’s better to “err on the side of caution” and take the children. They’re also taught to do anything, say anything, lie, con, and swindle to get into the house to question the children and the parents.

  1. Be polite, even if you’re incensed: Their insufferable, insidious, condescending attitude will make you angry. It is designed to do so to allow them to write in their report: “Subject exhibits latent violence and is uncooperative.” Strike one. That’s part of the scam.
  2. Don’t allow them into your home without a proper warrant: They will lie, intimidate, and attempt to con their way into your home, but don’t allow it. Unless they have a properly issued warrant, signed by a judge, based on sworn testimony by a named person, they have no right to enter your home — unless they can pony up a possible danger to the child. Be polite while refusing entry. There’s nothing a CPS worker likes more than for you to show anger and, especially, curse them. They are usually accompanied by policemen, some of whom will push their way in. If this happens, you may sue each person involved personally (police officers and all authority figures are personally liable for damages when they exceed their lawful authority and exceeding their authority is not protected by the Good Samaritan laws) not for charging you, but for forcing their way in. Don’t get beat up trying top stop them in this case. Sue them later. You can probably use the money.Remember, case law has held that if you invite them into your home, you give up your right to be safe from search and seizure. Don’t let them in! Make them force it.
  3. Don’t sign anything: They will try to get you to sign papers, “just to get this sorted out, don’tcha know,” but don’t fall into their trap. The only reason for you to have to sign anything is for you to sign away your rights. Politely refuse to sign anything until your attorney has seen it and advises you to do so. And suspect your attorney’s advice if CPS recommended him.
  4. Don’t answer any questions without (your) lawyer being present: CPS workers will take this as an indication of guilt, but that’s OK. They twist everything you do or say into an indication of guilt in their minds. But if you allow them to ask you questions without a lawyer present, you’ve given up your right to remain silent.
  5. Do allow them to see the children through the window to assure them they’re OK: To reduce the possibility that they’ll testify that you kept them from seeing the children because they were abused, bring the children to a front window and let them see them.
  6. Do take the children to your own doctor as soon as possible: The next thing to do is take the children to your own doctor and have them examined to show that no abuse, sexual or otherwise, has occurred. Then have the doctor write a report on his findings and give a copy of it to CPS. If they have decided to charge you anyway, they will reject it and insist on their own examination, which, once they have taken the children they may do, and you can’t stop it. But your original doctor’s examination can be an effective counterpoint if their doctor says abuse has occurred, which they often do. They know who pays them for the right finding.
  7. Don’t believe anything they tell you: CPS workers are trained in all the best ways to con and scam you into doing what they want you to do. They’re experts at it. Their training spends a lot more time on this than it does on what actually constitutes child abuse. They’re subjected to months, even years of conditioning and brainwashing themselves, disguised as training. Many are not even aware they’re running a con on you. They think what they do is necessary to get child abusers off the street. Many are good people who really do care about the welfare of the children. It is the people in charge who have the ulterior motive to take complete control over your children for their nefarious purposes. But the result is the same. They lie.
  8. Don’t allow unsupervised interviews with the children: Unsupervised interviews with your children are little more than conditioning sessions where CPS workers and their captive counselors use questioning methods that would not be allowed to be used against a murderer, much less against a frightened and impressionable child. Your children just aren’t prepared to withstand such leading questioning, which is designed to get something on you. They con them into believing that you’re already in big trouble, and you can be saved if the children will just say you did something so they can go home. After children have been taken, there’s nothing you can do to stop these unsupervised interviews that will take place over a period of months, even years, until your children may finally break down and tell them what they want to hear, just to make it stop. But if you stop them from doing it in the beginning, there is a chance that charges will never be filed and they will not be taken from you.
  9. Don’t allow them to physically examine the child without your presence, or your lawyer’s presence: Never allow them uncontrolled access to your children as long as they are in your custody. If a court orders a physical examination (while you still have custody), insist on either being present yourself, or have your attorney present to protect your, and your children’s interests (they won’t be able to put their finger into your child’s vagina to illustrate what they want her to say). In addition, you should try to videotape all sessions or get a court order forcing them to do so, with copies to be available to you.
  10. Don’t allow them to come to your home later for an interview: Allowing them to enter later also forfeits your right to be safe from search and seizure. And you can be sure that a sharp-eyed CPS worker will be able to find something they can twist to incriminate you. If interviews are required, insist that they be at the CPS office, or better still, at your attorney’s office (that way they can’t just take them while you’re there).
  11. Tape record all conversations with CPS workers and others involved: To keep an accurate record of events, plus to have proof of any threats made by CPS workers or counselors, always tape record all conversations with them, either in person or by phone (there’s an inexpensive attachment for your phone available at any electronics store, or Radio Shack). Some states restrict your right to tape conversations, so check your state laws. In states that allow secret taping if one of the parties to the tape knows, you can either let them know they’re being taped, or not, at your wish. But in states where notification is required, you should place the tape recorder in full view in personal interviews, and make it a point to advise them they’re being taped at the beginning of every phone call. In this day and age, where there’s almost a videotape camera in every home, videotapes of proceedings can also help. Make a record. Then they can’t deny their violation of your rights (Personally, I would make sure they knew they were being taped, even if the law doesn’t require it).
  12. Keep a journal: The same applies to keeping a journal. If you keep a detailed chronological (day-to-day) journal of events, showing dates, times, quotes, reference to audiotapes and videotapes, etc., they won’t be able to get away with lying when they say they notified you of a hearing when they didn’t (one of their favorite ploys, and the one that beat me 30 years ago). The very existence of such a journal (and you should definitely let them know you’re keeping it) will tend to keep them somewhat more honest, or at least make it more difficult for them to scam you.
  13. Never accept a plea bargain if you’re innocent: One of their basic patterns is to pile charge upon charge, knowing they can’t make most of them stick, including the ones they hope will stick, so they can tell you all about all the long years you will spend in prison if you don’t accept the plea bargain they’re offering you. You’re sitting there facing maybe 50 years in prison and they’re offering you little or no time if you just confess. It’s a tired old con, people. If they had any kind of a strong case, you’d never see them until it was court time. I don’t care how good their plea bargain sounds, if you’re innocent, don’t fall for it. That’s how they get most of the convictions they do get of innocent people. They make it look as bad as possible, then get you to plead guilty, which involves an admission of guilt. or plead no contest, which allows them to still treat you as guilty.
  14. Hire a private investigator if you can afford it: I know that most of the people they go after are the poor. They’re easier targets. But one of the factors they forget as they move up the ladder and start charging more and more middle-class people is that these people aren’t nearly as likely to buy their con. They are much more resistant to being intimidated because they aren’t government wards. And they have more money for such things as lawyers and private investigators. If you do, by all means hire one to investigate everybody involved, especially the worker, the counselors (especially the counselors), the guardian ad litem, the foster parents who have your child, etc. You’ll be surprised how much evidence of naked bias you’ll find in such an investigation. It’s legal, and it’s your right. If you find something, by all means use it.
  15. Don’t willingly surrender the children: Don’t ever willingly surrender the children, as the ex-wife of one person I have personal experience with did, right after she took them from her husband (at their school), who had custody. To do so gives them the whip hand. Anything you can do to keep the children out of their hands stops them from being able to hold them for ransom.
  16. Don’t do anything that puts you under the control of CPS: Don’t willingly move out of the home on CPS demand, or do anything that puts the family under CPS control (see don’t sign anything, above). When they get control, they go wild.
  17. Get in contact with the closest Victims of Child Abuse Laws (VOCAL) office: VOCAL is now in most states, and can help you in many ways, from support groups and lists of lawyers who have experience in fighting these people, to information you won’t find elsewhere to help you keep them at bay.
  18. Fight them, tooth and nail: Don’t ever give up. One of my favorite pictures is of a heron who is trying to swallow a frog head-first while the frog has his “hands” firmly around the heron’s throat. That, for me, is the picture I want to convey to you. Don’t ever give up your quest to keep, or regain your children from these vicious and evil people who have a demonstrated anti-family bias. True, many CPS workers are honestly trying to do the best they can for the children, and there is still a lot of child abuse for them to work on. But their incessant pursuit of demonstrably innocent families takes money and manpower away from their ability to pursue real child abusers.Over recent years, they’ve been actively advertising for child abuse reports and, predictably, the number of reports they receive has increased many-fold. But the problem here is that up to 80% of the reports (by their own figures) they receive today are unsubstantiated, and of the about 20% of substantiated reports they get, only a very small number require immediate intervention. These are the ones they should be spending their time on, but they can’t pick them out of the millions of false reports and it’s taking all the money and manpower they have, just to keep up with new false reports.So the real abused children suffer while their champions look elsewhere.

RACINE – He was in charge of investigating cases for child protective services in Racine County, but Todd O’Brien has been accused of falsifying documents that could have put hundreds of children at risk.

O'Brien pleaded not guilty in a Racine County courtroom to six charges of falsifying documents.
His former employer, the Racine County Human Services Department, is in the middle of reviewing his entire case load.
The trust O'Brien allegedly fabricated may take years to repair.
"This is a combination of a white collar matter and a typical criminal investigation," said District Attorney Michael Nieskes.
O'Brien, who is 37 and from Franklin, was in charge of investigating child abuse and neglect cases. 
But instead of investigating, he allegedly marked the cases as "unsubstantiated."
He has since been fired, and Racine County Human Services is reviewing about 250 of O'Brien's cases.
Neither O'Brien nor the people he was with in court would talk to us.
Officials with Human Services would not comment about the internal investigation or what specifically they're doing to make sure this doesn't happen again, but they say they're taking this situation very seriously.

So are prosecutors.
"Our fear is that someone will continue to be victimized or was victimized further," said Nieskes.
O'Brien is scheduled to return to court next month.

Dcf Caseworker Pleads Guilty
September 21, 2002
BARTOW — A Department of Children & Families caseworker fired after the death of a toddler pleaded guilty Friday to falsifying records in the case. Erica Jones was sentenced to three years’ probation and is prohibited from working in any field involving children or the elderly. Jones had been assigned to investigate allegations that 2-year-old Alfredo Montez was being abused. She was arrested and fired after falsifying paperwork saying she had visited Alfredo on July 1, the day he was slain.

Former case worker accused of falsifying child-welfare records
By Gary Taylor, Orlando Sentinel | March 15, 2010
A former employee of a company that contracted with the state Department of Children and Families faces charges that he falsified records, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement said today. Damion Hall, 29, of Port Orange, was arrested Sunday, accused of five counts of falsification of records and four counts of forgery, the FDLE said. Hall previously worked as a case manager for Community Partnership for Children, a community agency under contract with DCF, officials said.

Altering Records Could Be A Felony
By Karla Schuster, Florida Correspondent | May 4, 2002
TALLAHASSEE — State lawmakers moved quickly to stiffen criminal penalties for falsifying records in child-welfare cases Friday, as the governor ordered Florida’s top child-welfare official to Miami to aid in the investigation of a missing girl whose disappearance went undetected for more than a year. In a unanimous vote, the House passed a bill that would make it a felony for any state worker or private contractor hired by the state to alter, destroy or falsify records in a child-welfare or elder-abuse case.

Dcf Caseworker Pleads Guilty
September 21, 2002
BARTOW — A Department of Children & Families caseworker fired after the death of a toddler pleaded guilty Friday to falsifying records in the case. Erica Jones was sentenced to three years’ probation and is prohibited from working in any field involving children or the elderly. Jones had been assigned to investigate allegations that 2-year-old Alfredo Montez was being abused. She was arrested and fired after falsifying paperwork saying she had visited Alfredo on July 1, the day he was slain.
Records About Kids May Grow Safer
By Karla Schuster and Mark Hollis, Tallahassee Bureau | May 8, 2002
TALLAHASSEE — A Senate panel Tuesday endorsed a plan to stiffen the penalty for falsifying records in child-welfare cases, promising the new law would cover all state workers, including top administrators who order or condone altering documents. Spurred by the case of a Miami girl in foster care whose disappearance went undetected by the state for 15 months, the Senate Criminal Justice Committee unanimously approved a bill making it a felony to alter or destroy records related to anyone in state custody, from children to the elderly.

Dcf Investigator Arrested
December 9, 2004
PENSACOLA — Children may have suffered abuse because a former state child-protective investigator allegedly failed to check out complaints and then falsified reports and destroyed records to cover her tracks, a prosecutor said Wednesday. No deaths or serious physical injuries, however, have been confirmed so far in connection with 80 criminal charges against Allison Harris, said Assistant State Attorney Russell Edgar. Harris, 33, was being held at the Escambia County Jail with bail set at $10,000 after her arrest earlier Wednesday on eight counts of child neglect, 18 of official misconduct and 54 of falsifying public records

Part 3


I chose this point to emphasize and repeat last, because it’s one of the most important. The so-called Good Samaritan laws may prevent you from suing either the CPS worker or others involved in your nightmare for creating the nightmare. But you can sue them for demonstrably violating your Constitutional rights. If a cop forces his way into your home in a fit of misplaced zeal, he can be sued personally for damages. A little-known fact is that a police officer or other person in authority is personally liable for damages if he or she has violated your Constitutional rights. If a CPS worker ponies-up a case by stretching some minor problem into an excuse to take your children, often you can sue them in courts they don’t control and get damages if the court doesn’t agree with the worker’s subjective judgement of what constitutes abuse. Some policemen, and most bureaucrats think that the end justifies the means. If they think you’re an abuser, they’re already mad at you. So don’t give them an excuse to beat up on you. But if they do violate your rights, by all means, sue them. Take them for all you can get. You’re going to need it to pay all the unnecessary expenses they’ve caused you.

This information is not legal advice. It is the best advice given by someone who was one of the child protector racket’s early victims, as well as having a son who was one of the more recent ones. A person who has studied the child protectors for many years and has noticed certain “patterns” in what they do in their scams and schemes. This report will be updated from time to time when I see new patterns. Read this manual, take it to heart, then ask your lawyer if you have any questions.


  1. i am ready to take a stand i am a single father in the city of san bernardino california i am due back to court january 29th 2014 they have tried to have me sign there papers many times i have refused every time .I entered there court december 4th 2012 til this day ihave not seen my son .My son darrin was assaulted by his mother lisa michelle silva martinez and her husband manuel bravo martinez he was beatened got three fractures on his back punched in the nose bruised legs , what cowards if they hate me so much why not come look for me instead of my innocent child this happened november 24th 2012 as i picked him up for my visit i immedieately took him to emergency there cps intervined ,there is alot to our lifes we wer verry happy before this for years i protected my son in the family courts .darrin is a g reat son good athlete a natural in soccer as one of his couches i know this.great tae kwon do student very patient as he was a higher rank than i a great student he covered the living room walls with a goal to someday attend yale.his smiles and laughter fill my body with energy and happines of being a father and its all come to this cps has placed him back with his abusers cps says i will only him if i sign there paperwork in a theraphy session i told them i was not signing and i am very suspicious of there circle their agency august12th 2013 i received the results of anappeal i filed back in febuary 28th 2013 it came back favorable for me but it has no value in their courts .Who knows what awaits me on january 29th 2014 imiss darrin i feel i have failed him he does not deserve this as well as other children cps should not exist


    1. Eduardo,
      These people fight CPS and APS all over the nation. I know they will be in SanDiego Cal around Jan 14 2014. They are currently helping a 80 year old man who’s wife has dementia and was taken from him. The are investigative reporters and are highly in demand. They even help a person or family retain expensive lawyers who are not afraid of battling CPS and APS. I know of at least 4 cases they were successful on. Am sure they would help yo . They win. Of you want to call them here is their phone number: 406-623-0205. Actually they will help anyone who needs it.


    2. ii haven’t had cps really get to much involved I live in the Monterey county CA, My ex calls CPS and the local police department every month on me. Same allegations also my child is barely turning 4 this month. The best thing I’ve done to battle the lies is I document everything from pictures to video. CPS told my ex one time to keep my child away from me but we have 50/50 custody and it was my day to have my child. I broke down doors until I talk to the head supervisor stating that my ex was breaking court orders and if there are no papers with a judges signature on it saying I cant see my child then I will get the police involved and believe me they acted fast. I guess some person told my ex on the phone to keep the child from me without knowing the history. CPS really does act before they look. They even told me they don’t look at the history first when they get a call and your case isn’t sent to the same case worker but a new one every time. so 3 times now I’ve had to tell the same story present the same evidence eats up my whole day and of course its on a day when I have my child. I’ve had the police detective investigate our case twice already the detective know what was really going but had to go through the motions” so to speak as they put it. In the end nothing was done to the mother my child was pick and prob and ask those humiliating questions. so far im at 8 police reports and 3 cps investigations all within 2 years time. Our court case is about 11/2 thick.


  2. My grandchildren were stolen… My son was told at 17yr that he “HAD” to go along with the mothers plea even though they were never married. He complained to the foster worker about not getting visits from the foster placement. Who in turn was lying, saying he wasn’t calling, wasn’t visiting and only stayed a short time when he did visit. They believed everything she was telling them. He had no attorney until the day of his Termination hearing. He went to 9 hearings each time wanting to make his own plea, but being denied. The appellate court upheld their verdict. How do you make a defense with no one to defend you? When he finally did get an attorney he still wasn’t able to make a plea, they told him to much time had gone by for it to matter! A persons right to say they didn’t do it is allowed in any court but family I guess! He was charged with abuse and neglect of an unborn child because the mother smoked marijuana and didn’t receive prenatal care. How is that JUSTICE?


  3. I am a grandmother of two children that are still in foster care In Massachusetts. I and my family have lived a nightmare since Feb. 4th 2011. What has happened to is us, i could never imagined. I am a mother of 3 children all adults,and were of adult age at the time. I have two daughters,and one son. I have been married for 26 years,and lived in my home,that i own and have paid taxes ,for almost 26 years. My husband owned his own home, when i married him,and then we moved into our home In Norwell Mass. A year after we were married. I never lost any of my children. My oldest daughter had her first child a girl, in 2008. In 2007, my first grandson was born to my middle child another daughter. So my middle daughter We will call #2. Oldest Daughter #1. So #1 had my GDaughter when she was 29 years old. #2 had her child at the age of 22 ,and was in nursing school when this nightmare began. My gson was born in 2007 as i said ,and he was premature. I had Early Intervention in my home,four days a week . Anyone having any involvement with DCF sometimes knows they use EI, as a way to tell if younger children have been abused ,if there is no evidence ,and they cannot ask them directly. My oldest daughter has a history of substance abuse,and never kept that hidden from anyone. Especially her OB’s , so she was tested at all appt.s, and they DCF comes out,and checks all tox screens,and makes sure all is well. With her daughter everything was great. No case was opened,screened right out. They spoke with all DR.s and Pedi
    s,and they all gave glowing reports. So a couple of years go by, and both my daughters were doing well. My daughter #1 had met an old childhood friend of hers, and began a relationship.she became pregnant,she was 31 Yrs. old. My home was nine rooms,My son had gone off to college,so they both lived .daughters and their children lived with me. Daughter #2 was in Nursing school,so . Her sister #` stayed living here while she was pregnant to help out with the bills,and help me with my grandson. Plus Both children were together since birth,so they were in every way siblings. They even called each other brother and sister. So one Sunday afternoon,My oldest daughter was six weeks from delivery, and felt her water broke. When she went to the bathroom, she saw blood everywhere. She called for me,but did not want to scare the children, so she did so quietly. She looked as though she were in shock. I saw the amount of blood and called 911. An ambulance showed up,and brought her to the closest hospital. Not a very good Reputation,but they thought what i did, A Placenta Abruption ,. When i arrived there right behind the ambulance. I was surprised to see her in a hospital; bed, at Labor and delivery. The longer she lay there,they said the baby was not showing any signs of being in stress. Finally after about 14 hours later,The high risk Dr. showed up,and gave her the very first ultra sound that day. The ultra sound showed the baby looking very good,amniotic fluid perfect,and could not see any placenta abruption. The Dr. said it may have been very possible fore a piece of the placenta may have broken off,and you bleed until it grows back. I remembered at the second the same thing had happened to me,but I was only two months pregnant.. Thank God it was a Catholic Hospital.or she would be gone. Anyway she told us to get some sleep, The next day ,she would be transfered to BMC to finish out her pregnacy. Long story short. At about 3:00Am Dr. Shaw who worked only at SS. In Weymouth Mass. came in after giving My daughter a klonopin, a med she had been prescribed well before both pregnancy ,but came off for both., and told her to get some sleep. Well when she came in,she woke us up,and said it was the first night she had delivered all babies on the floor, and it was just her. So woukld she like to be induced and have her baby then. We were both quite surprised, and asked about the babies lungs,and she promissed that his lungs would be fine. Wer asked about the shot to mature his lungs and she said that he wouldn’t need it,at that stage. After much more prompting we went along with it. I have a video on my website . Of the baby min utes after birth,seconds. Look for your self. I will try to put a link,but it is the same as my email, HE WEIGHED 6 PLDS 5 ONZS.. hIS APCAR SCORES WERE 8 AFTER 1MIN. 9 AFTER 5 MIN. MORE THEN PERFECT. tHE . pEDI ,SAID HE WANTED TO TAKE HIM TO THE NICU BECAUSE IT TOOK A LITTLE OXYGEN TO PINK HIM UP. mEAN TIME, tHE NEXT day she was informed he was going on a ventilator. This healthy baby at birth,who was induced for no medical reason, was getting wortse everyday. So my daughter was released on or around Feb. ,2011. He was born on Jan 31,2011 at 2 hours before she was to be transferred to delivering hospital. I saw the high risk DR. after the delivery of my second grandchild, and i told her the baby was born,and she looked at me and said, i quote “Nobody called me,she went into labor? I said no they induced her,and off she flew to the room. Well DR. Shaw was quite wrong about the lungs,and the social worker called a worker at DCF and this worker started doing damage control for the hospital. Without us even realizing it,she wazs telling everyone that he was sick from drug use,all the workers in her office,that the baby was sick from drug use. Both Mom and baby were clean at birth.. On Feb, 3rd at about 4pm she called my daughter at home. That would be the social worker,we had never met,nor did the children. The baby atr that p[oint was transfered after my daughter had to fight to have him taken to Childrens BOston,because his health was getting so much worse. Anyway on Feb3rd2011,Eilleen Valez the socail worker asked her to go for a tox screen anbd pay for it. So she could show that she didn’t run home and use. Should have seen at that point hse had no reason to do anything,that is why she asked for that,but we werew sio concerned about the bay.we weren’t thinking straight. On feb. 8th,2011 we got the word in just 3 days,,Children”S Hospital had gotten the baby breathing room air,off five of the meds SSH,had him on, and was getting ready to send him back to a level 3 nursery. One right before discharge. That was when on Feb *th 2011, That worker showed here and said the tox was dirtty with cocaine, and swooped my granddaughter out screaming,. I will never get that day,out of mind. We found out the next day she lied about the tresults. The police in the town i have lived in fort twenty six years, had a police officer escort her here,and then we had to hand her over. They both lied saying there was a court oder in pl;ace,and the police officer followed my daughter into the house,saying ,we know she has to be wrong,but we have a warrant. Wrong again. No court order either. The officer stood there,and heard this evil woman lire and then say if your right ,and it’s clean i will bring the kids right back myself. I have been trying to talk to this police officer since it happened. Went by the police station, several times to get the police record,but there wasn’t one.. We went to Secon Lab IN Quincy Mass. and they hold onto the same specimen for 30 days. We asked if there was a better test.thinking just maybe there was a false positive. It never entered our minds that she lied. After we caught her, and at the 72 hour hearing. She amended the affidavit after the judge saw it,that said inb about ten places,she went home,and got high on cocaine four days after having the baby,and he was sick in the hospital. The day the worker did all of this, her supervisor was out sick along with the investigator. So we just thought she is in trouble,and her superiors are going to be upset. Wrong again. The supervisor, we found out at a fair hearing we had seven months later,and that never happens. They are 2 years behind. That the supervisor, I will leave nameless until the appeal is over.. If we have to take this to the civil suit, all of them will be on it. The sup. Slipped into the file a bogus 51a that said My daughter was found at home,high with her children, on Feb 10, 2011. Well the kids were taken on the 8th 2011.. The 51a was not ever screened in although it says that. In some places that are really going to hurt maybe us at first,but i believe there should have been a 51b along with that right. Anyway my daughter could read the coward who scribbled here name off of a mandated reporters name. Later the supervisor admitted it in front of a court evaluater, That she threw out of the visits before they started. Funny never was reported to the judge.. At that same fair hearing the only poor soul. that got stuck in there besides me and my daughter,was the investigators sup. The only worker,who never lied and always told us how much he thought of us. I really wish he would come forward before someone pouts it on him. So none of us as family members were asked first or looked at first,and sorry buit we had never lost a child to the state. We were right up there,and after they coherresed my daughter at the 72 hour hearing, where she had the evidence to walk out with her children that day.. The DCF ATTN> kept popping her head out of the court room saying he doesn’t like being kept waiting,and they kept telling them to waive . I kept telling her lawyer to ask for a continence until that after noon since she had just met her one hour prior. They pulled her out of my arms,and into a room,and told me,it was just to talk to her. Her lawyer promissed me,she wass not ever going to let her waive,why would she. She said your daughter looks great, and had all the evidence herself. About half hour later,my daughter walked out,and said mpom i am sorry they told me if i didn’t waive .that DCF wouldn’t work with me,and because i have a history of substance abuse, ia would loose them. They. told her to go into a program,and the kids couyld go with her. She found two over the 2weekend. They said just have DCF send us the letter ,and they told her DCF would know what it was. A letter saying the kids are to follow. well DCF Said NO. They had never heard of it. My daughter has a letters saying DCF sends these letters all the time,and the truth is,they felt DCF had planned on never giving her kids back to her. 5 months after the removal that never should have happened,and the promiss that i would be getting the children,and then the famous sup. said i am notr making it easier on your daughter. One month after that, The foster parents that they had all saet to take both children, asked to adopt. Her visits that were perfect went from once a week,to once a month. You tell me that doesn’t hurt a child.. I went from believing DCF was giving me temp. custody to Brockton probate,asking fora pro-sde emergency hearing,because EI was involved before any of this,and she said my granddaughter went from above age,that was about 22 months at the time,and in 6weeks period had regressed to 15 months old. After the attn. of the day told the secratary to get me a lawyer and in front of a judge that day. Well when she left ,a man came out asked for my paper work,and put it into a envelope. Sorry the petition had my name second and my younger daughters name first . They told me it was now being sent off to Plymouth Court,and they are one in thew same. Well they lost them for about six weeks,and then they appeared in my mailbox saying it was an Norfolk county case. The letter said my grandson never came here ,and my daughter had moved to Quincy . So i went to Norfolk county in Canton,and they told me that i should have been told to go to Hingham Juvenile court, In Hingham Mass. Well i filed Petition right away and the clerk magistrate , had them drawn up,and mailed them to me,and who to have served, and i did, and i was never called into the court room. By that time the TPR trial started, not even a year after removal. My daughter still paid and gave tox screens,signed all releases.. I went directly up to the clerks office and she said there was no time to call me in that i would have to go everyday of the trial and wait for time. I cannot believe i was that stupid,. I actually trusted the court system.. So in Mass. It says a TPR trial,and judge ment should be done in 30 days ,with maybe 2 14 days extensions. The TPR started on Jan 31st. The Baby’s Birthday for 1,and my guardianship hearing for another,but instead they kept my daughter on the stand for hours. 9 to be exact , and then at the end of Feb. The Judge called it a misstrial,and went on to say she didn’t know how she could not be bias. That she did not like the fathers attn. at all. As a MATTER OF FACT. tHEY WERE at the dead line that day for the trail. So she called it a misstrial,and then we met in Brockton court that Thursday. .The Judge and the DCF ATTN> had vacations planned so they started the trial up again, IN March, and it went on until the end of April.. At that time she said she was taking it under advisement. It then took until Oct 23 2012, for the judgement. So from beginning to end it took Jan. to OCT 2012 that says 9 months to me. Not 30 days. There were many other wrongs here,and i wish i could get one lawyer tio help us. Right now i am listed as the GAL at the appeal. Her own lawyer for the appeal,that is already due to begin in DEC. 2013 . I know why this is moving so fast, Do they really believe they are going to get away with this. Can anyone please help. I haven’t told you the worst part. It is judicial misconduct at it’s worst


    1. Hi Im well aware & also going thru the same EXACT situation. I would like to keep my name private. Actually,,, I camee across this website, by looking of a way or someone whom I could trust. Please, please we need to talk. I need your help & I amwilling to tell my unbelievable story to you. Weymouth ma dcf are so disfunctional ,,, e-mail me please. We eed to expose weymouth dcf. I have done alot of research. This is from 1 GRANDMOTHER to another. Please contact e soon , if I could be of any assistance to you & your case & visaversa. My email is : TIA


  4. I had two boys taken away from me by CPS in 2007. I had become very ill from what i was later diagnosed by a psychologist for severe depression, anxiety disorder and panic attacks that affected me so much that I had memory loss and was not able to take care of myself. Being as my wife and I only had a 2 seat truck, she would always take the boys to the doctors for their checkups and once when I asked her to because Aiden the oldest boy was not eating like he usually did. I never got to go to the appointments and was always told everything was fine. One of the earlier visits she came home and said Aiden was diagnosed with failure to thrive and told me to put two scoops of formula in his bottle and fill with water. I did everything I was told, I was being cheated on by my wife and I had just been given an honorable discharge for a service related condition (disability) from the military, my dream job. CPS showed up for an anonymous complaint and asked to come in. I had never heard of them before nor did I feel like I was in any danger of losing my kids or to be arrested. A week prior my oldest son Aiden stripped off his diaper in the middle of the night and painted his crib with poo. My wife took him out of his crib and did not clean the mess and I was not aware of it till I woke up later that morning when she went to work. The mess was dried onto the crib and I did not have the strength to scrub it off, though i tried. I could not find the tool necessary to take it apart and throw it away and I was definatly not strong enough to break it into pieces so I could throw it away. My only thought at the time to prevent anyone from touching it was to cover it with a blanket and baracade it in the corner of my room. My wife managed all the funds for the house and I had no access to them, so I was told I had to wait till her next paycheck to buy a tool to break it down. Unlucky for me CPS showed up before that happened and took photos of it and removed my kids from the home giving me 2 days to clean my home to their standard and they would return the kids. I did exactly that, taking hours upon hours beating the bed with a hammer and injurying myself just to get my kids back. When it came time, they told me that they had the boys checked out and found aiden to be diagnosed with failure to thrive. They told me I had to take a 20 week course to be a better father, an anger management course because I showed no anger towards anyone when they believe I should have been furious and my lack of expressing it was signs of anger management issues. I also saw 3 councelors in the 2 years I worked hard to get my boys back. Halfway through the treatments my case workers were changed and everything went down hill. It did not matter what i said or did I was a bad father. In 2009, I was brought up on charges for Class 4 Felony for Child neglect and was informed by my public appointed attourney that i had a choice. Plead guilty to the charges and move on with my life taking the felony charge a month in jail and 1250 dollar fine, or be tried for 25 to life in prison. Being a kid in my early twenties and not having so much as a speeding ticket on my record I plead guilty out of fear of being sent to jail for life for something i didn’t do. I asked my attourney many times to look into my testimony that I was innocent and if anyone is to blame it was my wife for not paying attention to the doctors telling her something was wrong and doing nothing about it. Or the doctors who may have not said anything was wrong with the boys. My attourney flat out told me verbatum ” Mr. Spiker, shut the fuck up and go sit in the corner sobbing some more and think about what you did.” As he went ahead and continued his nice conversation with the prosecuting attourney. I don’t know if there is anything I can do, I am happy that my boys are in a place that can provide more for them financially but they were my world. I miss them every single day of my life. I am now a father and step father to three children ages 2-13 and have had zero issues in raising them properly without any health concerns or issues as a result of neglect or abuse. Prior to being arrested and forced to plead guilty I was always in fear of the police and the law so I never did anything to aggrivate them. I even to this day am picked on because i refuse to speed because I am too afraid of the police to pull me over and give me a ticket. I lost my children, I lost my rights, and I lost my ability to get any form of job that I can support my family with that I could given my disability. Do I have any way of crawling out of this black hole or am I just screwed for life? I am going to school but find that I have no clue what to major in because everyone tells me I wont be hired. I went through years of therapy to become a better person and to learn the signs of depression and how to keep control and not fall into that illness again. I still have memory loss of my past but am working hard to restore it. Can I please get help in some way? I don’t expect to get my boys back, at this point it would feel wrong to uproot them from the family they have now. Even though I want to so badly it would be a selfish act on my part. I just want to be able to talk to them, send them presents, let them talk to their sister and step brothers. And I want to be able to go to school and get a job to be a successful part of society instead of a rejected convict that is pre-judged for a crime I did not commit.


    1. Dear Eric James, That is one of the saddest stories I have ever heard. I am so so so sorry for everything fucked up that has happened to you. Please try to keep your chin up a little. I know how you feel, wanting to at least see your kids and/or talk to them, your whole family is missing out on each other. Gosh, I am so sorry. This is so sad.


    2. To Eric James,,,,, Trust me when I tell you,,,, DCF DID THIS TO YOU !!!!! Take a look @ ” DCF’S DIRTY TRICKS ” I Have read it ,,, so many times & it is written by a lawyer. Please read it ! I googled Weymouth Ma DCF . You WILL BE SHOCKED !! You need to know , “IT’S NOT YOU”! Good Luck & I hope I helped you , even alittle. From, A Victom of DCF’S DIRTY TRICKS


  5. CPS destroys families and destroys evidence that was submitted against the real abuser.Mrs Abruesio took a book with drawings in it to copy and I never got it back. The X called them when he was only 1 yr. old. I was taking care of him when his mother and grandmother worked. I told CPS was I to leave him wet and dirty all day until they got back home. Now that would have been child abuse. The 2 CPS woman that came said there was nothing wrong here and left. “That was one for the books.”


  6. Please someone help me cps just kidnapped my sons one of which is medically challenged special needs saying all his medical files don’t add up and is medical abuse cause there’s no proven diagnosis yet he has a gtube feeding tube implant and heart port implant he suspected if having blood and autoimmune diseases that attack his Gi tract and they stormed my home last night saying its medical abuse cause their hired dr sees nothing wrong with my son and saying he’s being medically abused I’m desperate someone please help me I will do anything my sons are my world I try so hard to be a perfect mother and I can’t believe that because my son doesn’t have a proper diagnosis yet that they are accusing that of abuse


  7. Please help me. I had my son taken from me 7 months ago. I didn’t do any of the things they said I did and I can prove it. The man they gave my child to is a 60 year old pervert that is making me have sex with him to see my child. They are sweeping this under the rug. My public defender is doing nothing to stop this. I might lose my baby forever. Please help me I have proof of most everything I’ve said and what I don’t have could be obtained by an attorney that cares.


  8. A special petition is developed in order to help the families whose children have been taken away due to falsified accusation by the SPC (Child Protective Services) employees. As more and more families become victims of false accusations against them, we believe that such a petition is necessary in order bring justice in the country. In order to have working material, social service employees need more children to show the government that they need money. Following that goal, they falsify the accusations and take children from normal families. This may happen to any family. The petition will require the corrections in the law so that families and their children can be protected from the crime committed by social service employees.


  9. I have A civil complaint in us federal district court against two cps workers who intentionally falsified cps reports to get the results they wanted . I have proof and it has survived the states motion to dismiss. I hopefully am in my way to a jury trial to win compensatory and punitive damages. I just found a senior trial lawyer to help me with my sect 1983 gross negligence claim. A cps worker does not qualify for immunity if grossly negligent we need more people to go forward with civil complaints to stop the bad cps workers.


  10. Alright y’all, here’s how it works. (Unfortunately, I’ve learned all of this first hand.) First of all, CPS workers MAKE NO DECISIONS. This is a numbers game designed from the very TOP. It is very well known within the organization that the VENDETTA LINE is just that. Add to this, high conflict people and/or liars speak in great detail because that’s how they practice it. So, we have a VENDETTA LINE with “intake” workers who take the call. It makes absolutely no difference HOW RIDICULOUS the vendetta caller sounds, everything is taken down and each call is worked methodically (not investigated) but there is a process. Step 1: The intake worker then takes the police to the person called about (i.e., the VICTIM/LEAD SOURCE). SOME of the information from the call is given to the lead source in VAGUE terms without much explanation so the VICTIM/LEAD SOURCE has no way to defend themselves because information is intentionally left out. DSS then checks for running water, looks in fridge and since they showed up unannounced and usually at night with the POLICE some children are taken during Step 1 (It is up to the police; hopefully you waive to them every day). Step 2: All of the lead sources are sent OUTSIDE OF THE DSS BUILDING. ALL DECISIONS ARE MADE AT A HIGHER LEVEL THAN THE COUNTY OFFICE. Leads are compared, etc. and at the STATE LEVEL somebody decides which ones are abducted. Step 3: Somebody (and it’s amazing they can train these DSS idiots to do things while brainwashing them to believe they do the community good) combines and confuses all information available (they mix up dates, make statements that are not true, etc.) into to a complaint/ex parte order. They do whatever its takes to have the paper read in the worst possible light of the LEAD SOURCE so the judge will sign it. (They TRICK the court). Step 4: Once DSS gets all the orders signed for the afternoon (my county does them on Tuesday and Friday afternoons), the DSS worker is sent out to “take custody” of these “endangered” children and drop them off at the various foster care places. The workers are instructed NOT to give the Ex Parte Orders to the VICTIM/LEAD SOURCE. This puts the LS at an ever bigger disadvantage. Step 5: Within 72 hours there is a “Probable Cause” hearing (actually a meeting) held in the afternoon and beforehand there is a “Family Meeting” scheduled at 9:00 am. to discuss your case. When the VICTIM arrives at this “meeting” they notice 5 to 10 other VICTIMS waiting for the same meeting. Information from the meeting is reported OUTSIDE THE COUNTY OFFICE then AT THE STATE LEVEL the county lawyers are instructed what to say in court. I would advise people NOT TO GO to the Family Meeting. Instead, go to the Family Clerk of Court as early as possible to get a copy of your ORDER. Then spend the next 4 hours working your defense. Children are almost always kept at this phase because the LEAD SOURCE doesn’t have enough information to defend their family. THIS IS INTENTIONAL!! Anyway, these are the VENDETTA LINE lead source steps. I guess I know WAY TOO MUCH about these people 🙂


    1. Very good explanation. We were told several times that the decision to steal our boy “is much much higher” than the social worker or his supervisor. However, I don’t believe it goes as high as the state. The Director of Public Social Services and the the County Board of Directors/Supervisors. The buck stops there. The State is the Parent and the Counties are the children. The children do whatever it takes to get as much allowance as possible. Some of the “children” within the State are much better at faking documentation than others but that comes from experience. The “Judge” who is actually a “Hearing Officer” hired by the County so he/she works for them. How fair and unbias could that person possibly be when they are paid for by the Petitioner? So, let’s say I file a Unlawful Detainer wherein I am petitioning the court to order the renters out and re-take possession of the property, how fair and unbias would that Judge be if I was the one paying his salary? I think there would be a motion to recuse! And what if I was the only Petitioner to ever enter that court Petitioning for everyone’s property even though I had no investment or interest in those properties? And what if “my Judge” ALWAYS ruled in my favor and gave me all of those properties? THAT, MY FRIEND, IS THE WAY THE COURT WORKS AND THE ONLY REASON THEY GET AWAY WITH DOING WHAT THEY DO. Thank you so much for your comment, have you worked for social services by any chance? You used terminology that suggests so. Thank you so much for the inside information if so! If not, you just catch on very well. Thanks again and God Bless. Sincerely, Sharon Joyce-Burns


  11. My child was taken from my home for 2 days I have dcf and a police investigation from my mother in law lying and making false accusations she has done this many times before and when I asked for help to stop the false reports they told me they cannot do anything about it they took pictures of my kids and even my home they want me to do a drug test and want my child to get looked at because they said there was bruises on her butt I didn’t find out til the school called me and notified me that law enforcement was going to talk to my child until I told them I was going up to the school and for her not to talk to any law enforcement that’s when I spoke the the dcf lady and the resource officer the repot stated I went bizerk on my child for not making good grades and that I left my children unattended all the time while I left supposedly to work as a stripper and that there was cotton balls marajuana and straws in my home and that I had constant parties at my home with different many people which is total lie I’m at my wit ends and want this to stop I don’t know what else to do how can someone so vengeful do something like this she’s been doing this for years calling dcf and making false reports PLEASE HELP!!!!


    1. If DCF files a Petition with the court they will have a Detention Report (or something to that effect) as their “testimony”. When they file this document knowing that it contains false, misleading and inaccurate information, they are committing a crime. They will not give you time to prepare a Response. ASk the Judge for a one-day continuance so that you may consult with an attorney. You can do that but your focus for the night should be on writing a Declaration, addressing each and every lie, error, omission and exaggeration. State each and every lie like this, “I object to the social worker’s statement (or witness statement or police officer’s statement etc.) that my child had bruises on his/her butt on the grounds that it is not true” or “I object to the questioning of my child and all statements therein, on the grounds that the child was intimidated due to the questioning had taken place without my presence or the presence of an attorney” or “I object to the initial investigation on the grounds that the witness is not presented to testify therefore not admissible in court” or “I object to the social worker’s statement that I ‘went bizerk’ on the grounds that it is not only hearsay, it is completely untrue.” The only benefit this really will have, and it is VERY IMPORTANT, will be that you will have APPEALABLE ISSUES. APPEAL EVERY DECISION MADE BY THE COURT WHETHER OR NOT YOU AGREED TO COOPERATE WITH DCF’S DEMANDS. YOU ARE UNDER COERCION AND DISTRESS WHEN THEY BULLY YOU INTO COOPERATING. SO APPEAL EVERYTHING YOU DISAGREE WITH!!


  12. I have been accused of abuse of my daughter by the Albuquerque, new mexico courts in 2007.I have prof of 7 pages that they went by my ex wife testimony. That’s when the courts took my rights away in 2007.


  13. I need your help I’m innocent and they tried to convict me but never could but my attorney totally screwd me. His wife is the DA and advised him to drop my case as I uncovered so much corruption and child molestation from foster parnet that chief of police wouldn’t talk to me. My own son was hurt by this man and I’m very hurt and have PTSD SO bad this has consumed my life. I need help please help me. I do have money and a key person that knows the thruth and she will talk.


  14. Cps took my children from me based on lies by my mother .thos women allowed her husband to sexually abuse since I was 4 years old yo 15 years old amd I got pregnant and now she has taken my children with lies fabricated by her and her daughter the daughter of the man who raped me and she saw him do it .but hates me for it because her mother said I askes for it she now has my children and ia abusing my my daughter who looks just like me when I was a child amd cps is on her side and my daughter os to afraid of speaking against the granma for fear of wh at she would do to her as I was as a child she threatened me that if I ever reported her husband she would make it worst .Please help me save them from her .


  15. My son was legally kidnapped from two days old out of the hospital by CPS and CBC workers. my charges was abandonment neglect and abuse. so I guess they realize that everything was False evidence right so now they would turn my son but returning my Son still wants to be in my life for 6 months how is that possible I did nothing wrong and they still want to be in my life I need a little advice


  16. I NEED HELP!!! CAN ANYBODY HELP ME PLEASE?! I have been targeted and my story is extremely complicated and far to long to explain on here. I’m not so good at typing my story down, I do better voicing it. Through a hideous series of events throughout my adult life, I have been targeted by CPS, my rights haven’t just been denied, they’ve been obliterated and I just don’t have the money for a lawyer. I’m in the state of MARYLAND but I’m dealing with CPS in DELAWARE as well as Maryland. If anyone out there is willing to get in touch with me to hear my story and from there tell me what steps I need to take to help fix my situation please let me know. My kids are everything to me and I feel like my soul has been ripped apart… Please HELP ME…IS ANYBODY OUT THERE?!?!?!?!?!


  17. Our story- DCF called 9/12/2014, saying they would be at my house at 6:30 PM with some paperwork I needed to sign. I asked for time to hire a lawyer as to have a lawyer present before they entered and look at what exactly I was being asked to sign. 2 hours later my boys were snatched from daycare. We were never notified. I went to pick them up at 3PM and was not allowed to enter and daycare staff unable to give ANY INFORMATION (same for my husband who luckily was an hour away bc he would have killed someone that day) We have been denied our legal hearings thus far… I want to emphasize they were snatched on a FRIDAY AFTERNOON, their favorite day/time….. all law offices and the Court House would be closed Inez Peel Colleen Hagan St. John’s county social workers responsible they made $8000 that day by taking my boys, and would not even considering placing them with (LAW ABIDING FINANCIALLY STABLE) family somehow they allowed placement with a family friend….

    (**I called at least 12 law offices that Friday they were taken, the only one which was available Saturday’s did not serve our county. We were told a public defender would be there to represent us. There was no public defender…. just Colleen Hagan and some young, airhead lawyer who was more concerned with her hair than anything else.)

    Florida law requires a 24 hour hearing with proof of imminent danger (no proof presented) and this ‘hearing’ was held by a criminal judge, at the COUNTY JAIL, on a Saturday morning where we were not able to speak. I somehow managed to (pretty loudly) state my right to speak, and only then allowed to say “how can the children be taken for imminent danger, yet this case was opened 24 days ago, and for 24 days they remained at home, with no imminent danger- please tell me what changed yesterday.”

    Judge’s response- “That’s an EXCELLENT question to ask the juvenile judge on Monday, this is not my jurisdiction, so I am not allowed to make any decisions. No more now, I’ve got a game to watch!!” (while wearing a Jaguars T-shirt) Even the deposition has blatantly forged signatures, notarized where Inez signed above Colleen’s printed name (Colleen was out of town) It’s such a joke to everyone. It’s so sickening…. honestly like living a bad movie.

    .. Our 72 hour hearing in family court by a juvenile judge, that just never happened… no explanation at all… except I believe “more important cases have priority” great…. so our case (and children’s suffering) is clearly not very important. So criminals and child abuser who rape, kill, beat, and do ungodly things to their children I don’t even want to imagine are given due process and our unimportant case pushed to the very back of the line.

    Although MANY motions were filed all were ignored, and our first hearing with a juvenile dependency judge was 10/14/2014 (this was only second hearing in all, yet the first was not valid bc the criminal judge who oversaw had no jurisdiction) and he reaffirmed the order to remove the children. It is now late November, I have accepted a safety plan just to get my boys home as soon as possible. They have changed to much since being removed… becoming bitter and cold, they think we’ve given them away and are not able to understand what has happened.

    My husband did not accept the safety plan and his next hearing is January 15, 2015… he will take this to trial..

    Nathalie di Benedetto


  18. they already taken my two boys every court hearing the stuff in reports gets worse they are nottrying to help me with classes or anything and trying to sever my right January 7,2015 i need help i dont want to lose my boys they are my world


  19. I need help in Colorado. My x husband had my son tell his school counselor that I do drugs with him. Now my visits are supervised. The allegations are completely false but I have a baby at home so if anyone can pretty please help me. Thank you and god bless.


    1. Hi Michelle, Sorry to hear that you are being railroaded. The best advice I can give you is this: Whenever CPS (or DPS or ACFS or whatever they are called in your area) wants you to drug test, pay for one of your own at the same time! If they want hair, pay for a test of your hair at the same time, if they want urine, pay for a urine test of your own at the same time, if they try to make you take one of their inaccurate mouth swab tests, refuse it and demand a blood or urine test but again, pay for one of your own at the same time! They CAN AND WILL IF THEY WANT TO, falsify the results but they can not do that with one that you pay for. Do not tell them you are paying for one yourself and do not give permission for them to get a copy until you received it yourself. Then go ahead and sign a disclosure form with the facility that takes the samples so they can fax a copy of your negative test over to CPS and the court too. I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH! They will still attempt to discredit your test but I guarantee you that you will have them by the balls if you catch them falsifying your test.


      1. Thank u but I don’t have the means to pay for them myself. I will see if my medicaid will cover it. I am going to wait to do any of that until a judge orders it. I think. Idk. I have to call me them back tomorrow……. Wish me luck


  20. Hi my name is tammy they took my kids in twothousAnd and eight for no reason other then my older daughter meant a thrighty year old man and he got her pregantute I knew nothing about him until she and him lied on me to dcf dcf didnt check nothing out I was acaused of all kinds of things I didnt do I did everything they told me to do even know am inocent they lied on me a whole year later and dcf got me arrested they were not even the same acusion for what they lied to the dcf judge for they got docktor to lie on me saying am in coffident when am not they used my learing disbility against me to turn it around like am mental all dcf had to do is lie to the docktor about me and those docktor sided together for dcf I have been tested a longtime ago with milttery docktor who said nothing wrong with me I have my kids pediration records to show they were up to date on shots and always at the docktors they wouldnt let nobody bring all the evdence into court to prove iI have all the evdence that shows they falsefied everything on me they runioned my life and my goodname I have never been introuble with the law and now finaly after five years my false charges they made up on me got droped but it still dont clear my name at all cause they droped it like am incoffident whenI know am not they had to do this cause they know thier no evdence cause it didnt happen the police didnt even talk to me they just arrested me notime did the police talk to me and I was lied to and was told everybody enterinto a caseplane thier are alot of things dcf falsefied on me and alot of things they were supost to have my permision for but they did what they wanted like I was told they needed my permision to give my son medication but I didnt sign nothing cause they didnt tell me and they just did it the daughter who lied on me its in the police report that that man said he was just a family freind yet til this day she still with this man and they had that baby he got her.pregnute with I still have three younger children am trying to get back ages seven nine and twelve they got away with wining to termante my rights but I got an appeal going on and my attorny has all the evedence to prove they lied and falsefied everything on me I have tried to get my story air and get help cause am inocent with all the evedence to prove it nobody cares they look at you like your guilty my one son who lived in foster care came home when he was eighteen and he testified at the trail for me and they acted like he was lieing for me cause they falsefied and acted like he told them I did things I didnt do they told him I didnt want him and I gave him up my twelve year old went from wanting to come home I got a letter from her to prove this to being brainwashed by dcf and now she dosnt want to come home I have the learning disbitlty so am sorry I jump from thing to thing but thier so much in my case they did wrong and falsefied in my case am trying to explane but cant cause nobody cares my daughter that lied on me for this thrighty yeaar old man they wont even help me get my stuff back from them she took everything I own all my pictures all my household stuff and the sherriff and dcf dosnt care I have nothing left at all and my kids had everything they had brandnew bed the plastic still on the mattress and nice clothes and toys and clean house love everything a kid needs and then didnt need they got whatever they wanted my kids did when I had the money but yet dcf made it seem my kids had nothing I paid to put my girls in the moldeling agency cause thats what they wanted to do and that was a thosand dollars for each one and I have three daughters and three son but dcf tries to act like my kids never had or did anything and the gardian littems office help them lie on people dcf told the judge they knew of nobody that filed for cousody of my kids that was a lie to I was going through a divorce I was just gona get cosody of them when dcf lied and falsefied everything they also for a short while gave my kids to my exhusand and they were told he an aholic and abaussive and he already had been in jail for acking me when I was preganute and acting my. Son they wouldnt lisen they gave him my kids to find out he drink and drove with them and everything else they treated me like am the abauser and not him got away with all this on me and nobody cares its going on they think your crazzy when you tell them and am being to think that thiers no hope at all I have posted on site that talk about dcf before and left my email nobody gets back to me at all they dont care that inocent people go through this at all they think that if your arested you did it well I just to think that to but now am living proth that they will falsefie that to get what dcf wants and am a cristian to but I only have hope in god but my life runioned I need someone to help air my story and invistagate but I dont see that happening at all I proublywasting my tume telling my story on here to cause I dont have the money to fight back money talk and the truth dosnt matter they got away with kidnapping my kids and I have never been away from them since the time they were born I dont just leave my kids with anybody I took them everywere I went or my mom would have them all I got to say to you is quit judging cause just cause people go to jail dosnt mean they did it thiers alot more to them stealing our kids then you know and am proth and so are some other people I know I know thier are alot of abauser out thier but not everybody that goes is an abauser cause they falsefie that to dcf to get the kids for money most of you people havent had to go through as much as alot of us others have gooddayi


  21. i an my boyfriend are both dealin with separate cps cases. mine started when i let my step sis take in my 4 yo daughter because we were on the truck (my boyfriend is a trucker) an i didnt want her to live that way til we could find a place to live. 2 wks later step sis called cps bc i refused to adhere to her demands. she lied bout everythin, an cps has an continues to as well. my first court appointed lawyer did nothin for me, my daughters court appointed lawyer is tryin to get my calls to her stopped, cps keeps falsefyin an twistin things i say against me. they have never had any proof of allegations against me, an i tried to tell my first lawyer that to which he said “the judge aint gonna care bout that”. now i have a new lawyer who said she wont bullshit me. but ive researched cps an the laws an cps never investigated per agency policy or state laws. the judge an cps wants me to work, pay child support, parentin classes, etc. judge even stated that my bf could just drop me off in iowa so i could do what they want me to. im tired of bein railroaded by these ppl. its a biased case based on lies (step sis an cps). how can i get the case transferred to another state or supreme court an have a fair trial an due process? can i sue step sis an cps for the stress/trauma they are causin me an my daughter? can i get my daughter back? i have never abused or neglected her. i need some advice pls?


  22. Thank you proving again that the State Attorney needs to investigate many who are involve in falsifying documents . By reading through this I have seen more than four violations that have occurred. I will file a report with the State Attorney office. This DCF left my three children in danger on the first day. She failed to provide us with shelter. She made sure that my children spend an extra night with the abuser, the man who own the guns. Why would any professional adult leave my children with the person who own guns. This will be investigates immediately.


  23. I was hoping that someone could tell me if uve appealed ur founded abuse charge can u still sue in Federal ct with violation of my Constitutional rights violated by the LIES thru out the report and loss of a job due to this bogus investigation??


  24. Im sorta at a loss. I was sitting at my bus stop waiting for my 14 year old son when a cps agent pulled up beside me. Told me they had a call about neglect etc for my son. She then proceeds to ask me questions about the house and who lives there, sons age and school. Next she tells me she has to do a walk through of the house. Which I was not happy about. I live with my parents ( both retired) my brother and my son an I. Until recently I slept on the couch. Every one else in the home had their own bedrooms . But we had started renovations building a room for me. We had taken most of the pics and decorations off the walls to be painted. We had boxes of things from the furniture we were moving (china cabinet, side board, desk etc) we had frame work for two walls , ie construction . I explained this to her before going in the house . We were also redoing my sons room from the kiddie baseball themed room to a more teen room. New bed , book shelves etc. She went through each room. Asked if I had appliances..which I had. And they work. Which she asked as well. Showed her cupboard full of food , freezer too. After walk through she told me she needed to talk to my son. Alone. Asked him about school. My son is an honor roll student. Asked him if there were any problems. To which he said no. And if he liked living here. To which he said yes. Then she told me I didnt need a “plan” ? And that because my son was a teen aged the few things she would be concerned about were not relevant unless he was a small child . She said she would call me. And left. After she left I was online searching. I apparently did everything wrong by cooperating. I believe my ex employers called cps in retaliation for me reporting to the irs that I still had not recieved my W-2. Which I had contacted them numerous times about. Now I am on edge , not knowing what to expect or whats going to happen. The cps agent would not tell me who called. But i called the irs on a wed. And was told they would recieve the letter that day or the next and the report to cps happened thr next day.


  25. Cps took my son on feb 19, 2015. My son was safe
    Taken care of very well. I have all my paperwork proving in compliance. They violated my rights as well as violating three Acts that protect me. They took him because i was on methadone maitence.y medication was prescribed by a doctor and i went to daytona methadone treatmet and the medication was administered to e by an rn. In the report they also accused me of false allegations that can easily proved not true. I am planning on sueing for violation of civil rights. I am also looking for a lawyer that can help me. Is there amything u can do to help me? I have a hearing on 4//17/2015 AND A TRIAL ON 7-/6/2015 to tetminate my rigjts. I am an innocent victim, please helpvme.
    My phone number is386-868-7792. Please give it to anyone that can help me. Please. How can i file a lawsui


  26. My 8 yr old twin girls were targeted by one of their teachers overhearing one of my girls saying mommy and daddy were fussing last night. The teacher jumped on the bandwagon sent her and had her sister pulled from their room and sent to the counselors office. The girls said we fussed but the counselor kept on and on Annabel said and wrote down stuff that she didn’t say . I was a very well known parent that attended everything my children were in . I went on every school field trip. I volenteered to and read to each girls classes I helped work the spring flings and fall festivals. My children were clean well dressed and the most tardies /absents in 1 year was 10.. I went to every school function actually the school secretary called me #1mom.. If I didn’t send or have snacks the morning before they went to school I always took that to
    The office before snack time. We participated in every hat day 100 day of school program Christmas play and I always took them and picked them up from school. Then one day I pulled around abd I didn’t hear them call out abigail and Annabels name and I had saw police cars in the s school Parking lot… I for scared when I pulled around one of their teachers motioned for
    Me to let my window down. My heart dropped .. He said Abby and Anna was in the office he didn’t know what was up. So I went around parked for out of my car and 2 policeman met me at the door then the principal walked up
    And said this is the mother . I said where are Abby and Anna then a woman turned the corner and said ms brown I’m Leslie drive from
    Dhr could u step into the teachers lounge so we can talk which 2 more police was standing at that door.. 4
    Police for little ole me.. As we walked down the hall I ask again where are Abby and Anna . We walked by a room
    And I glanced and there they sat … They has done been talked to by the dhr worker and the police about mommy and daddy fussing .. Well she called it domestic violence. I said well were human we do fuss the the children are never at harm .. My children had everything they needed and most of what they wanted we live I. A 170,000 house with 22 acres of land all pd for .. Nissan Altima 4 wheel dr chev truck . Horses four wheelers bikes electric convertible cars each for the girls . Internet tablets for each child 1laptop and smartphones. Each child had their own room and tv with direct tv … So as the caseworker interviewed me she said Anna said I threw things .. I said I have but they have never been in the line of scope or hit… She said one
    Of the girls said she got her finger
    Smashed in a car door Because of
    The fighting… I said if so I never knew
    About it and I hovered over my girls … I am
    Overprotective of them due to I was 37 yrs old when I had them and was told I couldn’t ever have children so they were a god sent to myself… So I admitted to us fussing and at times small
    Objects were throwed between myself and their dad which are common law married in Alabama of 17 yrs now… she also said susupeced drug
    … I told her that was an utter lie however I did admit that I thought I was addicted to
    My preacription
    Pain meds .. I was but they were prescribed by a dr that I had been going to for 25 yrs and that was my only dr. I said I would
    To stop taking my pain meds and get on suboxone which I had already researched.. Actually I thought my
    Pain pills and me over taking my
    Prescribed amount instead of 3 a day sometimes I took 5… Or 6… I thought well this would be a good time I get help bacause suboxone and the dra visits were outrageous without ins. Well what happened to me was I had to go on suboxone myself pay for it all and do everything they said while my children were in a safty plan with my husbands brother and wife… I finally got then back after 9 months..had then for 2 1/2 mons and showed up at my door again.. I wil continue this later ( this
    Time we spent 5400 pd at one
    And he’s billing us at 200 per hr… So
    Much I between I can’t write
    That much. Horrible horrible
    Cleburne county alabama
    Heflin is the most corrupt dhr agengy I’ve ever seen… It’s been another 9 mos and he hasn’t got them back but we did win a
    Little at trial when then judge wouldn’t take our rights away and let his brother have custody he ordered dhr to work with us… Still waiting for my precious loves to
    Return home.. I research I wake up
    Thinking about what I can do I go to bed wondering if I’ve
    Made the right choice but in the end they are screwing my children’s mind s up… I hate them…. More to come hopefully the return of
    My girls…


    1. Never try to convince CPS worker that you are a good parent because you are a good provider and then list all of the material items you own. I’ve been told by people who work with them that one of the things they appreciate the most about their job is that they feel financially superior to 90% of their clients. So when they sense you are part of the 10% who have more, they are intimidated and envious. So the first thing they seek to do is put themselves back on top so they are again able to feel superior. The quickest way to do this is to turn you into a child abuser.


      1. That is the truth! Reason I was not reunified, home study perfect, except I did not know how much my electric bill was one month (my dad regularly pays it, he owns a few properties, I live in one of those properties) NOT REUNIFIED after 15 months of doing EVERYTHING continued supervised visit until I am “able to maintain my own needs” whatever the F that means, beautiful home, great school zone, but let me move to the ghetto, which is probably the best I would be able to afford …. I feel like I am going crazy!!


    2. Wow you buried yourself. Know how when a person is arrested they say you have the right to remain silent? well child services just like police can and will use anything you say against you in a court of law. With child services though they get cash bonuses for removing children from their homes and then an extra cash bonus for adopting them out. and this is the reason they use what you say against you, they will also fabricate incidents as well as twist and distort what you say all to get those lovely cash bonuses. You should have NEVER admitted to taking prescription pain meds, or weather you are chemically dependent on them or not (anyone taking them for a long enough period of time will get sick if they just stopped cold turkey) You can politely deny them access to your home if they don’t have a warrant. I’m sorry to say but you will be lucky if you get your kids back before they are in high school if they give them back to you at all. I’m not saying you did anything that warranted them taking your girls in the 1st place, but with the way they work they will continually hold this over you fro years to come if not indefinitely. And if by some miracle you get them home (hopefully you do) before they are almost fully grown, they will have home visits for a while as well.


  27. how do i get the information on getting the contact information for my court appointed attorney?????????????????????????


  28. Very very helpful very good information is the person who wrote this article still working on this and still around? If so please email me at sambrosini1 many families need you and help I want to start a non profit organization to help other families that are or have suffered like myself and my children have and currently are. Its been the most horrific experience in my entire life and any of my family and friends entire life


  29. Wish I had known about this sooner, this is the second time that they are Trying to do that very thing to me. Could getting news media involved help? I Feel like it is a kangaroo court, and that judge Is in on it.


    1. CPS is a monster these days, if you have children and live in the US you are a target. CPS, 80% of the time is using you and your children for funding from the federal government and there hasn’t been any Judges or commissioners sitting on the bench that really care enough to do their job and protect these future adults or care what kind of world their children will live in. The best advise I can give you is to protect you family at any cost, tape record everything even though they tell you not to. The point is what they are doing is against the law and when you get a big violation of your right or you childrens rights you will have a way to hurt these people. Tape record everything and and all contact with CPS. They lie constantly about everything. If you do a drug test, find another lab and get an alternate test as well. CPS drug test come up what ever CPS wants the results to be. So anything they ask of you get two, protect yourself and your kids and always get a copy of anything, you do they WILL SAY YOU DID NOT DO IT WHEN THEY WANT TO. Tell them everything they want to hear and prepare for every underhanded trick you can imagine.


  30. I am low income and need to find a CPS lawyer that would represent of my Parental Rights being violated I have a pretty strong case.


  31. Please join National Liberty Alliance Nationwide Lawsuit.
    Please like our “fb” page and comment we need your support for these children who can not speak.
    Please join lawsuit today, we want the kids back and restitution.
    Please join every Sunday Night CPS/Lawsuit Conference Call 1-712-775-7035 Access Code 378237#
    @ 9 pm EST
    Thank you so much for sharing this awesome informative information.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. I have a question I have a cps case open and it’s under false accusations! These people that keep calling my cps worker keep stating lie after lie and I’m afraid of losing my kids my case worker has informed me if it’s about drugs or abuse she will be forced to take my kids away now these people are also my neighbors and they call the cops on me even if I stand outside it’s getting ridiculous


  33. My husband and I are going through this and it’s been the most heartwrenching experience, this has given a lot of enlightenment and shows we are not alone feeling this way


  34. I will I messed up big time after losing my mom my biggest support to cancer n I fought my ass of for my kids cuz they r my heart n what I live for….I did everything n anything in my power to right my wrong cuz I realized my kids suffered for my careless mistake n went thru stuff they should not of had to after everything we have overcome losing a lot of close family in just my sons life time…I finally got my mojo back n I’m focused on NEVER letting it happen again..i be had numerous clean results n yet DHS fucked me around keeping my case open which I had no prob at all cuz I love proving people wrong when they think I’m a fuck up I’ve come too far to go backwards n I’m trying to stay n keep moving forward but how long do I need to keep proving them wrong before its harassment? Its the long I’ve been without a job even dead end jobs since I had my son cuz I had to sit around waiting for DHS to tell me when I could do anything but I can not go much longer without a job n having my life back yes I have some behavior profamilywith my son who has ADHD n I know we will get it figured out soon n I’m not ready to give up on my kids…never will they r my heart …where can I get help from being harassed by DHS so me n my family can keep moving forward n continue to grow n learn n conquer the many more challenges god is going to throw in our path cuz there is nothing we can’t overcome as a family….BTW I have all the evidence I need to prove DHS is on bullshit


  35. My granddaughter was snatch from me and my minor daughter they put a red flag at the hospital but the hospital let us go because the division never came we got home with the baby a knock at the door they said it was s call from cps worker to make sure the baby was safe the cps night workers said every body look happy and the baby was safe 2 days later I had got a call from my cps worker saying they taking custody my heart drop we went to court they took my grand baby under neglect and abuse then they said is was not that it was stability from her past history the we went to a visit the baby ankle was swollen and she kept crying we reported there was nothing else said now my grand baby leg does not work like the other one her hand is a lil deformed now it was not like that before she cry cry and cry now the judge said they have her under title 30


  36. Can someone on please message me because this sounds like what happened to me and my children back in 2007


  37. My family and I need help. They took away our 7 year old, 18th month old, and 4 month old because our 4 month old got hurt. They tend to believe that we abused our baby and that is not the case. Please help us.


  38. What do you do if you agree your child needed to be removed from the mother due to Munchauser by Proxy symtoms, however they place my son with the Grandmother instead of me the father, is there anything I can do?


  39. I’m a mother of two.5 yr old girl and 17 month son and I beg for help !!!!!
    I NEVER Ever imagined I would be facing what I am today. My ex ( mad because he now has to pay child support ) has gone to cps accused me of medical negligence and child sexual abuse against my 1 year old !!!!!!!
    I could not believe when I heard this!!!
    I know that none of you know me and do not know everything I have had to do for my son before he was born. he was born with a condition called spina bifida which I found out at 18 weeks, and Dr told me that the only way to increases chances of walking would be to have fetal surgery so to make a long story short I put my life at risk and did the surgery and successfully have a healthy baby boy who now crawls and is looking very very positive towards walking. everybody that knows me his physical therapist, his speech therapist, his pediatrician, Dr that operated him, urologist, everybody everybody that knows me Knows I would never do anything like this and would be shocked to learn of the allegations.
    they would always tell you how involved I am in the community with my kids, taking them to the library every week, taking them to church, taking them on play dates etc.
    my problem is that when my baby boy was about 7 months old I was changing his diaper and as most babies hate to be put on their backs to be changed mine was no different andmade it very hard for me to change him. on this particular occasion I had run out of wipes and had even managed to get some poop in one of my hands from all the messy poop when I noticed he had some dirt around the rim of his penis. please do not ask me why the first thing I thought of since both my hands were busy was to use the tip of my tongue to get this Dirt out.
    the job was accomplished and I finished changing his diaper however I made the terrible mistake of telling my ex who was my partner at the time of this small un enjoyable to say the least , effort to wipe my baby boy pain free ( I didn’t want to use my rough rounded nails specially a few months after his circumcision) .
    again, please don’t ask me why that was the first thing I thought of to do but I did it and like I said I proceeded to tell my partner at the time without knowing that he was taking notes in order to use it against me someday. unbeknownst to me he was asking other women out and practically planning a getaway out of my life with our kids and the easiest way to take me out of the picture was too accuse me of child abuse of course. now I am facing going to a hearing in 4 days as they just took my baby today and I don’t know what to do. I am desperate desperate, to prove my innocence, however I am a person of 100% integrity and honesty and so when they asked me what had happened I told them the truth and I am now under investigation because they think that I do this on a regular basis which is absolutely ridiculous. it is now 11 o’clock at night and I cannot sleep writing this and asking you for help in this matter I need to know answers to some questions like how long will my babies be in foster care which is what they told me they were in but something tells me that they are lying and that my ex has them. I do not have money for an attorney but they told me that one would be appointed to me at the hearing, & I would like to know how does that work, since I would like to have more time to talk to the attorney before hand so he can get to know me. I am also thinking of writing to all the doctors and all the therapists and everybody that knows me and beg them to writes a referral or a note describing how they have seen me interact with my son and my daughter but most specially with my son of course. please I beg you for some help and any comment will help in the matter.devoted mother unjustly accused.


    1. call/text me (904) 572-9476 Natalie

      I’ve been going through this for about 2 years now. I don’t even want to say this, bc it disgusts me, but do what they say, ASAP, with a smile and cooperative attitude, don’t annoy them with emails, texts, calls, I did, and I paid… Once or twice a month contact, and keep it neutral, you are STABLE, not falling apart, they don’t think like that, most of them don’t even have kids, they just see “another one” that appears unstable…

      If they add something to your case plan, get on it, that day or the next, if you have supervised visitation, follow ALL RULES exactly, show up 15 minutes early, ask about what discipline is and is not acceptable at the vis. center. Unless you are DYING do not miss a visit, that is putting your needs before your child’s.

      If you are not working, start, they don’t give a crap if it’s McDonalds or cleaning poop at the zoo, just that you are able to wake up each day and participate in “normal society” NEVER let any of THEM hear you angry, upset, threatening…. appear calm, bite your tongue until it bleeds, but do not be unkind, bc they never forgive or forget and you will pay.

      I completed a 15 month case plan to the “T” case closed no reunification, no reason why either, except children already received permanency with dad…. (then why did I continue to work towards reunification another EIGHT MONTHS???) probably some sarcastic comment or rude facial gesture towards one of them I never even noticed, that’s why, and I am NOT exaggerating!


    2. NEBRASKA is the second largest to have children taken by cps, My daughter has 4 children and i feel do to the cost of living they were taken from her and the kids dad live in low income housing and on Disability so their funds are low. I believe that cps didnt do the research needed to taking the children.The reason i say this is because my daughter had a baby the hospital tested mother and child at the hospital and both neg for drugs not even a week after she was born did cps come in and take all 4 kids i believe this was do to her saying no to a hair follicle test and th only way cps could do this was to put them in state care. needless to say the state said 2 came back pos and 2 neg how does that happen when the kids live in the same house.also grandma had custody of the 2 older kids so the state should have taken the children back to me their grandma and now their taking her to court to take her rights we dont have the money the state does to fight them so the state wins.its very sad to me to think that the children we love so much is nothing but a case of who wins and loses


  40. Women are better at studying since they can keep their focus and concentration for
    many hours. can never have an end because every woman is different
    and has different taste. Expecting mothers will get a relaxing, healthy, and a well balanced
    night of sleeping by using a pregnancy body pillow. You either did enough things wrong that she lowered her interest level in you until it was time to leave OR you did everything right
    but you had a woman on your hands that for a variety of reasons was not a long term candidate.


  41. I desperately need someone to help me with a CPS worker harassing me he is lying and actually making up false things about me and has never givin me a reason why and he told me no one has reported anything but he has the right to investigate me I asked him for what and he said that information im not entitled to get. No one here in the county will help me.


    1. I’m not sure what state your in, but most places they don’t have to disclose to you who reported you. But they do have to tell you what the allegations are and give you a copy of the allegations in writing if you request them. I highly suggest that you contact an organization that deals with rights being violated.


  42. please let me know how I can get a hold of you my husband and I have been wrongfully accused of being drug addicts alcoholics and child abusers by my parents because they don’t like my husband they have already forced my husband and I to give up our first daughter for adoption when I was 20 years old and now I am 23 now and now they r using cps to steal our second baby girl please call me!!! my phone number is (530) 446-4194 or my husbands is (530) 205-0593 my name is Riley Patterson and my husbands name is Adam Patterson thank you very much I hope to hear from you very soon please!!


    1. Riley, Do you have anybody that can vouch for you and your husband? A mandated reporter like daycare or pediatrician that can state they have never seen any signs of abuse or any concerns about abuse. technically you don’t have to let cps in your home without a warrant (given that you have not already let them in), and you don’t have to submit to drug tests without a court order. But if its a lie and want to clear your names go to your doctor to get one and give the results to CPS. As alcohol is another accusation I highly suggest that you have none in your home not even empty bottles or beer cans. As I have heard of them accusing people of being drunks if any of this stuff is found in the home.


  43. I have a case where I had to get my entire son’s name changed because his mother claimed he was this black guy. And she knew that he was mine. We have private agreement and I believe she’s trying to break it by claiming that I broke it in some way. She might even falsely claim that I treated her by putting words in my mouth. If you can help! !!


  44. Back in 2012 my moms boyfriend and my brother got into a big fight. My son and i was also living with my mother and boyfriend. I took my son into the house and put a movie in for him. Later my moms boyfriend got a restraining order on my mother and brother. But not on me or my son. Needless to say i took my son to his fathers house to stay for awhile school was about to start. Things calmned down . My brother moved out restraining was dropped no charges were pressed. I went to ashland to get my son from his father. His father was wanting to work things out i did not. My sons father started argueing with me about me takein my son. So i left. I then went back a couple days later to get my son. The father had filed for temperary coustdy. I called the courts the courts said they mailed me papers. O they did alright to the wrong address that the father did on purpose. I filed papers to take it back to court. Needless to sayi had to go to court in another town. For drug parephenelia. Which was just a pioe nothing in it.


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